Whats Everyone do?


New member
just Curious what everyone does for a living? i spend my weeks at the local freeway off ramp selling oranges


just Curious what everyone does for a living? i spend my weeks at the local freeway off ramp selling oranges
any chance you can get me some strawberries too?

i work and sell Rockstar



New member
Full time student. Studying Political science.

Employed part time. Carpentry and other manual labor.

Cant wait to be done with school and get on with a career. I def do not want to be a politician haha



New member
Electronic Technician for NOAA/National Weather Service. I repair weather sensors at airports and the Doppler Radar.


New member
I work for the largest publicly owned company you have never heard of ADM. I run a grain terminal.

Phantom Z

I work for the largest publicly owned company you have never heard of ADM. I run a grain terminal.
Oo Oo I've heard of it!! I grew up in NE Iowa and my dad owns a trucking company so yeah I've heard of ADM a couple hundred thousand times. :gr_jest:



Active Members
full time student studing alternative and renewable energy resources. 2 years and some change left.

i sell booze on the weekends and seal blacktop driveways and parking lots in the summer. sweaty *** work that is...

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