Which Season?

Which Season Do You Like Best?

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New member
Well, which season do you like best? Why do you like that season?

I pick Fall. For me, it's the most comfortable.




New member
Summer. I love hot weather.

And I like to wear shorts and a tank top so I can work on a tan because I'm really white. Oh yeah, and there's no school. For me, it's a time to just chill out with friends.



New member
well lol is australia id have to say fall cuz its cool but not too cool and you can still swim. spring and summer are like the same fully hot, winter is more windy then cold still hot tho.


New member
:thumbsup: i love winter. because here in Florida... winters arent crazy cold. it has it's days, but usually, it's just right.


New member
I dont like the fall. Leaves every, everything so untidy. Winter is okay, fun because of the snow. I personally love Spring. Spring, is my birthday season. Spring is time for a fresh start. Spring is times I always have the best times, every year. I love spring, and cant wait for Spring this year! Also, i love summer. Well isnt it obvious why? No school! :thumbsup: Also, we usually go on vacations and meet family and stuff, always fun.


New member
I like fall...it just feels really nice but i think i'm gonna go with

winter because living in AZ it's way to hot and i love getting the chance

to actually wear a sweater and ofcource Christmas is the only time my

family really gets together.



New member
This is hard.... From my point of veiw...

Fall... the leaves begin to change and become a sad and short beautiful. The days are cool and calm. Holloween approaches and it becomes the most fun. The feelings of looking outside in fall is one that cannot be missed. Fear, Fun, The Beggining of something greater all mark the meaning of fall.

Winter... snow begins to fall and despite the cold everyone seems happy. The first snow of the season is a special kind that can only be seen and experienced one a year. Getting up in the morning to see a think blanket of snow upon the ground means a day of hard work, yet so much fun. Christmas approaches, and all are in good spirits as the lights of the neighboring houses light up the street in a swift act of Yule Tide Joy.

Spring... the beautiful flowers bud, the birds return... the sweet scent of new life is in the air. Love is great. I get a special feeling of new begginings at this time. The warm days and a light spring rain signify a happiness of a new hope.

Summer... A ring of joy lets out as children come home for the summer. The days are hot, but the water has never been such a great source of fun. Summer love... Summer cookouts.... Summer.... there's always something about it that makes me want to drop all my problems and have fun with my friends, and enjoy the meaning of life...

Hmm, that was weird. o_O ... I like... totally didn't plan that, hahaha. After all consideration, and writing that.... stuff, I will have to choose winter. Life is a sweet scent of the seasons....



New member
Fall in the UK is misrable!

As it's the only time we get somewhat good weather has to be summer, the fact we don't go to school, more parties happen and **** like that so it wins hands down.



New member
^ same as Matt lol

for the same reasons :p

Summer's the only time of year when it can get hot at all, no school, just hangin out with friends, sleeping in (when I'm not working though lol)

Summer all the way.



New member
I love fall. It's so beautiful. I'm so used to the sun that I need a break and I'm really getting that break here lol

The only thing that sucks about Fall is that school starts but other then that...Fall is my fav!

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