What's Hot?


New member
In your neck of the woods what's hot?

Music, fashion, fad wise.

Over here Snap music is a huge thing right now.

-_- Snap ya fingahs do the twist



New member
Right now all your "ganstas" are popular 50 Cent, Eminem, Ludachris,Little Wayne, Chamillinor

Fashions: Wanna be gansters/Wigga



New member
FireHawk is right :O

For me personally, it's LP/FM as always...Nirvana and Lupe too.

For my school...I dunno: polo shirts with white tees underneath, ******* aweful rap music filled with cussing/***/drugs/hoes.

I don't really pay attention to anyone else...just me and like my couple of friends. I'm independent and I basically say **** everyone else and what they think lmao :p



New member
I don't really pay attention to anyone else...just me and like my couple of friends. I'm independent and I basically say **** everyone else and what they think lmao :p
Yeah **** all them and **** you to j/j



New member
Panic! at the discoStripes


Vintage, large belts.

gah i hate it how everyone is now like zomgzz like PANIC! at the disco and im like yeah well faggss the disco ended before you even heard about it because i was panic! at the disco before you.

lol sorry still veryy ****** about them going mainstream and not going to their concert because it sold out in 3 mins.



Active Members
I think Hip Hop is coming back over here...everyone digs Chamillionaire and stuff like this...also break dancing is coming back...


New member
To tell the truth, since I left high school I haven't really noticed. I believe our Top 40 radio station went to all hip-hop. Oh, I was just informed that happned 2 years ago...whoops, missed that. Oh well. Can tell you one thing, individuality isn't praised among the youngins today. They all fit nicely into their collected little 'labels', with the befitting stereotypes. Oh, how that irks me! Thank Munster I hope to be soon moving into the city. Of course, there it's a war among the classes...just can't win


New member
Music= Anything that comes on the radio. Justin Timberlake[yes odd], Panic! at the Disco, uhh and other hip hop/ rap music.

Fashion= Hollister, striped polos, vintage.

Yeah big change from last year.



New member
Style: Indie or Gangsta

Music: Indie/Rap n R & B

Bands/Artists: Muse, The Kooks, PCD,etc.etc

Fads: Legal Highs, Vitamin Supplements, Cafes and French Styled Cafes

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