Who loves the song Hands Held High?


New member
:thumbsup: this song is my favorite on this CD and almost my all time favorite already i just love singin along with the lyrics to the song it makes me feel really good and i realized that I wanna be a good writer so I'm tryin to write lyrics now. lol give a reply to the thread:D
:thumbsup: this song is my favorite on this CD and almost my all time favorite already i just love singin along with the lyrics to the song it makes me feel really good and i realized that I wanna be a good writer so I'm tryin to write lyrics now. lol give a reply to the thread:D
Good luck on your lyrics! ;)


New member
I love this song too, although its not one of my faves. Also, good luck with writing lyrics! I've been doing it since forever, I love writing. I'm sure you'll be amazing.


New member
lyrically it's a fantastic song.

also very different and LP's experimenting with different things

the amen is the only thing about this song I don't like much



New member
ha thanks everyone ya but i love the beat and it is probably one of the best if not the best lyrics for a song ive ever heard


New member
Mike sings so good on this track and his rapping is phenominal. echoing what everyone else has sed, good luck on the lyrics!


New member
My favorite song on the album :] I love how they put the rapping over such beautiful melody. And I didn't see the "amen" in the song as something religious, but just as a calm or peaceful phrase. The lyrics were amazing, very inspirational quotes. But when the last two lines came on my heart melted. *sniff*


New member
My favorite song on the album :] I love how they put the rapping over such beautiful melody. And I didn't see the "amen" in the song as something religious, but just as a calm or peaceful phrase. The lyrics were amazing, very inspirational quotes. But when the last two lines came on my heart melted. *sniff*
totally agree i love the rap with a peaceful melody like that



New member
it's an aight one from Mike and his lyrics are really good like usual but they could've done so much more with the beat for a Mike solo. At some point in the song it needs to be changed up, quickened, or just switch the emotion of it around a bit. It's nothing like his Fort Minor stuff, which I think now is what he should pursue. *shrug*


New member
ya it might have been a lil better if he quickened it or switched up the melody but its too late now and its still a kick *** song:thumbsup:

Mr. Pool

New member
this song is ******* amazing...but i doesnt make me feel happy or something...because its about WAR!!! a how bad it is...i love the words:

when the rich wage war its the poor who die


its so wise and true...

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