Who do you suspect is behind the Amman Jordan Bombings?

My vote is terrorists killing Muslims... Oh isn't that what you want so badly MRIH? Why is it not on the poll then??
Hamza123 said:
My vote is terrorists killing Muslims... Oh isn't that what you want so badly MRIH? Why is it not on the poll then??

You mean MUSLIM terrorists killing other filthy muslims.
Hamza123 said:
My vote is terrorists killing Muslims... Oh isn't that what you want so badly MRIH? Why is it not on the poll then??
Your vote is "terrorist" then... brilliant deduction! How did you get so smart, really?
Is There a point to this constant barrage of roports of terrorist actions? We know muslum terrorists commit acts of terror (Hence the word terrorists) so way bother keep poting this BS?

You wish to prove that muslums are terrorists? Well you've shown us islamic terrorists but you've not shown Islam, if you did then your theory would be dropped to ****.
I'm with you eisanbt!! How do we know these people are islamic? I mean really...

Like you, I'm going to ignore the current Islamic terrorist threat around the world, especially China at the moment, ignore the 15 islamic men arrested with terrorist plans and materials in Australia, ignore the islamic bombings in Bali, islamic attack on New York, islamic bombings in London, islamic terror groups infiltrating Iraq, islamic attacks in Thailand, India, Indonesia...

...and blindly pretend that there is no common link.

:eek: :eek:
DOH!!....Hey....there IS a common link. These terrorists all share the same evil ideology - islam!!

Please continue to pretend there is no link...and delude yourself that they aren't "real" muslims...and live in denial that the majority of terrorists in the world today are islamic...and close your eyes to the fact the koran preaches violence and that is precisely why these muslims practice islam on their victims... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
eisanbt said:
Is There a point to this constant barrage of roports of terrorist actions? We know muslum terrorists commit acts of terror (Hence the word terrorists) so way bother keep poting this BS?

You wish to prove that muslums are terrorists? Well you've shown us islamic terrorists but you've not shown Islam, if you did then your theory would be dropped to ****.

1) I usually don't mind typo's... but damn dude ... yours make it too damn hard to decipher.

2) So you haven't noticed that islamic terrorists are in the news almost every day and at least several times a month, while terrorists from from other organisations haven't been in the news for decades?

3) Islam is a terrorist organisation. The koran is the terrorist handbook. If you need proof (because you live in a cave) then study their ****ed up religion, after about 30 minutes of studying different sources it will become apparent, if you have average intelligence.
You're only adding to my point MRIH... These terrorists do kill muslims too and muslims are victim to terrorist attacks, see for yourself.

Web posting claims al Qaeda in Iraq responsible for hotel attacks

AMMAN, Jordan (CNN) -- Calling the al Qaeda in Iraq leader a "lowlife," Jordanians on Thursday flooded the nation's capital in bitter protest of the triple suicide bombings that shook the city a day earlier and killed at least 56 people,most of Arab descent.

Jordanian boys shout anti-al Qaeda slogans during a demonstration Thursday.

"Burn in hell, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi!" hundreds of protesters shouted, denouncing the terrorist network's leader -- a Jordan native -- after an Internet posting stated his group was responsible for the attacks.

Suicide bombings may be common in some parts of the Middle East but not in Jordan, and Wednesday's attacks on three Western-based hotel chains will only strengthen the resolve of Jordanians to keep terrorism from breaching its borders, said the country's King Abdullah II.

"We will pursue those criminals and those who stand behind them, and we will reach them wherever they are," the stern-looking king said in his address on state television.

Abdullah, who has close ties to Israel and Washington and is considered a key U.S. ally in the war on terror, emphasized that violence and blackmail will never sway this nation of roughly 6 million people. "They will never make us retreat from combating terrorism in all its forms."

It is Jordan's close ties to the West that made it a target for the attacks that wounded more than 100 at the Radisson, Grand Hyatt and Days Inn hotels, according to the Web posting attributed to al Qaeda in Iraq.

The Web posting boasts that al Qaeda in Iraq operatives studied and targeted "retreats that were planted in the land of Muslims in Amman" and blamed Abdullah for allowing the hotels to be "a backyard for the enemies of faith -- the Jews and the crusaders."

But Jordanians sided with their king Thursday, taking to the streets with the kingdom's red, white, black and green banner in hand. Some carried large photos of Abdullah and signs condemning the attacks.

The protesters, which included parents with children, snarled traffic, and many commuters stopped to join the demonstrators or blared their car horns as they passed the scene.

Jordanian schools and government offices were closed Thursday.

BTW, I can get one from FOX News if you don't trust CNN, but either way their both from the AP.

What saddens me is they choose to kill the people they so called 'are apart of'.

Those two Moroccans captured trying to help build Iraq... Beheaded. These insurgents, terrorsts, extremists, REALLY NEED TO DIE... Infact, they are only adding to their defeat when they behead people... It makes people like me want to join the Army and kill these ****ers and do the WHOLE WORLD a favour.

Never has a terrorist attack ever been just. September 11th I believe, was the largest terrorist attack. Three thousand people died that day in about 5 Minutes. Do these bastards not realise how much blood they have shead? Do they even realise they're either going to die soon, or burn in hell?

Jordan is setting a great example... Now the others must follow.
Best thing you can do Hammy is go into your islamic communities and aggressively attack any and all hate. Hate talk, hate ideas, hate forums, hate of the west, hate of the US, hate of Israel, hate of other religions...all of it needs to be stopped in it's tracks.

You need to have a no-tolerance approach to hate, and force that message home to all muslims you speak to.

If all muslims did that, then the terrorists would quickly become marginalised and isolated, and eventually would cease to exist.

THAT is the solution, but at the moment the terrorists appear to enjoy a mix of open support to quiet support amongst most muslims, with only a minority like yourself opposed to their actions.

I'd like to know the opinions of those Jordanians (the day before the attack happened) on the US, terrorism, islamic terrorists etc. This reaction now is expected because they personally have now suffered - it shouldn't take that to motivate muslims to stand up against the terrorist element in their own community, and the time is NOW.
cybacaT said:
Best thing you can do Hammy is go into your islamic communities and aggressively attack any and all hate. Hate talk, hate ideas, hate forums, hate of the west, hate of the US, hate of Israel, hate of other religions...all of it needs to be stopped in it's tracks.

I am trying my best. All of the Muslims I know, including family, friends, colleagues, and close religous figures all share the same views I do.

You need to have a no-tolerance approach to hate, and force that message home to all muslims you speak to.

Great idea. Once again, thats my mission. Not a suicide one so don't get your hopes up MRIH, lol jk. Even my family overseas (Lebanon) have the same view as I do. Because they know all this terrorist **** has brought them nothing but BS.

I'd like to know the opinions of those Jordanians (the day before the attack happened) on the US, terrorism, islamic terrorists etc. This reaction now is expected because they personally have now suffered - it shouldn't take that to motivate muslims to stand up against the terrorist element in their own community, and the time is NOW.

I couldn't have said it better myself. All and Any terrorist attacks are horrible, yet in a way, this Jordanian one, is I hope, helping bridge the gap between the Middle East and the West. Jordan already has close ties with Washington, Israel, and especially the UK. For the king's mother is British.

To my understanding of last night's news, 57 people have died. 3 of them were American. One of the Americans, Mahmoud Akkad, was a greatly famous producer that made childrens seasonal specials. This was such a big loss for my mother also because she studied with him so much and to see on the news a hotel that is blood wrenched was just horrifying.

What the Middle East needs is exactly what you said CybacaT. To stand up and opress the terrorists.

In all seriousness, what do you think about non-muslims defending themselves agains Islamic aggression. Like the Church burnings in Pakistan, Toppling of the Taliban after 9/11, etc.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:

In all seriousness, what do you think about non-muslims defending themselves agains Islamic aggression. Like the Church burnings in Pakistan, Toppling of the Taliban after 9/11, etc.

I am glad you approached me like this and I say thanks.

As much as I want to deny the fact that their is a problem in the Middle East and their own Islam. I can't. These church burnings are damn horrifying... To me I see them just as bad as burning a Mosque because it's a place of knowledge, faith and shelter from bad things. May those who burnt the churches in Pakistan recieve their burnings! I hate to hear of these things... Especially when mostly Christian countries like America is helping Pakistan out with Aid from the earthquake.

About the Taliban, well I think anyone that was in the Taliban deserved to die anyways, because of the way they screwed over many innocent lives and civilians. I see the Taliban just like the Al Qaeda. I am 100% anti-terror in anyway shape or form, and the Taliban and Al Qaeda are included. Although the price for eradicating terrorism is costly, by not making it right and doing so themselves, some of the civilians lost their lives.

MRIH, with all due respect, I never understood your real take on the war in Iraq. What do you think?
Hamza123 said:
MRIH, with all due respect, I never understood your real take on the war in Iraq. What do you think?

The US was more than justified in the initial invasion March 2003.
1) Sadaam Hussein repeatedly violated the "no fly zones" that were still in effect as of the armistice signed ending the first gulf war.
2) Sadaam was also obligated by the same treaty to allow UN weapons' inspectors access to any part of Iraq at will and without delay, which of coarse was violated repeatedly during 1992 thru 2003.

These two reasons alone were more than enough to justify a full scale invasion of Iraq to topple Sadaam Husseins' regime. Now that coupled with the very real threat of WMD's.

1) Fact: Iraq purchased yellow cake.
2) Fact: Scientist ordered to hide devices used in making nuclear weponry.

It seems clear that Sadaam Hussein was either:
1) Actively making WMD's
2) Seriously putting together the infrastucture to manufacture WMD's -or-
3) Wanted the world to think he was actively making WMD's

in either of these three cases the "WMD" part of the president's selling the war to the American people was also justified.

In addendum to these points is Sadaam Hussein is just a true asshole. He really needed to go.

As far as the Al-Queda - Iraq link goes, it is obvious to me that Al-Queda is hard at work in Iraq with Iraqi members. I believe that Al-Queda is a magnet for true believers in islam, the kind of believers that want to mimic Mohammed, martyrdom, jihad and all that death and destruction that is so romanticized in the religion of islam.
Well glad to hear your point and you bring it forward with a persuasive tone! Lol, @ yellow cake.

I found some very interesting videos and articles at CNN... For some reason I am starting to like their reporting.

Warning: Mildly Graphic

Saudi's Pledge 1 Billion to Iraq

Straight up combat behind Operation Steel Curtain

Also, I understand you have a distorted view in my mind, of Muhammed... Thats fine... Just so long your not an asshole to me, i'm fine. But you realise the ones having anti-terrorism rallies in the thousands (Jordanians) are the descendants of the prophet (Hashemites). I don't hate someone for how or what they think just the way they approach me and what their general approach to me is.