Who says "Fox News Sucks"???? -- REPUBLICANS!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Thread starter Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

When Fox News announced they wouldn't allow Ron Paul into their
"Republican Forum", some longtime suckers viewers were upset. A
recent WMUR poll showed Ron Paul with 10% of the NH Republican vote,
far ahead of Thompson.

So, a group of Ron Paul protesters showed their displeasure outside of
the forum. That's when they spotted Sean Hannity and began chasing
him down the street chanting "Fox News Sucks!" Cliff Schecter of
Brave New Films has the video:


Wow! That is one angry conservative mob. 100 years ago they might
have had torches and pitchforks. Almost makes you feel sorry for Sean
Hannity. Almost. Toward the end of the video you can hear people
yelling "We aren't falling for it anymore Sean!" Even conservatives
are freeing themselves of Faux News. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
First Bill O'Reilly assaults an Obama staffer, then Sean Hannity
nearly gets tarred and feathered.

I can't tell who's having a worst time in New Hampshire....the
Republicans or Faux News?