What's Up with the LP CD Covers?


New member
When i look at the new covers of Linkin Parks Singles like What I'Ve Done and now Bleed it out....wha's up with them.In my opinion they coould have made better covers for their singles and What I've Done have maybe get at Nr.1.The covers is also an important thing.Some people buy the single too because it looks great.All in one i find the new covers not good.What's your opinion?


New member
-Most people don't buy singles....

-I like both WID and BIO...

-LP has changed...

-Covers really don't effect how well single is gonna do in standings the words "Linkin Park" probably helped it the most....and the insane amount of radio play on WID (like around here)



Active Members
I don't really care for the singles....so it won't change my opinion if the covers would be like super fancy


New member
well i dont care about single cd covers either but eventhough their ok i MUCH prefer their old work.... i really dont mind lp changing but there is a line, i mean its almost like a whole new band with random people in mike and ches skin -_-

all im saying is that they should not leave behind what all the fans loved tehm for in the first place, lp should still be that awesome band just with a new sound

meh i type to much :>



New member
i like the covers this way tbh, and if i didn't well don't really care, it's just a single..

i will buy them all though..collectors habbit lol



New member
The cover dosen't really matter,its the music.But i do understand because the artwork on a cd cover is suppose to catch your attention,but hey its LP!
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