Who gets you?


New member
Do you have someone who gets you? Someone who, no matter what you do or say, understands your intended meaning and can roll with it? Someone who you can sit beside, not say a word to, and still be on the same wavelength with them?

Or are you like me and just completely beyond anyone's understanding?

Even my own mother, who loves me dearly, has written me off as a lost cause as far as "getting" me...lol.

Please don't take this as a lament. I've simply come to the complete realization that I'm "ungettable" and I'm curious about how the rest of you feel about having someone in your life who gets you.




New member
No one really "gets me". It's okay though....it's just cause I'm so deep and complex :p Okay...and weird, strange, and odd...whatever. I don't have anyone that really identifies with me...but I have a few people that like my weirdness even if they don't understand it completely.


New member
No one really "gets me". It's okay though....it's just cause I'm so deep and complex :p Okay...and weird, strange, and odd...whatever. I don't have anyone that really identifies with me...but I have a few people that like my weirdness even if they don't understand it completely.
You ARE deep and complex! I love it!

I probably don't completely get you, but I think I have a fairly good grasp on who you are. Besides, your weirdness and acerbic wit are what drew me to you! Haha!

Honestly, Em....as far as women go, I think you get me the most. ;)



New member
All my life I've been under the impression that everyone is supposed to have that special someone out there who truly gets us. I've been lead to believe, by my friends, family, church and community, that there is a man out there who will love me, honor me, protect me, believe in me, be there for me....and get me.

There's not.

And that's ok! What I've come to accept, but many poo-poo, is that I'm not meant for a traditional relationship. I don't have to wait or look for someone to define me anymore, and that's very liberating.

I get to be me. I get to go where I want. I get to do what I want. I get to do who I want. I get to be what I want.

I get me.

And I like that. :)



New member
My woman gets me (sometimes) for the most part i think... My best friend Ricky (the guy who shot me) usually gets me too. That's about all.
yeah, I'd say Ricky got you...




New member
yeah, I'd say Ricky got you...

OMFG, eddo! You almost killed me! I was taking a drink of water right before I read that, and I didn't want to spit it on my computer so I **** near choked getting it down.


I so repped you for that.



New member
Chris gets me sometimes; but totally doesn't at others- like pretty much anytime there's a relative of his involved, he can't understand why smoke pours out my ears and I can't stop b!tching.

Laura gets me sometimes; but it's kind of hit or miss.

My family doesn't get me at all.



New member
Nowbody gets me.

Nowbody even likes me.

My mother had to tie a rumb roast around my neck so the dog would play with me.

I get no respect...



New member
Nowbody gets me. Nowbody even likes me.

My mother had to tie a rumb roast around my neck so the dog would play with me.

I get no respect...
Oh Snaf...I got you...bad spelling and all :p



New member
Now Lucy would try but It would always cost me 5 Cents every **** time!

Lucy and Charlie BrownHer treatment of Charlie Brown is just as bad, although in the early days of the strip, she seemed to have a crush on him. Aside from her infamous football trick, she gives "psychiatric advice" by insulting and belittling him, but on rare occasions, she does try sincerely to help Charlie Brown, such as in A Charlie Brown Christmas, by getting him involved in directing the Christmas play. She also sometimes tries to give him what she thinks is good advice, however such advice is usually of little practical value.
Good Grief!



New member
I would have to say very few people out there actually "get me". And even fewer take the time to get to know me. A sad state of affairs, because I am not as obnoxious as I pretend to be.

And I would have to say that is commonplace this day in age. Gone are the lazy Sundays in the recliner, gone are the days of face to face conversation, gone are the days of storytelling, gone are the days of visiting neighbors! They have all been replaced by email, text messages, blogs, the Internet, among others.

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