******who is bashing Obama for his last remarks.......and 5 new gun laws ****



First...if you do not like my grammar/spelling please just keep it to
yourself. Objections for my writing style or lack thereof, keep it to
yourself. If I had wanted a degree in journalism I would have
received one.

I encourage discussion on the issues, especially if you disagree.
Thank you in advance

Where do I start....lets take this. Gun laws in Philly

B. By Randall Mikkelsen
Fri Apr 11, 7:43 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Authorities have seen no signs of al Qaeda
trying to insert operatives into the United States from Mexico, but
the militant group has considered doing so, a U.S. intelligence
official said on Friday.

So what....after being in Iraq over 5 years and sifting through over
600,000 thousand official Iraqi governmental documents our
intelligence department finds no link between Hussain/Iraq and al
Qaeda. Wow....imagine that.

Ok....what about the Surge. Did it work. Well now reports are coming
in Iran is now funding insurgents in Basra. If you remember Al Sadr
called for a cease fire for his people at approximately the time Bush
decided it was finally time to send more troops.

George W.Bush has done his very best (IHMO) and not capable of doing
any better. His failed tax giveaways for the top 1 percent has worked
itself into the sub prime crisis and the doom and financial gloom is
just around the corner. The individuals I hold accountable for George
W. is his mother and father.

By Caren Bohan
1 hour, 1 minute ago
TERRE HAUTE, Indiana (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate
Barack Obama came under fire on Friday for saying small-town
Pennsylvania residents were "bitter" and "cling to guns or religion,"
in comments his rivals said showed an elitist view of the middle
OK, now these small town hicks (in the eyes of Obama) seems to be
saying they have no right to guns and their religion. Speaking of
Religion how can Obama sit under the teaching/mentoring of the Reverb
Wright of Chicago with his hate America "God Damn America" and Obama
take is sooooo lightly. Folks were talking about 20 years of
mentoring for Obama by this man. When he explains something that runs
counter to his personal opinion, he explains it away. One cannot
simply wipe out 20 years of mentoring, so after he is outed for his
involvement it's like "oh well, Reverb Wright should not have said
that". Birds of a feather flock together. 20 years of mentoring by
Mr. Wright at least creates some of the character issues of Mr.
Wright, other why else would Obama willfully subject himself to the
obedience of Wright's mentoring?

What else should Wright not have said that became engrained in the 20
year mentoring process of Obama we do not know about?. We do know
Obama was part of Louis Farikahn million man march (oh how connected
with Muslims). I understand one black leader whom I respect (Tavis
Smiley??) rejects the efforts of Farikahn. Obama rejected the
endorsement of Farikahn and his 1 million men of which Obama belonged,
when he learned about it in one of the TV debates. It seemed to me
Obama learned of the endorsement during the TV debate and Obama didn't
have much time to make a decision so he rejected the endorsement
(during the debate on TV)...hahahaha!

The Rizzo money laundering shoud be picking up steam,....why no main
stream media coverate?????

In the last elections Democrat's took charge of both houses, but not
enough to override Bush's Vetoe's.......so please remember in the
upcoming national elections the Democrat's cannot be blamed for not
accomplishing all they promised because Bush block them. However,
Democrats have tabled the Columbian FTA indefinately until there is
verifiable proof union leaders have the protection from Columbia
officials. I understand Caterpillar really wants the Columbian FTA
That's not toooo much to ask for. You do understand that F.T.A. is
really the acronym for Fux The American. I tried to clean it up but
still make it easy to understand. If anyone is offended, I upfront

First...if you do not like my grammar/spelling please just keep it to
yourself. Objections for my writing style or lack thereof, keep it to
yourself. If I had wanted a degree in journalism I would have
received one.

I encourage discussion on the issues, especially if you disagree.
Thank you in advance

Where do I start....lets take this. Gun laws in Philly

B. By Randall Mikkelsen
Fri Apr 11, 7:43 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Authorities have seen no signs of al Qaeda
trying to insert operatives into the United States from Mexico, but
the militant group has considered doing so, a U.S. intelligence
official said on Friday.

So what....after being in Iraq over 5 years and sifting through over
600,000 thousand official Iraqi governmental documents our
intelligence department finds no link between Hussain/Iraq and al
Qaeda. Wow....imagine that.

Ok....what about the Surge. Did it work. Well now reports are coming
in Iran is now funding insurgents in Basra. If you remember Al Sadr
called for a cease fire for his people at approximately the time Bush
decided it was finally time to send more troops.

George W.Bush has done his very best (IHMO) and not capable of doing
any better. His failed tax giveaways for the top 1 percent has worked
itself into the sub prime crisis and the doom and financial gloom is
just around the corner. The individuals I hold accountable for George
W. is his mother and father.

By Caren Bohan

TERRE HAUTE, Indiana (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate
Barack Obama came under fire on Friday for saying small-town
Pennsylvania residents were "bitter" and "cling to guns or religion,"
in comments his rivals said showed an elitist view of the middle
OK, now these small town hicks (in the eyes of Obama) seems to be
saying they have no right to guns and their religion. Speaking of
Religion how can Obama sit under the teaching/mentoring of the Reverb
Wright of Chicago with his hate America "God Damn America" and Obama
take is sooooo lightly. Folks were talking about 20 years of
mentoring for Obama by this man. When he explains something that runs
counter to his personal opinion, he explains it away. One cannot
simply wipe out 20 years of mentoring, so after he is outed for his
involvement it's like "oh well, Reverb Wright should not have said
that". Birds of a feather flock together. 20 years of mentoring by
Mr. Wright at least creates some of the character issues of Mr.
Wright, other why else would Obama willfully subject himself to the
obedience of Wright's mentoring?

What else should Wright not have said that became engrained in the 20
year mentoring process of Obama we do not know about?. We do know
Obama was part of Louis Farikahn million man march (oh how connected
with Muslims). I understand one black leader whom I respect (Tavis
Smiley??) rejects the efforts of Farikahn. Obama rejected the
endorsement of Farikahn and his 1 million men of which Obama belonged,
when he learned about it in one of the TV debates. It seemed to me
Obama learned of the endorsement during the TV debate and Obama didn't
have much time to make a decision so he rejected the endorsement
(during the debate on TV)...hahahaha!

The Rizzo money laundering shoud be picking up steam,....why no main
stream media coverate?????

In the last elections Democrat's took charge of both houses, but not
enough to override Bush's Vetoe's.......so please remember in the
upcoming national elections the Democrat's cannot be blamed for not
accomplishing all they promised because Bush block them. However,
Democrats have tabled the Columbian FTA indefinately until there is
verifiable proof union leaders have the protection from Columbia
officials. I understand Caterpillar really wants the Columbian FTA
That's not toooo much to ask for. You do understand that F.T.A. is
really the acronym for Fux The American. I tried to clean it up but
still make it easy to understand. If anyone is offended, I upfront
