Who are you? V2


Jan 8, 2005
Inside the fire (or Oz)
Basic Q & A.
Okay, this is rehashed from an older version created some years ago when I was still a noob in `04! I can't take credit for this (think it was ATLien? - 6 are originals, the rest are a byproduct of my curiosities and boredom) but I was strolling through the archives and was amused by the answers. Some I think were outdated. I know my original answers are. I went looking for newer versions of this but couldn't find any. If there is feel free to lock it. Just killing time is all ;)

I'll start off:

1) Where do you live?
2) How old are you?
3) What grade are you in? (if in school)
4) How did you find this site?
5) What are your hobbies?
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?)
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)?
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)?
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)?
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up?
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why?
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why?
13) Which fictional character best describes you?
14) Place you'd most like to visit?
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)?
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share?

My Answers:

1) Where do you live? - 'Woombaville, Australia
2) How old are you? - 32
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) - Long since free of those shackles ;)
4) How did you find this site? - Web-crawling for fanfics one day
5) What are your hobbies? - Writing, playing Sims 2, watching movies... usual
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) - Disturbed
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? - Changes from day to day.
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? - So many! Ever? Maybe 'Shawshank Redemption' or 'The Colour Purple' or 'The Omen' (trilogy) something like that.
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? 'My Point - and I do have one'; Ellen Degeneres bio. Hilarious! Closely followed by 'Night', by Eli Wiesel.
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? - Get taller. Naw, get published.
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? - I don't know. Changes from day to day.
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Mike Shinoda. Why? Man can do ANYTHING (apparently) and we're both Aquarians so we'd be good pals. Worst enemies but best buds. Not hard on the eyes either. Nice voice. Artistic. Visionary. The stories he could tell... *sigh*
13) Which fictional character best describes you? - Lisa Simpson. Nerd Alert.
14) Place you'd most like to visit? - USA.
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? My independence.
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? "Old Sicilian Proverb; Man is like a piece of cheese." ... Naw, I don't get it either, but for some reason every time I hear it I laugh. Taken from the movie 'Mafia' Lloyd Bridges etc. Love it.

See, that weren't hard was it?
Anyone else want a shot at it? ;)

1) Where do you live? Cape Town,South Africa
2) How old are you? 18
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) university
4) How did you find this site? i cant remember but i was searching for something about lp, guess i got google to thank
5) What are your hobbies? music,foozball,hockey,squash...
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Fort Minor :p
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? My December
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? Kung Pow
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? i cant read
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? CFA (charted financial accounted)
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? God
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? donno
13) Which fictional character best describes you? no idea
14) Place you'd most like to visit? USA
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? hmm passing economics
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? If you reach the top, keep climbing
1) Where do you live? Parramatta,Australia
2) How old are you? 18
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) Uni-First Year
4) How did you find this site? random looking for LP fansites
5) What are your hobbies? watching anime,building model kit gundams,soccer,hockey,violin
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Abingdon Boys School,Yellowcard,L`Arc~en~Ciel,UVERworld, Fall Out Boy...and alot of others
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? probably...Thnks Fr Th Mmrs(F.O.B) or Vestige(T.M.Revolution) or Blade Chord(Abingdon Boys School)
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? tough one...too many to choose from...
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? ANYTHING by Mathew Reilly
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? be a doctor...but im a pharmacist atm...we'll see in a few years
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? mum,no matter how bad things are, she ploughs on, unlike me... and probably Paul Scholes(Manchester United midfielder),hes proof hard work and humility can win you alot of things, same can be said of Ryan Giggs
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Megan Foxx?hmmm...or maybe the girl in pharm i have a crush on...*s******z uncontrollably*...or someone i can just discuss ANYTHING
13) Which fictional character best describes you? ooh toughy...prolly dont have one yet...probably Allen Walker from D.Gray Man or Hiro from Heroes?
14) Place you'd most like to visit? anywhere mystical and has a real romantic legend about it, somewhere ancient, i spose anywhere overseas at this point LOL(never been overseas...=D)
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? not much done so far...prolly keeping myself upbeat and sane when the **** has hit the fan continuously? thats a fair achievement since i used to just give up really easily
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? live passionately, let your emotions loose
1) Where do you live? Manchester, UK.
2) How old are you? 32 same as rav but she looks wayyyy younger then me
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) left school back when the dinosaurs were around!!
4) How did you find this site? Andy found it for me
5) What are your hobbies? collection hippos (i have over 30) shopping for clothes and shoes
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) errrmmmmm jesus thats hard.....proberbly prince
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? raspberry beret by prince
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? pretty woman (don't laugh)
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? P.S. i love you by cecelia aherne
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? errmmm mother to 3 successful and happy daughters
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? my mum, shes a recovering alchoholic and is the bravest woman i know
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? andy and the kids because i couldn't live without them
13) Which fictional character best describes you? people say i'm like pheobe from friends
14) Place you'd most like to visit? rome
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? bringing up 3 kids on my own
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? be yourself always, never change to please someone because if they don't like who you are then they are not worth your time.
1) Where do you live? Canada! Ajax, Ontario.
2) How old are you? Nineteen.
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) Just finished my first year of college.
4) How did you find this site? Honestly, I can't remember. I think I was just browsing and found it randomly.
5) What are your hobbies? Writing, reading, music, martial arts.
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Coheed and Cambria.
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? Oh gosh, I have no idea haha I love too many songs!
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? Definitely all of the Saw movies.
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? I'd have to say "Mimus" by Lilli Thal.
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? I really want to be a writer.
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? My karate Sensei, for so many reasons. He's been there for me nearly my whole life, and I love him more than anyone in the world.
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? My best friend, Kate, because, well...we're best friends. We do everything together, haha!
13) Which fictional character best describes you? Amanda Young from Saw.
14) Place you'd most like to visit? Italy! I've always wanted to go there.
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? Meeting Claudio Sanchez from Coheed and Cambria. And getting my brown belt in karate.
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? "Life is simple...eventually". Words passed down from my Sensei.
1) Where do you live? Indiana, United States
2) How old are you? 18
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) Just graduated high school last night and going to Purdue University next year.
4) How did you find this site? Back in '04 was looking for some info on something related to HTEP
5) What are your hobbies? Music, playing guitar, and driving
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Korn
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? Either A Place For My Head (Demo) or Part Of Me (Demo)
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? Cloverfield
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? Among The Hidden
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? Professional musician or Computer Network Specialist
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? My Grandfather, he was suppose to die 10 years ago and is still fighting
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Jessica, she is my best friend, and she is hott...
13) Which fictional character best describes you? Cloud Strife
14) Place you'd most like to visit? Europe
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? Graduating High School
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? Doing whats right sometimes is the hardest, as much as that is over used the last month or two has proved it to me.
1) Where do you live? Ontario, Canada
2) How old are you? 15
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) 9th ^^
4) How did you find this site? I honestly don't remember
5) What are your hobbies? Computer, graphics, arts, reading, music, sleeping, and eating.
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Sixx: A.M.
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? Dunno D:
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? KUNG POW xD
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? Gawsh I can't pick favorites, ever
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? *cowers in the corner and cries*
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? I'm inspired by everything
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Someone who'd be able to get me off there. lol
13) Which fictional character best describes you? Ugh.
14) Place you'd most like to visit? Europe (i'm a cheat)
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? Being accepted into an art school.
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? When in doubt, use your head. Or if that doesn't work, eat. If all else fails, hit the sack.

In conclusion: I'm the most indecisive person, ever.
1) Where do you live? Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2) How old are you? 17
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) 2nd
4) How did you find this site? Via Untitled :p
5) What are your hobbies? Listening music, chilling with friends
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Bullet for my Valentine
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? From The Inside
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? Alot of movies like Lethal Weapon, Naked Gun, Beverly Hills cop etc
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? Books with naked chicks
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? Right now, working in health care, helping people, and play drums in a band
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? The people I love
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? With someone who I can laugh, talk etc
13) Which fictional character best describes you? Don't know
14) Place you'd most like to visit? Outside, forests
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? Growing up as the person I like to be
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? Don't drink and drive, but smoke and fly
haha good times :p

here's mine

1) Where do you live?

Reykjavik, Iceland

2) How old are you?


3) What grade are you in? (if in school)

just finished the school level you take before university, I'll be starting uni this fall. I also work at the central post station, sorting out which packages go where

4) How did you find this site?

it's been almost four years but I think it was via google

5) What are your hobbies?

music music and music
and football(soccer), books, tv shows, surfing the web, poetry

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?)

haha, well lp are definitely not my fave band anymore. a few I like a lot right now are opeth, radiohead, cult of luna, daturah, sigur rós, celestine

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)?

probably popplagið by sigur rós

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)?

hard to choose. I could name angels of the universe though, as well as the ice harvest, and then I'm forgetting a bunch

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)?

independent people by halldór laxness

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up?

play music really, that's my passion first and foremost

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why?

it can be a lot of things. television, nature, poetry, music, books, people, anything really

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why?

someone who cares.

13) Which fictional character best describes you?

no idea...

14) Place you'd most like to visit?

faroe islands, norway, finland, australia, japan, brazil, italy, germany, a lot really

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)?

teaching myself to play guitar, and music in general, and bit by bit overcoming my incredible shyness.

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share?

I hope we can all cherish one another and embrace one another more. it seems like the world is taking a turn for the bad. people are alienating themselves from each other. where's the love?
1) Where do you live? Baltimore, Maryland
2) How old are you? 23
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) College
4) How did you find this site? Google
5) What are your hobbies? Music, Poetry, Video Games
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) I don't know
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? Dir en grey - FILTH
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? Beetlejuice
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? N/A
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? Video Game Designer. (hopefully)
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? Art (Music, Animation)
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Grim Reaper. That way I wouldn’t be stuck on a deserted island anymore.
13) Which fictional character best describes you? Light from Death Note
14) Place you'd most like to visit? Japan
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? Living
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? Life is a bitch then you die.
1) Where do you live? Wagga Wagga, Australia
2) How old are you? 19
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) Finished and glad of it. Doing a double deg in BA photography & BA graphic design at university.
4) How did you find this site? Was looking for Off Topic Forum that had a direct url in Year 9. Google in other words.
5) What are your hobbies? Writing, photography, listening to music
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) I have three. The Smashing Pumpkins, Placebo and The White Stripes.
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? I have two. Bullet with Butterfly Wings by The Smashing Pumpkins and Mascara by Killing Heidi.
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? Mean Girls
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? The Lord of the Rings; The Two Towers
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? Freelance photographer
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? My brother. He helps me through the toughest of the times and if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have gotten into all the bands I am into now (like Korn, Marilyn Manson, The White Stripes, Cradle of Filth & NIN)
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Marco Heital. Just because I would be stroking his long blonde hair all day and all night.
13) Which fictional character best describes you? Chichi (Goku's wife) off Dragon Ball Z
14) Place you'd most like to visit? The Ho Chi Minh Trail (through Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia) or failing that the Kokoda Track up in Papua New Guinea
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? Lived in India for two years.
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? "The world is a vampire sent to drain secret destroyers hold you up to the flames. And what do I get for my pain? Betrayed desires and a piece of game."
I think I did that before..but I'll do it again

1) Where do you live? NRW, Germany
2) How old are you? 22
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) - -
4) How did you find this site? errmm...I was looking for some Grey Daze stuff
5) What are your hobbies? Web Design, blogging
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) that's tough U2 or Coldplay, Metallica?..I can't really say that

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? With Or Without You - U2
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? I like everything with Casino's or beaches
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? - -
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? Be a rock star
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? I'd still say Barack Obama
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Jessica Alba and Andreia..for obvious reasons...

13) Which fictional character best describes you? Mr. Fantastic...no explanation needed...
14) Place you'd most like to visit? Portugal....<3
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? fighting asthma...and winning against it
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? anything can happen if you want....but nothing has to happen if you don't want...
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1) Where do you live? Orange County, New York

2) How old are you? 15

3) What grade are you in? (if in school) 9th, going 10th

4) How did you find this site? I typed Off Topic Forum in google

5) What are your hobbies? Guitar, Writing, Poetry, being a ladies man, Did I mention Guitar?

6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Uhm Muse, Dope, Dethklok, Breaking Benjamin, Queens of the Stone Age

7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? "Go With The Flow" Queens of the Stone Age

8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? Team America World Police

9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? "A Separate Piece"

10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? Guitarist

11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? Hm, it's hard to say, i have a lot of "Heroes" but mainly, Linkin Park, and other bands, and Tom Morello

12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Hard to say, just basically, any of my heroes

13) Which fictional character best describes you? Not really sure.

14) Place you'd most like to visit? I don't know, anyone but where I live.

15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? Having a goal to aim for

16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? If life is ****, deal with it until it's over, and then. and only then, you're free
1) Where do you live? The Dell, Louisiana, USA
2) How old are you? 16.. 17 in July, WOOP WOOP!
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) Senior year now baby!
4) How did you find this site? Google, possibly?
5) What are your hobbies? Beach bum, and work, basically. Are those hobbies?
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Senses Fail?
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? Too many
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? ditto
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? ditto
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? I am totally clueless
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? Probably one of my best friends, because she has gone through so much **** in her life, and yet she still always has a smile on her face and treats everyone with respect.
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Well, I will cheat and pick two... If it was someone I knew previously, I would pick Frankie(my bestie) because even thought we would be in total **** if we got stuck on an island, at least it would be interesting.. But if I could pick someone for survival reason. BEAR GRYLLS! Man vs. Wild, 'nuff said.
13) Which fictional character best describes you? I dunno?
14) Place you'd most like to visit? Umm, Hawaii, I was born there, and have been dying to go back for years..
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? Big sister, heh, I had nothing to do with that.. But still.
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? Cliche.. But, something I have learned recently.. You only have one life, don't be scared to live it, regardless if you step in some muck on the way, but don't forget who your real friends are in the process
1) Where do you live? Red Cliffs, VIC. Australia.
2) How old are you? 18
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) Finished school. Uni next year.
4) How did you find this site? Google?
5) What are your hobbies? Is sleeping a hobby?
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) Chevelle.
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? Ever - too many. Now - Alice Practice by Crystal Castles
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? Grandma's Boy or Shaun Of The Dead
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? Uhhhh....
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? Graphic Designer or Tattoo Artist
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? I get inspiration from everything.
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? Anyone who can get me off, and failing that, someone who I can have fun with.
13) Which fictional character best describes you? Jesus? Haha no. Umm
14) Place you'd most like to visit? Canada.
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? Getting into Uni.
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? Momento Mori [Remember you are mortal]
just to take a break...

is it just me or did everyone basically find this place by accident? lol

and we wonder why this place doesnt get more members!
Hey Hazi do you know Muirfield High School in North Rocks? I went there up to Year 10. Oh yeah btw Hazi, I used to live in Baulkham Hills/Castle Hill. I bet you know where that is :D I hate Parramatta, except I go for the Parra Eels in NRL.
1) Where do you live? Santiago, Chile
2) How old are you?18
3) What grade are you in? (if in school) I finished school last year. I`m studing in college, first year
4) How did you find this site? my best friend google xD
5) What are your hobbies? drawing, training rhythmic gymnastics, listening to music
6) What's your favorite band (besides LP?) within temptation
7) What's your favorite song (EVER)? In Pieces. It was easier to run until MTM appeared
8) What's your favorite movie (EVER)? Trainspotting
9) What's your favorite book (EVER)? 1984
10) What do you want to do when you get older/grow up? i want to be a journalist and photographer
11) Who's your greatest inspiration in life and why? my parents, because they are giving me everything that they couldn`t have.
12) Who would you want to be stuck on a deserted island with and why? my boyfriend because I would never be bored; and could be Matt Hardy too, :eek:
13) Which fictional character best describes you? Doctor House, lol. I`m hardly honest
14) Place you'd most like to visit? Ukraine, Russia or Finland
15) What's your greatest achievement in life (so far)? I got and scholarship because I was in the 5% of the best marks of my prom, and enter to the best college in Chile
16) Any parting words of wisdom you'd care to share? really? no xD Sorry but I don`t know much of this things in english
i go for the Eels too, i know where baulko and castle hill are, my friends went to baulko, wouldnt have a clue about muirfield though lol i went to school in Glenfield(near Liverpool)(cause it was selective and all)

parras ok i spose, my uni is so close to the city and all, parras still alright in terms of stuff to do, but not compared to the city itself