Whats wrong with my number of posts????

Actually, Don't feel stupid, a lot of people don't or didn't know about how posts in the game room don't count towards the total post count. We did it so people wouldn't get a post upage by posting one to three word posts.
Oh I understand. When I started to post at the LPF Games board I was trying to get my post number up but then I realized how much fun it was and I didnt realize til just a few minutes ago that my number of posts werent going up.. Im just weird I suppose since I didnt read, lol.
Yeah, that was what we all did when the games first started in General Talk. Its fun being able to boost your post count like, but how it is set up now is much fairer.
i tried to boost mine a little, but later felt that it really didn't do anything for me, so i just started posting normally in the games. I think it's a good idea that post count was cut off in the LPF games. like o0SugaxNxSpice0o said, it's quality, not quantity :D
yeah, I never actually noticed that the posts in games didn't count until a few days ago. At first I was like wtf? then I realized that it really doesn't matter since post counts do not matter.

it's actually kind of nice to not have post counts matter, you dont have as many people posting threads about how high their post count is.