Wheeping ConservaNUTS reacted to Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize with mocking derision.


Harry Hope


October 12, 2007

Gore gets Nobel -- conservatives scoff

Conservatives reacted to the long-awaited news this morning that Al
Gore has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with mocking derision.

For those on the right, the decision to confer the prize to the former
vice-president and U.N.'s climate change panel for their efforts to
increase awareness of global warming represents the further
politicization of what has traditionally been viewed as a prestigious

"So now 'Algore' will join Yasir Arafat among the list of noble Nobel
peace laureates," Rush Limbaugh said with much sarcasm at the top of
his broadcast today.

The Norwegian committee, Limbaugh said, has "rendered themselves a
pure, 100 percent joke."

Citing Arafat, the former Palestinian leader, and former President
Jimmy Carter's award in 2002, Limbaugh added that "The Nobel committee
has lost all credibility since long before they awarded this award to

Conservatives think that the Oslo-based committee has become little
more than a vehicle for the international community to stick its
collective finger in the eye of the Bush administration.

In addition to Carter and Gore, the awarding of the prize to the
International Atomic Energy Agency and its director, Mohamed
ElBaradei, in 2005 for their effort to promote diplomacy and
de-nuclearization was also widely seen on the right as a slap.

"I confess, I have been in a bit of a funk after learning of the
Gore/Nobel news," conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham said in
an e-mail.

"I really thought Cindy Sheehan should have been recognized."

Blogger and former Bush campaign staffer Patrick Ruffini also took the
sarcastic route, predicting future Nobels should Hillary Clinton win
the presidency next year.

In a post on TownHall.com, Ruffini predicted Hillary Clinton would win
the peace prize in 2010 "for ending the Iraq war" before her husband,
"Special Presidential Emissary Bill Clinton," picked up the honor in
2012 "for the so-called Bubbahmedinejahd Pact guaranteeing no U.S.
attack on Iran in exchange for a cap of 20 Iranian nuclear weapons."

Limbaugh, though, seemed to capture the views of most conservatives
(not to mention most political reporters) by expressing delight at
what the award would mean for the complicated Gore-Clinton

"This majordomo of his, Albert Arnold 'Algore,' wins the Nobel for a
movie!?" Limbaugh said of Bill Clinton.

"He's supposed to be the guy who gets away with lies."

As for Gore's award, Limbaugh had a suggestion:

"I call on Albert Arnold 'Algore' to redirect his Nobel Peace Prize to
genuine agents of peace."

And who might that be?

Army Gen. David Petraeus and U.S. troops in Iraq.

"If there has ever been an engine of peace, it
Harry Hope wrote:
> "I call on Albert Arnold 'Algore' to redirect his Nobel Peace Prize to
> genuine agents of peace."
> And who might that be?
> Army Gen. David Petraeus and U.S. troops in Iraq.
> "If there has ever been an engine of peace, it
Who gives a flying f ck what Anal Cyst Druggo thinks?

It is funny to watch the Reichtards scream about sour grapes though. First
Carter, now Gore.

Can you say "owned?"

"Harry Hope" <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
> http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin/1007/Gore_gets_Nobel__conservatives_scoff.html
> October 12, 2007
> Gore gets Nobel -- conservatives scoff
> Conservatives reacted to the long-awaited news this morning that Al
> Gore has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with mocking derision.
> For those on the right, the decision to confer the prize to the former
> vice-president and U.N.'s climate change panel for their efforts to
> increase awareness of global warming represents the further
> politicization of what has traditionally been viewed as a prestigious
> award.
> "So now 'Algore' will join Yasir Arafat among the list of noble Nobel
> peace laureates," Rush Limbaugh said with much sarcasm at the top of
> his broadcast today.
> The Norwegian committee, Limbaugh said, has "rendered themselves a
> pure, 100 percent joke."
> Citing Arafat, the former Palestinian leader, and former President
> Jimmy Carter's award in 2002, Limbaugh added that "The Nobel committee
> has lost all credibility since long before they awarded this award to
> 'Algore.'"
> Conservatives think that the Oslo-based committee has become little
> more than a vehicle for the international community to stick its
> collective finger in the eye of the Bush administration.
> In addition to Carter and Gore, the awarding of the prize to the
> International Atomic Energy Agency and its director, Mohamed
> ElBaradei, in 2005 for their effort to promote diplomacy and
> de-nuclearization was also widely seen on the right as a slap.
> "I confess, I have been in a bit of a funk after learning of the
> Gore/Nobel news," conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham said in
> an e-mail.
> "I really thought Cindy Sheehan should have been recognized."
> Blogger and former Bush campaign staffer Patrick Ruffini also took the
> sarcastic route, predicting future Nobels should Hillary Clinton win
> the presidency next year.
> In a post on TownHall.com, Ruffini predicted Hillary Clinton would win
> the peace prize in 2010 "for ending the Iraq war" before her husband,
> "Special Presidential Emissary Bill Clinton," picked up the honor in
> 2012 "for the so-called Bubbahmedinejahd Pact guaranteeing no U.S.
> attack on Iran in exchange for a cap of 20 Iranian nuclear weapons."
> Limbaugh, though, seemed to capture the views of most conservatives
> (not to mention most political reporters) by expressing delight at
> what the award would mean for the complicated Gore-Clinton
> relationship.
> "This majordomo of his, Albert Arnold 'Algore,' wins the Nobel for a
> movie!?" Limbaugh said of Bill Clinton.
> "He's supposed to be the guy who gets away with lies."
> As for Gore's award, Limbaugh had a suggestion:
> "I call on Albert Arnold 'Algore' to redirect his Nobel Peace Prize to
> genuine agents of peace."
> And who might that be?
> Army Gen. David Petraeus and U.S. troops in Iraq.
> "If there has ever been an engine of peace, it's the United States
> military," Limbaugh said, surely to the delight of his audience.
> As of 12:30 p.m., none of the GOP presidential hopefuls has released a
> statement yet on Gore's prize.
> _________________________________________________
> Harry