Which one??


New member

I know that when Xbox2 and PS3 come out, people will go crazy. So to prepare for that time, I am going to start deciding which one to get.

Should I get an Xbox 2 or a PS3, or should I get none of them?

Please give an honest reply and tell me what price you think they are going to be.



New member
I think they will be maybe 250 dollars. If it was my choice I would...hmmm that is hard. I just know I am getting both I dont really care which one first. Just get whatever one that is in stock and has really cool games coming out for it.

Suicide King

New member
Xbox2 will come out with Halo 2.5, so if you're a Halo fan, I'd say to go with that, but then again it's made by Microsoft so it's up to you.


Active Members
Neither. Though maybe the XBox and definitly the Playstation will be the first to release the next wave of new consoles, I'd play my chips on Nintendo. Though the Gamecube is in last place in the console wars for about two years now, they will crush the other two companies with thier next system. The Gamecube was targeted at a younger audience, and in the next system Nintendo will most likely move from a cartoonish style to a more realistic style. This company is absolutly brilliant when it comes to marketing. XBox has got Halo, but that is it. Playstation cannot continue in the same direction they are going, or they will not only fall on thier faces but die quickly. They are stubborn like Sega was in thier console and game designs, and if they don't shape up they are going to get killed in the market.

So, best to cast your chips with Nintendo. Trust me, you'll be happy you did. :D



New member
Neither. Though maybe the XBox and definitly the Playstation will be the first to release the next wave of new consoles, I'd play my chips on Nintendo. Though the Gamecube is in last place in the console wars for about two years now, they will crush the other two companies with thier next system. The Gamecube was targeted at a younger audience, and in the next system Nintendo will most likely move from a cartoonish style to a more realistic style. This company is absolutly brilliant when it comes to marketing. XBox has got Halo, but that is it. Playstation cannot continue in the same direction they are going, or they will not only fall on thier faces but die quickly. They are stubborn like Sega was in thier console and game designs, and if they don't shape up they are going to get killed in the market.So, best to cast your chips with Nintendo. Trust me, you'll be happy you did. :D
**** nintendo...no more resident evil for me anymore those greasy cocksuckers took RE away from me!


Dark Collision

New member
I was always a Playstation guy. So I'm getting Playstation 3. Plus, it costs money to play X-Box online while for PS2, it's free. Except for games like EverQuest though, cause you gotta either pay with a credit card or buy cards for it.


Active Members
my friend said that this lady has "connections" and that she let her play PS3 she said its all vertual
I seriously believe that to be a lie. No company would be so dumb and stupid as to let some random person try out there newest machines. And the virtual reality gaming genre is still very, very primitive. Eye Toy is as advanced as it gets, and even that is sad compared to everything else. They are basically kids' games.

If it is true, it is most likely not the PS3 itself but just a side-system, much like the Nintendo Virtual Boy. And like Virtual Boy, it will most likely tank in the same manner. Virtual Boy sold so poorly it was pulled off the shelves after six months in America.


Solid Snake

New member
**** nintendo...no more resident evil for me anymore those greasy cocksuckers took RE away from me!

I bought the GC just for Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. That's the only game I got for it...

The PS3 will have any new Metal Gears that come out, so I would go with that....But because of Halo 2.5 I would get an XBOX2......XBOX2 first, PS3 later o_0

Devil May Cry 3 comes out this March, so right now I'm as gitty as a school girl on cocaine with my PS2^_^

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