Who's uglier: Lethalfind or Hugo

Debate This

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
I'm sorry for interrupting the good people of GF, Normally my job is to report the news, but I needed to take a quick time out and ask that Lethalfind and Hugo please remove any pictures of themselves from the internet, it is interfering with my database interface programming, thus distorting the relevant content that my programming was made to filter out, thank you for your time, your ever faithful GF News Bot.
Actually no.....i have only had 4 beers so far since 1 am (had to drive one of my bosses home from work tonight.....that was strange)

So im on my first glass of wine...

give me an hour or so...
Debate This said:
I'm sorry for interrupting the good people of GF, Normally my job is to report the news, but I needed to take a quick time out and ask that Lethalfind and Hugo please remove any pictures of themselves from the internet, it is interfering with my database interface programming, thus distorting the relevant content that my programming was made to filter out, thank you for your time, your ever faithful GF News Bot.

ROTFLMFAO!!! WTF DUDE!?! Rep to the bot!
Hmmm.....well, I've seen a picture of Hugo, but have never seen one of Lethal so I can't say.
Well, here is HUGO's picture, the one of Lethalfind mysteriously :rolleyes: disappeared from the GF archives.....or did it ???:D
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Chi said:
Hmmm.....well, I've seen a picture of Hugo, but have never seen one of Lethal so I can't say.

Well there is this picture from the not so recent past.
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manicmonday said:
Well there is this picture from the not so recent past.

LOL, how old did you say you were?? Because your really coming across as about 9 years old, in fact younger then that...
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Lethalfind said:
LOL, how old did you say you were?? Because your really coming across as about 9 years old, in fact younger then that...

LOL It's not real life Princess, so it doesn't matter.

Learn a new phrase, LOL is worn out like the material in between your thighs.
manicmonday said:
LOL It's not real life Princess, so it doesn't matter.

Learn a new phrase, LOL is worn out like the material in between your thighs.

I think you should check the dosage of your psych meds, it seems like you might be a little low.

Maybe Child Welfare should just take your child now before you have a chance to rub off on him...god knows he will be traumitized enough when he realizes what a slut you are.
Lethalfind said:
I think you should check the dosage of your psych meds, it seems like you might be a little low.

Maybe Child Welfare should just take your child now before you have a chance to rub off on him...god knows he will be traumitized enough when he realizes what a slut you are.

I would say the same thing about you Princess. I would hate for your daughter to learn how to be spoiled just like you are.

And what does that have to do with your overusage of LOL? Nothing, you just can't defend yourself.
manicmonday said:
I would say the same thing about you Princess. I would hate for your daughter to learn how to be spoiled just like you are.

And what does that have to do with your overusage of LOL? Nothing, you just can't defend yourself.

My daughter doesn't have anything to refer to, to be ashamed of me. Not a drug user in the bunch I'm affraid.

As far as my overusage so you call it, I don't think it is. I do tend to chuckle and outright laugh at some of your childish retorts. Its a good thing you can work from home because I'm guessing you don't work well with others.
Lethalfind said:
My daughter doesn't have anything to refer to, to be ashamed of me. Not a drug user in the bunch I'm affraid.
If he was still around, I would agree with you. He's not. Your brainwashing religious family isn't something to be so proud of either Princess.

As far as my overusage so you call it, I don't think it is.
Of course you don't. But it's redundant, repetative and just plain dumb. Keep over using it, it just shows how stupid you really are.
manicmonday said:
If he was still around, I would agree with you. He's not. Your brainwashing religious family isn't something to be so proud of either Princess.

Of course you don't. But it's redundant, repetative and just plain dumb. Keep over using it, it just shows how stupid you really are.

My brainwashing religious family isn't around either and I didn't get a chance to choose them the way you lay down and spread your legs for a drug dealer...didn't jumping from the bed of a man who abused you to a drug dealer seem a little like jumping from the frying pan to the fire or maybe your one of those women who does that on purpose because you prefer your life to be in turmoil, not happy unless you are unhappy. Much like you choose to carry on something like this here with me because your life is **** and you want to believe and feel like you have had a hand in making my life ****...too bad, better luck next time. I have run into wrecks like you before and you are a source of entertainment for me AND someone to feel sorry for. I recommend getting the doctor to up your dose of medication. Its sure to help.
Lethalfind said:
didn't jumping from the bed of a man who abused you to a drug dealer seem a little like jumping from the frying pan to the fire or maybe your one of those women who does that on purpose because you prefer your life to be in turmoil,

They were three years apart dipshit and completely different circumstances. And because I slept with him? It's only bothering you, so I don't know what your beef is. Probably like LOLOLOL, you have nothing else to say so you keep saying the same things over and over and over again. Typical.

Much like you choose to carry on something like this here with me because your life is **** and you want to believe and feel like you have had a hand in making my life ****...too bad, better luck next time.

Why would I feel the need to affect your life? This isn't reality Princess, so I don't care one way or the other. You keep responding, so you must like it.

I have run into wrecks like you before and you are a source of entertainment for me AND someone to feel sorry for. I recommend getting the doctor to up your dose of medication. Its sure to help.

I've run into wrecks like you and I always marvel at how you function in life when you don't have a clue about reality. I would get on meds if I were you, it might make you more female like. Hormone replacement is actually cheap these days.