White America, Get Over O.J.!



LOL. The author sez: O.J. Simpson needs to get his butt kicked. Not
for his recent arrest on robbery charges. No, O.J. needs to get his
butt kicked for letting white folks get the whole O.J. thing started
again. O.J.'s 1995 acquittal in the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson
and Goldman is something white Americans need to get over -- and get
over quickly -- for their own mental health.

Go to: http://www.afamreport.com/

Click on: 'COMMENTARY' at the top, scroll to America, Get Over O.J.
On Fri, 21 Sep 2007 08:27:27 -0700, pres <afamreport@hotmail.com>

>LOL. The author sez: O.J. Simpson needs to get his butt kicked. Not
>for his recent arrest on robbery charges. No, O.J. needs to get his
>butt kicked for letting white folks get the whole O.J. thing started
>again. O.J.'s 1995 acquittal in the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson
>and Goldman is something white Americans need to get over -- and get
>over quickly -- for their own mental health.
>Go to: http://www.afamreport.com/
>Click on: 'COMMENTARY' at the top, scroll to America, Get Over O.J.

The media failed to report that he had been run off the road
and his life threatened two weeks prior to the murder of his ex-wife.
Much of the evidence was PROVEN to have been planted.

That adds up to the jury not having been wrong to find him not
guilty, obviously. Why then the demonizing and trying to make sure he
couldn't get a fair trial?

So it's not just that White America needs to get over it; it's
that those who made the assumption that he was guilty were probably
wrong, and were encouraged to be it for some reason by the media
people, such as the paper barons at Time Magazine who published a
cover with OJ's image... AFTER they had made it darker and more
shadowy. Yellow journalism.