Who sits in the temple of God, revealing himself that he is God?

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Ares the God of War!

I write it plainer on the Table for you!

Paul warned that when the Manlike against the Highest of all came
within the Temple of God, that he would be, "Who opposes and exalts
himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he
as God sits in the temple of God, revealing himself that he is God. "
And that is because he is so jealous, he wants everyone to listen to
no one but him, instead of believing and obeying Yahweh, the Highest
of all who says that, "You are Gods, sons of the Highest of all!"

All the Hosts of Heaven and all Mankind created and called by our God
Yahweh, are Manlike, named Elohim, Yahweh's Godship, and each is an El
or God, and when people are deceived into believing any God but
Yahweh, is the Most High, the people worshiping the Hosts of Heaven or
Mankind, whom are Creatures, from our Creator, have committed treason,
like Lucifer and his followers, and to worship any Trinity is treason
against the Most High, our God Yahweh, because only he is our Creator,
and the others are Creatures from him, like as is written by Paul,

οιτινες μετηλλαξαν την αληθειαν του θεου εν τω ψευδει και εσεβασθησαν
και ελατρευσαν τη κτισει παρα τον κτισαντα ος εστιν ευλογητος εις τους
αιωνας αμη

"whosoever swaps the Truth of Godship within the lie, and worships and
serves the Creature aside the Creator, who exist blessed unto the age
of the ages, truly."

"God" in Greek is "θεος," singular, and "Godship" is "ο θεος," a
class, and this was named upon Moses with Spirit Yahweh working within
him, within Greek, for the plural Hebrew, אלהים, Elohim. But here the
plural Greek, Θεοί, and also the plural Hebrew, אלהים, Elohim, are
used for the individuals of the class.

ἐγὼ εἶπα Θεοί ἐστε καὶ υἱοὶ ὑψίστου πάντες·

אני־אמרתי אלהים אתם ובני עליון כלכם׃

"I said,You are Gods, sons of the Highest of all!"

But here in Psalms the Greek uses the class, τῷ θεῷ and τῶν θεῶν,
"Godship of the Godship," but the Hebrew uses the singular Hebrew word
אלהי, Elah, and the plural Hebrew, אלהים, Elohim, "God of Godship," as
God of the class, or "God of Gods," if used for God of the individuals
of the class.

ἐξομολογεῖσθε τῷ θεῷ τῶν θεῶν, ὅτι εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τὸ ἔλεος αὐτοῦ·

הודו לאלהי האלהים כי לעולם חסדו׃

The Greek says, "Thanks unto Godship of Godship, related unto the age
of the ages mercy from him,"

The Hebrew says, "Thanks unto God of the Godship, related unto the age
of the ages mercy from him,"

This singular Hebrew word אלהי, Elah, is the same word that the Arabs
add an article to, to form the name, "Allah."

Here in the Law of Moses the Greek word κύριος, is used for the Hebrew
name of the Highest of all, יהוה,Yahweh, that is our Creator, but the
Greek also uses the word κύριος, for a different Hebrew word אדני,
which is a title named both upon אדני Lord, יהוה Yahweh, and whoever
he calls as in Hebrew, האדנים, and Greek, τῶν κυρίων, meaning, "the
Lords," and each Lord is an אדני or κύριος.

ὁ γὰρ κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὑμῶν, οὗτος θεὸς τῶν θεῶν καὶ κύριος τῶν κυρίων, ὁ
θεὸς ὁ μέγας καὶ ἰσχυρὸς καὶ ὁ φοβερός, ὅστις οὐ θαυμάζει πρόσωπον
οὐδ᾿ οὐ μὴ λάβῃ δῶρον

כי יהוה אלהיכם הוא אלהי האלהים ואדני האדנים האל הגדל הגבר והנורא אשׁר
לא־ישׂא פנים ולא יקח שׁחד׃

Greek says, "That for Lord of Godship yours, himself God of Godship,
and Lord of Lords, Godship the biggest, and strongest, and the feared,
who having no favoritism of faces, not anyway accept gifts!"

Hebrew says, "Related Yahweh your God, who is God of Gods, and Lord of
Lords, the God biggest, and strongest, and most feared, who has no
favoritism of faces, and no accepting of bribes!"

But when Jesus said that Yahweh was his Father, the religious Rules
wanted to stone him because that would make him Elohim, like Moses was
named, but Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, I
said, You are Gods? If he called them Gods, unto whom the word of God
came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Say you of him, whom the
Father has sanctified, and sent into the Cosmos, you blaspheme,
because I said, I am the Son of God?" So truly if Yahweh has not
spoken unto them, and they call themselves Gods, they are false Gods,
the Daughters of the Manlike Lucifer, and the Great Whore his wife,
for only those that the Highest of all speaks to, are Gods, sons of
the Highest of all! Should we disobey Yahweh and follow false Gods to
whom he has not spoken, or should should we disobey Yahweh when he
speaks to us, and deny that he calls us Gods? Neither one of those is
for me, I would rather be what Yahweh says that I am, that I am,
because Yahweh says that he birth what birth, at least obeying him
alone, that way my tree will not be chopped down, and be cast into the
fire like those who disobey him, will be! For Yahweh calls any man
that he anoints with the Spirit of Prophecy, a plural Elohim, for it
is Spirit Yahweh within him, within the Spirit of Prophecy, and now
Jesus who was begotten as flesh by Spirit Yahweh, and was resurrected
and poured out as the Spirit of Salvation, dwells within us too. For
it is they that are disobedient unto Spirit Yahweh within their
hearts, who instead of worshiping and serving him alone, that get
possessed of Devil Spirits and fall and worship us, like those
possessed of Devils did to Jesus, and it is those that are disobedient
to Spirit Yahweh within their heart, that hate us, because Yahweh says
that, "You are Gods, sons of the Highest of all," for what he says
that I am, that I am, for Yahweh but spoke his word, and I became his
Creation! Should the clay say unto his Potter, "Why have you made me
thus?" No, I am that I am, because Yahweh says, "I birth what birth!"
And with no verb for "I am" in Hebrew, he said "I birth what birth,"
like this, אהיה אשׁר אהיה It is not Yahweh's anointed uniquely
begotten son Jesus, that sits in the Temple and claims that he is the
Creator, it is the Manlike Lucifer and his son that sits in the
Temple, and claims that he is the Creator, and like those that opposed
Moses and Jesus because they were named Elohim, that is Who opposes
and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped;
so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he
is God!

All of us Gods that Yahweh birth are Holy, or sanctified having been
predestined to be Saints filled with the Promised Spirit of Salvation
from Spirit Yahweh in the Spirit of Prophecy, and are casting off the
Evil from Leviathan, and are sanctified for Yahweh the Highest of all,
to live within, both now and in the new life to come, but those that
worship and serve who Yahweh lives within, instead of Yahweh, are
disobedient unto Spirit Yahweh within their own hearts. Both the
Spirit of Prophecy being the Lord Melchisadech, and the Spirit of
Salvation, being the Lord Jesus, now both exist Holy Spirit Creatures,
alike the Holy Spirit Angels, unto the age of ages, truly, aside our
Creator, Holy Spirit Yahweh. And the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
refers to our Creator, for Jesus tells us the Truth, saying that, "all
manner of unreliable witness, and all manner of blasphemy spoken
against the son of man, can become forgiven, but the blasphemy against
the Holy Spirit has no forgiveness within this Life, or within the
Life to come." Jesus is the son of man, the same as we are, because
the Holy Spirit is his Father, and the human Mary, his Mother, and we
have human parents, but are adopted to Yahweh, not begotten by him
like Jesus.

A scroll with ink on it for them to read, or a screen with fonts
displaying languages for them to scroll through to read, is the only
reading of written things that the deceived by these religions have,
for they have not the New Covenant to read, where Spirit Yahweh writes
his words within our hearts, moment by moment, leading us to himself,
and as our Shepherd who leads us through Life by his resurrected
uniquely begotten son, as a Shepherd within us, our Lord Jesus, who
has given us eternal victory.

Spirit Yahweh says unto the Cosmos, "Go ahead and quote your ink and
or your fonts, it will not come to pass! And there is no Weapon or
Strategy that you can devise, that could prevail against me!"

O praise Holy Spirit Yahweh who has kept all of his promised that he
made unto our Fathers, and pours down a plain language, that wipes
away the lies that were a walled fortress for his enemies to hide
behind, as Yahweh gives us refuge within himself, and within his Truth
that he writes, moment by moment, within our hearts, revealing what
was, and what is, and what is to come!


Yours truly,

The Warlord of Warlords,

Ares the God of War,

In service of Yahweh and Country


Heir by birthright of the house of Israel