When does it stop being humor and become bigotry?


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
Of course I am referring to South Park's treatment of Scientology...the second part I am wondering about is when does the forcible shutting up of that treatment become censorhip.

I think we all know that South Park pokes fun at just about anything, not just Scientology...Does this mean this is all just humor?

I was reading an article (I confess in People so who knows how reliable it is) that said that Tom Cruise "warned Viacom (which owns Comedy Central and Movie Studio Paramount) he'd refuse to promote Mission: Impossible III unless they canceled the episode."

I feel my right to listen to what I wish has been infringed upon if this is indeed what occurred. Was South Park offensive to some, probably but I have yet to see a South Park episode thats not offensive to someone, for me thats what makes it so hilarious.

For you what is the difference in humor and bigotry...is it humor when most people laugh afterward, or only when a cartoon character or comedian says it? For me I think it makes a difference that the creators of South Park have not singled out Scientology, they are an equal opportunity group who will make fun of anything.
I think there is alot of irony in your question Lethal. At this point in time (2006) people thought we would be one united race ,flying spaceships around the sun. Yet ,these kind of gay ass social problems come up over something as commen as a comic cartoon.

I will say this. I think it will all blow over and they will find something to replace the Chef role on Southpark. As for humor and bigotry ,if someone is anal enough to sue over such a subject. They should have never taken the job in the first place. I hate how money corrupts some of the coolest people.

We still have a poll going on Scientology..
http://Off Topic Forum.com/showthread.php?t=102530
I have to say that Tom Cruise was already on my list of people to ignore completely in the future over what he said about Brooke Shields and his general fit on TV but this IF its true it total bullshit on his part...I will watch what I want to and I don't appreciate it being censored by anyone.
If Scientologists are upset by South Park maybe they shouldn't watch it. If their so sure that South Park is full of bigotry why is it they have spoken up before now?? They have made fun of about every religion out there.
GF Admin said:
Scientology is a religion created by L. Ron Hubbard a well knows science fiction writer. Scientologiests vigorously defend (sue) any and all that defame them or attack them. The story of how Mr. Hubbard created the religion and his life in general is quit interesting.
Check out the book
If we all keep interbreeding with each other we will end up as one race... my great great great great great grandson will be named, "Jamal Luciano Xiang-Tsu O'Shea Ali".
RoyalOrleans said:
If we all keep interbreeding with each other we will end up as one race... my great great great great great grandson will be named, "Jamal Luciano Xiang-Tsu O'Shea Ali".

He'll be called Jackass for short.
Well humor is done without malice, otherwise it becomes insulting, among other things. I think it's obvious that South Park does what it does for shock value(to some degree), as well as humor, and anyone who takes the show seriously probably shouldn't be allowed to have a tv in the first place. The only thing creating the South Park/scientology issue is that scientologists(read: attention whores) can't take a joke. Kind of funny really, since they're all following something out of a sci-fi novel.
Which leads us to the next point: Don't smoke crack.
GF Admin said:
Scientology is a religion created by L. Ron Hubbard a well knows science fiction writer. Scientologiests vigorously defend (sue) any and all that defame them or attack them. The story of how Mr. Hubbard created the religion and his life in general is quit interesting.
Check out the book