Where Is Everyone?


New member
new LP track drops and theres barely anyone around?

did i miss something while i was gone for awhile?

this place is literally dying SLOWLY



New member
you were gone for quite a while then, this place is as dead as they come

reason: owner is gone and no updates or anything changes....

i just come around to delete spam every second day or so :>



New member
I have other things to do now, and for lp new i visit lplive, and on here almost all the old people are gone, and more bullshit than interesting things are posted, lol


New member
quills is the new site yeah. it's active but it's just about as void of any meaningful discussion as this place


New member
quills is the new site yeah. it's active but it's just about as void of any meaningful discussion as this place
It's worth mentioning Quills isn't promoted as a site for meaningful discussion, it's a place to hang out and pass the time in the usually acceptible fashion. While we're on the subject I can't remember a time in recent history this place had anything worth talking about besides vocal attempts at 'saving' it. If you're after thought provoking discussions of any real merit, forgive my ignorance, but find an academic site if that's what appeals - you're not about to find them here or at Quills. Some of us don't always need mental stimulation to log on to a site. I never log on here anymore because there's simply nothing worth sticking around for. I have fun at the other place, sure it's not the New LPF, and nothing ever will be. Lacklustre ownership and apathetic community spirit (and a billion and one spambots hijacking threads) for the most part has seen this place die and it's sad to see. I miss the good old days but they're not coming back. Rather than whine about it I've just moved on. I miss the fun I had here but life goes on.

Just felt like sharing.



Active Members
I am working on something new for you all, just bear with me! I need like 5 more days and I will make an announcement.

I know this place is dead, I unfortunately don't have the power to bring it back to life, so I am going to start something fresh and new. Just bare with me for a few more days.



New member
Wow this is the first time I've seen you post here. And please don't take it the wrong way! I'm just saying that I've never seen the creater of any forum in my life.

And could you tell us what is it that your planning on making/doing?



Active Members
I am working on a new general use forum.
I'll be back in five days to check out the announcement.

I've started a church so I have very little time on my hands these days.



New member
Wow now I've been gone a while seems this place is pretty much dead now haha. This is weak man was plannin on commin back....so I guess da place is dead :(
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