Where do you ride? Pix thread


May 1, 2013
There's guys from all over the country here and it's cool to see all the different terrain you guys tear up! I'll go first.

I ride at the Impereal Sand Dunes. Glamis and Gordans Wells. It's about a 3 hr drive from my house. We usually go out and camp for 3 days and burn allot of gas. All of these pictures are from right after it rained, it doesn't happen often but it's fun as hell tearing up wet sand!

Sunrise from the front seat of my old sand car

Comp hill after a night of rain.

A rainbow from the camping flats looking towards the dunes

Sitting on top of a bowl looking out over Glamis

Our camp in the sun while its raining.
Wow that looks amazing Bryce.. I'm so jealous.

I only really ride tracks
Here's the Day Farm track in Harrowsmith.. (5 minutes from my cottage is KEY!)

This is our own personal track that my friends and I made/maintain




When we do the hillbilly festival FT race;




(i'm kind of a joker)
My grandpa has a cartage company and owns a few pits that we make jumps with his equipment in ;)




We store our bikes in the winter at my cottage and have a small `2km XC track on the 150 acres.
Here's the bikes lined up early last year.. Miss that 250 lol
This is tempting.. got a spare bike I can ride? haha Should make it during the winter and get Bvet to meet us somewhere for some shredding
Damn thats some nice riding Ed!

I dont generally take pics (to busy ridin) but here are some videos from others of spots I ride:
This ones of my buddy who used to ride a 200 atc and do stuff guys on 450s couldnt do!

Basically NJ where I am is nothing but huge sand pits and fire trails all over the place. The first video is of a giant sandpit that goes on for miles.
Down in the bottom of an old quarry...

Behind where I took that pic...

Up top, you can see the water in the distance...

Another angle of the quarry, the water is to the right of this pic...

Just outside the woods we ride in (that is my youngest son on his bike)...

highway construction...

On my property...

Behind the bikes... that is more of my property.

Woods break

And FWIW, I envy you dune guys. I want to drag my bikes to the dunes in a bad way... maybe someday.
too hot now.... in the winter it is 50-80 degrees. used to be able to ride on empty land around here in San Diego in the summer but no more, all the great places have homes built on them now

back in the 80's
