Who is Linkin Park more popular with?

What are you?

  • Female

    Votes: 56 55.4%
  • Male

    Votes: 45 44.6%

  • Total voters
Jul 29, 2005
Adelaide, Australia
I've been wondering lately if Linkin Park is more popular with girls than guys.
So could anyone that reads this say if they're a guy or a girl?
I wanted to do I poll but I don't know how. Could someone tell me, so I can put a poll with this thread so it's easier to figure if LP is more popular with guys than girls.
At the top of the thread, pull down, 'Thread Options', then click on add poll. Fill in the poll requirements & click save.

I am a male, by the way.
I am male...

I think its pretty fairly matched ...but sometimes it feels like girls are more into them. I say this because I personally know more girls who like them than I do guys...so it kind of reflects more towards girls for some reason. and when i went to their gig there were loads of girls in groups and it seemed like they outnumbered the guys. But i hope your poll proves me wrong and its more evenly mixed.
i'm female and i also think it's gonna be 50/50...but i DO think that some females (NOT ALL OF THEM!) like them for other reasons then guys would. obvious reasons (looks and stuff like that)
I'm a guy. Sometimes it seems more popular with girls, but I think it is more popular with guys.
I'm a real boy... i mean a girl... i mean i dont know. i'm so confused *cries*

ok yea sorry. i'm female and i think more girls are into LP because at my school more girls then guys like it, but i don't know. that is just one school out of like TOO MANY