White White White White White


New member
mmk, this has been happening to me lately. the forum just.. the skin doesn't appear, and it's just this.. bland white. i've never had this happen before.. is it just some glitch? here's a screenshotUntitled-1.gif


Dark Angel

New member
I can't see the screen shot, but I think I know what it is. Mine does that sometimes with me. Is it still loading the site when it turns white? If so, go back, then go foward after the last screen appears, that always worked for me.

*Edit* OK, Now I see it. Hum... maybe it's the cookie problem? I noticed on mine that after awhile on this site, I can't see any pictures on anyother site until I delete all cookies and files and exit the internet, then get back on. (That's what I did to see that picture) Maybe that's the problem...



New member
it only does it occasionally, it just always does it when my eyes are all.. adjusted to the dark then BLAM white. it hurts, so i wanna see if it can be fixeded.


New member
Hmm, it's never done that to me on LPF, but it does it on MySpace all the time. It usually goes back to normal when I refresh the page. Don't know why it does that though.


New member
oh that use to happen to me all the time then i when in to my computer like screen lay out and changed from this weird *** thing to the silver version of xp and its never happend since.


New member
o0o, I've had that happen like twice before. I think it was down to my internet though, like when it's really really slow at loading, it just doesn't seem to load the rest of the page. It also did it when I was refreshing the site when my connection was just about to die >.> I'm not sure. I don't think it's down to the actual forums anyway *Shrugs*
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