as far as things are concerned, iv read that if Russia attack a certain gas pipeline, they can monopolise energy to the western world, which is a problem for the US, considering allied nations such as britain are being supplied by russia, i think if any action is to be taken, america will stand alone on this
i think for once america is in the right, though their cause has always been noble, their execution and the slyness of the oil industry hasnt helped. i really do not know why russia has attacked a small nation like georgia, given i believe a small state wants to break out independent, and really what is it that russia is hoping to achieve by taking down georgia, regardless this isnt going to help given the US an Russia hold the most nuclear weapons, and any tension(their relationship remains frosty even decades after the cold war) between the two could be a major problem
oh and the poll options are questions....seems kinda useless asking whos right then each option asking if america or russia is right lol