Who Is Right? America or Russia

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New member
Im sure you guys have heard about the whole Russian-Georgia conflict and how America is being pulled into it. So if you don't know about it educated yourself then come back here and talk about it. Is Americas stance right? Or is Russia doing the right thing.


New member
Ive definetly heard about this but dont really have any clue whats going on with it.

Do you have a link to any good article or anything detailling the happenings?

Oh, and....




New member
I say America is right this time...though I don't see actions happening cause I believe a cease-fire was called the 14th?


New member
as far as things are concerned, iv read that if Russia attack a certain gas pipeline, they can monopolise energy to the western world, which is a problem for the US, considering allied nations such as britain are being supplied by russia, i think if any action is to be taken, america will stand alone on this

i think for once america is in the right, though their cause has always been noble, their execution and the slyness of the oil industry hasnt helped. i really do not know why russia has attacked a small nation like georgia, given i believe a small state wants to break out independent, and really what is it that russia is hoping to achieve by taking down georgia, regardless this isnt going to help given the US an Russia hold the most nuclear weapons, and any tension(their relationship remains frosty even decades after the cold war) between the two could be a major problem

oh and the poll options are questions....seems kinda useless asking whos right then each option asking if america or russia is right lol



New member
lol @ UM0

Good pic.

Me, I am not pro or anti anything in this case, I am just... not surprised anymore. It's another day another battle really *shrugs* Call me ignorant. We here Down Under recieve more media coverage over the olympics than anything else in the world, so as far as the local media right where I am is concerned it's a mere blight on tv ratings. The rest of the world seems to have slipped into obscurity for two weeks or so... Only China exists, China and Australia, the rest of the world (unless your kicking our ***** in athletic events) you don't seem to get a mention much anymore. Avid one-eyed supporters here - which is pathetic really, not all of us care about the prowess ofa few THAT much that everything else has to stop. As for this case in point I haven't heard much to tell you the truth. Wait til after closing ceremony, then the media will be all over it like white on rice... maybe...



Active Members
Russia is gearing up. They are consolodating. They are shaking things up to find out where the loyalty's lie.

They have assassinated disidents (including Alexander Litvenko), put a claim on the North Pole oil shelf, and bombers have spy planes have been skirting other countries airspace.

They have invaded Georgia as an act of intimidation, nothing more. For now.

Russia is attempting to place itself in a power position over Europe, and with the United States deadlocked in the upheavel of the presidential election, now is the time to get away with invading small satilette nations in the former Soviet bloc.

Make no mistake, Russia is hostile and dangerous. If was near Russia right now, I would get out.

Why? Take a look at history...look at how **** Germany and Hitler slowly pushed the envelope...to the point they took over a whole country and no one said a word.

Make no mistake that Russia is pushing the envelope, and unlike the Cold War...I fear Putin wants more than to just dance on the line between vague hostility. I believe he intends to make aggressive plays like the one made in Georgia.

The second Cold War may have just begun.





New member
Definitely agreed. What I fear is that Iran and Russia might try to double team Europe and the Middle East just how **** Germany and Japan did in their respective continents. America is trying keep matters calm, but it seems fairly clear that they are going to have to act militarily at some point. It's almost kind of scary, just how close we are to a possible world war 3, at this point.

Another point I want to make is this. John McCain came out saying basically that this is Russia's fault and that they should basically back down and that we should support Georgia 100%. And idealistically he is right, but this also shows just how stupid he is as a leader. Russia is a ticking time bomb (along side with Iran), and if you **** around in the wrong way...and say the wrong negative things to a country like that you put yourself in a position for war. Which can cascade into a World War. That's why America is so reluctant to just upright call out Russia. Instead they are trying to call in peaceful negotiations and ceasefires. If John McCain were president, all he would do is speed up our chances of War. I am almost positive that McCain being the gun ho war monger he is, would send in troops to intervene in the Russia-Georgia Conflict which would in turn would pit us militarily against Russia. I'm not saying Barack's position/stance on this conflict would be better, I am just merely saying that McCain's definitely would **** us(USA) over.



New member
America is right. It's bad enough that the Russians invaded Georgia, but deliberatly targeting innocent families? That's disgusting.

I just hope this isn't the beginning of another world war.



New member
To be honest I don't think that America could deal with another war. Its beginning to look like a Napoleon thing to me. If we keep fighting the way we are, we're gonna be spred so thin. I mean don't get me wrong I support america's army being that I've lived by a military base for a majority of my life and a good deal of people I know are soldiers, but we're spreading too thin in my opnion. That's just how I see it. But I do think that america is right on this stance for once. I know there have been times when america just jumps into things with out looking at the concequences but there is a point to what they're doing here. oh and btw UHM, i love that picture im putting that as a background and emailing that to my US History professor. lol


New member
I think we may also be heading towards another Cold War. But another war I don't know. Its hard to fight 3. We area fighting Afghanistan war and an Iran (only its being fought in Iraq) war already. I do think something needs to be done. Good thing the United Nations does so much.


New member
LOOOOL at the pics..i think definitely russia is write..russia mite have done some things to annoy Gerogia to raid villages but they never did a first strike like the US..e.g. UN voted against US invading Iraq they did it anyway..and atleast Russia withdrew when the job was done they got what they came for..we still dont know what the job in Iraq is and when they will leave so I dont think they have the rite to disagree with Russia and help Georgia..the Georgia Russia thing is aborder thing while America came from the other side of the world to Iraq...so Russia is rite


New member
The job in Iraq is to bring down Iran. Russia is wrong. At the time Iraq invasion was wrong, but **** Iran got involved so now there is a reason and that is to take out Iran.


New member
there never was an Iran threat until America made it a threat...Im not saying iran is a perfect country its mostly **** and oppressive and hates isreal like all countries in the middle east but it was not a threat to the United States until the American govt and the media started portraying it as the next **** Germany


New member
But has anyone found nuclear weapons yet? No, they have found plans for nuclear power plants or something. Iran hasn't been hostile either, it has supported Iraq, granted, but it hasn't been hostile. I am in agreement with ugor90 here; Iran isn't a threat unless we make it one, leave them to their nuclear power.

I think we have more to worry about now than the Middle East.



New member
What the **** are you guys talking about? All the insurgents are using Iranian weapons. Almost everything the insurgents are using its from Iran. The war is proxy war against Iran but just taking place in Iraq. Oh and yeah Iran only using nuclear power. They have been hostile with many Middle Eastern countries and want the United States to leave Iraq so they can take over Iraq.


New member
United States have declared they are going to withdraw from the Middle East by 2011 ^
I believe putting a time table on it is stupid and ignorant I see the US being there a lot longer.

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