Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons


New member
The attack on September 11 was certainly not about people hating our freedoms. It was purely in response to America's foreign policy; and it was primarily about our monetary and military support of Israel.






many others say that they must fight America for its support of 58 years of Israel's terrorism against the Palestinian and other Mideastern people. He says this in precisely the same way that some say we must bomb Afghanistan into further oblivion for supporting the terrorism of Bin Laden.


America is seen as a terrorist nation for having supported the Israeli ethnic cleansing of 700,000 Palestinians from their land and homes and the stripping them of their most basic human rights, even depriving them of the right to live where they were born!


America is accused of supporting terrorism for backing Israel, even America is aware that Israel tortures 500 to 600 Palestinians in its jails each month.


America is called terrorist for supporting Israel even as it killed 40,000 Lebanese in its invasion of that country. They ask the world how America could support Israel even as it bombed civilian Red Cross shelters and killed women and children by the score.


Millions of people ask how the President of the United States could dine in the White House with Israel Sharon, a man with a proven history of massacring civilians, and who even Israel held responsible for the cold-blooded murder of 2000 people at the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon.


America is also called a terrorist state for causing the death of more than 500,000 Iraqi children.


It is difficult for us to act morally superior to our enemies when our own U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, told Leslie Stahl of CBS that America's causing the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it." What would you say, of someone who thinks it is worth killing 500,000 children in order to punish one man?


We must cut off the source of terrorism. That source is not Muslim fundamentalism, it is American support for Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. The American government has been supporting the Jewish Supremacist State of Israeli with economic and military funding, though Israel denies the basic human rights of Palestinians. We believe that our economic and military aid to Israel has caused tremendous hatred toward America and that unlimitedly, it is the American people who suffers the consequences.


Any nation that bombs another naturally creates millions of angry enemies against it. America has repeatedly done that in recent times. We have taken sides in foreign conflicts, offered military assistance and weapons, and even bombed other nations. Our actions have caused the loss of many thousands of lives, including the lives of thousands of civilians. Many of the nations we bombed had never harmed a single American or acted in any way against the interests the United States.


For instance, we now partially blame Afghanistan for what happened on September 11. Have we conveniently forgotten that we bombed Afghanistan (and killed many innocent civilians) three years ago when we tried to kill Osama Bin Laden. Afghanistan is led by the same people we previously helped against the Soviets. At that time, we actually supported the terroristic activities of Osama Bin Laden against the Soviets and their collaborators. When Bin Laden later turned against us, we attempted to kill him by bombing Afghanistan.


We have seen the intense reaction of Americans to the attack on the Trade Centers. What would be the reaction of Americans to any nation who fired Cruise missiles and dropped thousands of bombs on America? After Clinton's bombing of Afghanistan, the Taliban promised revenge against America. September 11 may be that revenge.


We bombed Iraq after it invaded Kuwait, yet we supported Saddam Hussein with money and arms when he warred with Iran. In contrast, we continued to monetarily and militarily support Israel even after it invaded Lebanon and killed tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians. We support the Zionist state even though it tortures thousands of political prisoners in its jails. American support enabled Israel to ethnically cleanse itself of 700,000 Palestinians.


Bush says we must strike down terrorists wherever they are in the whole world, but he has shared tea and crumpets with Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, one of the world's leading most brutal and bloodthirsty terrorists. Sharon committed a number of crimes against humanity, among them the massacre of 2,000 men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. Mr. Bush did not strike Mr. Sharon, instead he toasted him.

But why must the media and government create this huge, absurd lie about why we were attacked on September 11.


This Big Lie is, of course, meant to hide an obvious truth. Its purpose is to keep Americans from associating this attack with our Israeli policy.


If that happens people might begin to wonder if it is in our true interest to having given Israel countless billions of our dollars.


They might begin to wonder if it is good for America to serve as the Israeli's shock troops and techno killers in attacks on Israel's enemies such as Iraq.


So, the unvarnished truth is that we suffered the terror of September 11 because of our support of the criminal policies of Israel. We have let our country be controlled by a foreign lobby that has worked against the best interests of the American people.


Israel has time and again proven it is not really our friend. It has conducted covert terrorist activities against America such as the Lavon affair in Egypt. It has deliberately attacked the USS Liberty with unmarked fighters and torpedo boats causing 174 American casualties in an attempt to blame Egypt and garner American support during the war of 1967. It has spied on us and stolen our greatest secrets, such as in the Jonathan Pollard affair. It has sold secret American technologies to the Communist Chinese. It has stolen nucleur materials from the United States. It has tricked America into bombing other nations such as in the attack on Libya in 1986. I could go on and on about Israel's treachery against the America.


And now, under guidance of the Israel Lobby and the Jewish controlled media, the Zionists are preparing America to strike a massive blow against all of Israel's mortal enemies in a global war :iraq,iran,syria,lebanon. They are already talking about not only bombing, but invading and occupying whole nations such as Libya, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Such would spawn a huge wave of hatred and retribution against America from all over the planet. The costs of such a war would cost the American people untold billions of dollars and could well cause the deaths of thousands of Americans. Finally, such a war would not end terrorism, but only spawn more acts of terror against us.



New member
News flash, joy-boy: America is hated because the third world countries of the world envy us.

Ohh... and compared to some of your less intelligible ramblings... this is your opus. Which leads me to believe that you copied and pasted from another forum somewhere.

Here's another news-flash... America is hated by islam all over the world! America is hated by muslims here in america as well. If America was as hated as you conotate it to be, then why are so **** many fleeing the poverty and oppression in their own countries and immigrating here?

The ignorance of muslims! If ya'll weren't so rabidly anti-education, you wouldn't be so stupid!



New member
If America is supposedly so hated, why do so many people continue to move here?
My take on that is, America is perceived to be the most corrupt free society on the face of this planet, so opportunities for devious cashed-up individuals are highly regarded. Nowhere else on earth can you rise from scrubbing hubcaps to dealing coke to running for congress in three short years.

Land of the free, home of the brave. Faint heart never won fair maiden.




New member
What the **** is this drabble? Stop spewing hatemail and start thinking about why it is that muslim extremists should never be allowed to have nuclear technology.

Iran is afraid of being invaded because they know they are full of **** and their nucler profileration will NEVER be acceptable. If they want these technologies the must first remove the mullahs and the ayetollah from power.

Until Iran ceases supporting terrorism, they will NEVER be allowed to have nuclear technology of any kind.

If thet cannot handle this fact of life, TOO BAD!


The attack on September 11 was certainly not about people hating our freedoms. It was purely in response to America's foreign policy; and it was primarily about our monetary and military support of Israel.

many others say that they must fight America for its support of 58 years of Israel's terrorism against the Palestinian and other Mideastern people. He says this in precisely the same way that some say we must bomb Afghanistan into further oblivion for supporting the terrorism of Bin Laden.

America is seen as a terrorist nation for having supported the Israeli ethnic cleansing of 700,000 Palestinians from their land and homes and the stripping them of their most basic human rights, even depriving them of the right to live where they were born!

America is accused of supporting terrorism for backing Israel, even America is aware that Israel tortures 500 to 600 Palestinians in its jails each month.

America is called terrorist for supporting Israel even as it killed 40,000 Lebanese in its invasion of that country. They ask the world how America could support Israel even as it bombed civilian Red Cross shelters and killed women and children by the score.

Millions of people ask how the President of the United States could dine in the White House with Israel Sharon, a man with a proven history of massacring civilians, and who even Israel held responsible for the cold-blooded murder of 2000 people at the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon.

America is also called a terrorist state for causing the death of more than 500,000 Iraqi children.

It is difficult for us to act morally superior to our enemies when our own U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, told Leslie Stahl of CBS that America's causing the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it." What would you say, of someone who thinks it is worth killing 500,000 children in order to punish one man?

We must cut off the source of terrorism. That source is not Muslim fundamentalism, it is American support for Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. The American government has been supporting the Jewish Supremacist State of Israeli with economic and military funding, though Israel denies the basic human rights of Palestinians. We believe that our economic and military aid to Israel has caused tremendous hatred toward America and that unlimitedly, it is the American people who suffers the consequences.

Any nation that bombs another naturally creates millions of angry enemies against it. America has repeatedly done that in recent times. We have taken sides in foreign conflicts, offered military assistance and weapons, and even bombed other nations. Our actions have caused the loss of many thousands of lives, including the lives of thousands of civilians. Many of the nations we bombed had never harmed a single American or acted in any way against the interests the United States.

For instance, we now partially blame Afghanistan for what happened on September 11. Have we conveniently forgotten that we bombed Afghanistan (and killed many innocent civilians) three years ago when we tried to kill Osama Bin Laden. Afghanistan is led by the same people we previously helped against the Soviets. At that time, we actually supported the terroristic activities of Osama Bin Laden against the Soviets and their collaborators. When Bin Laden later turned against us, we attempted to kill him by bombing Afghanistan.

We have seen the intense reaction of Americans to the attack on the Trade Centers. What would be the reaction of Americans to any nation who fired Cruise missiles and dropped thousands of bombs on America? After Clinton's bombing of Afghanistan, the Taliban promised revenge against America. September 11 may be that revenge.

We bombed Iraq after it invaded Kuwait, yet we supported Saddam Hussein with money and arms when he warred with Iran. In contrast, we continued to monetarily and militarily support Israel even after it invaded Lebanon and killed tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians. We support the Zionist state even though it tortures thousands of political prisoners in its jails. American support enabled Israel to ethnically cleanse itself of 700,000 Palestinians.

Bush says we must strike down terrorists wherever they are in the whole world, but he has shared tea and crumpets with Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, one of the world's leading most brutal and bloodthirsty terrorists. Sharon committed a number of crimes against humanity, among them the massacre of 2,000 men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. Mr. Bush did not strike Mr. Sharon, instead he toasted him.

But why must the media and government create this huge, absurd lie about why we were attacked on September 11.

This Big Lie is, of course, meant to hide an obvious truth. Its purpose is to keep Americans from associating this attack with our Israeli policy.

If that happens people might begin to wonder if it is in our true interest to having given Israel countless billions of our dollars.

They might begin to wonder if it is good for America to serve as the Israeli's shock troops and techno killers in attacks on Israel's enemies such as Iraq.

So, the unvarnished truth is that we suffered the terror of September 11 because of our support of the criminal policies of Israel. We have let our country be controlled by a foreign lobby that has worked against the best interests of the American people.

Israel has time and again proven it is not really our friend. It has conducted covert terrorist activities against America such as the Lavon affair in Egypt. It has deliberately attacked the USS Liberty with unmarked fighters and torpedo boats causing 174 American casualties in an attempt to blame Egypt and garner American support during the war of 1967. It has spied on us and stolen our greatest secrets, such as in the Jonathan Pollard affair. It has sold secret American technologies to the Communist Chinese. It has stolen nucleur materials from the United States. It has tricked America into bombing other nations such as in the attack on Libya in 1986. I could go on and on about Israel's treachery against the America.

And now, under guidance of the Israel Lobby and the Jewish controlled media, the Zionists are preparing America to strike a massive blow against all of Israel's mortal enemies in a global war :iraq,iran,syria,lebanon. They are already talking about not only bombing, but invading and occupying whole nations such as Libya, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Such would spawn a huge wave of hatred and retribution against America from all over the planet. The costs of such a war would cost the American people untold billions of dollars and could well cause the deaths of thousands of Americans. Finally, such a war would not end terrorism, but only spawn more acts of terror against us.

smutt butt

New member
The attack on September 11 was certainly not about people hating our freedoms. It was purely in response to America's foreign policy; and it was primarily about our monetary and military support of Israel.  





many others say that they must fight America for its support of 58 years of Israel's terrorism against the Palestinian and other Mideastern people. He says this in precisely the same way that some say we must bomb Afghanistan into further oblivion for supporting the terrorism of Bin Laden.


America is seen as a terrorist nation for having supported the Israeli ethnic cleansing of 700,000 Palestinians from their land and homes and the stripping them of their most basic human rights, even depriving them of the right to live where they were born!


America is accused of supporting terrorism for backing Israel, even America is aware that Israel tortures 500 to 600 Palestinians in its jails each month.


America is called terrorist for supporting Israel even as it killed 40,000 Lebanese in its invasion of that country. They ask the world how America could support Israel even as it bombed civilian Red Cross shelters and killed women and children by the score.


Millions of people ask how the President of the United States could dine in the White House with Israel Sharon, a man with a proven history of massacring civilians, and who even Israel held responsible for the cold-blooded murder of 2000 people at the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon.


America is also called a terrorist state for causing the death of more than 500,000 Iraqi children.


It is difficult for us to act morally superior to our enemies when our own U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline Albright, told Leslie Stahl of CBS that America's causing the death of 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it." What would you say, of someone who thinks it is worth killing 500,000 children in order to punish one man?


We must cut off the source of terrorism. That source is not Muslim fundamentalism, it is American support for Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. The American government has been supporting the Jewish Supremacist State of Israeli with economic and military funding, though Israel denies the basic human rights of Palestinians. We believe that our economic and military aid to Israel has caused tremendous hatred toward America and that unlimitedly, it is the American people who suffers the consequences.


Any nation that bombs another naturally creates millions of angry enemies against it. America has repeatedly done that in recent times. We have taken sides in foreign conflicts, offered military assistance and weapons, and even bombed other nations. Our actions have caused the loss of many thousands of lives, including the lives of thousands of civilians. Many of the nations we bombed had never harmed a single American or acted in any way against the interests the United States.


For instance, we now partially blame Afghanistan for what happened on September 11. Have we conveniently forgotten that we bombed Afghanistan (and killed many innocent civilians) three years ago when we tried to kill Osama Bin Laden. Afghanistan is led by the same people we previously helped against the Soviets. At that time, we actually supported the terroristic activities of Osama Bin Laden against the Soviets and their collaborators. When Bin Laden later turned against us, we attempted to kill him by bombing Afghanistan.


We have seen the intense reaction of Americans to the attack on the Trade Centers. What would be the reaction of Americans to any nation who fired Cruise missiles and dropped thousands of bombs on America? After Clinton's bombing of Afghanistan, the Taliban promised revenge against America. September 11 may be that revenge.


We bombed Iraq after it invaded Kuwait, yet we supported Saddam Hussein with money and arms when he warred with Iran. In contrast, we continued to monetarily and militarily support Israel even after it invaded Lebanon and killed tens of thousands of Lebanese civilians. We support the Zionist state even though it tortures thousands of political prisoners in its jails. American support enabled Israel to ethnically cleanse itself of 700,000 Palestinians.


Bush says we must strike down terrorists wherever they are in the whole world, but he has shared tea and crumpets with Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, one of the world's leading most brutal and bloodthirsty terrorists. Sharon committed a number of crimes against humanity, among them the massacre of 2,000 men, women and children in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. Mr. Bush did not strike Mr. Sharon, instead he toasted him.

But why must the media and government create this huge, absurd lie about why we were attacked on September 11.


This Big Lie is, of course, meant to hide an obvious truth. Its purpose is to keep Americans from associating this attack with our Israeli policy.


If that happens people might begin to wonder if it is in our true interest to having given Israel countless billions of our dollars.


They might begin to wonder if it is good for America to serve as the Israeli's shock troops and techno killers in attacks on Israel's enemies such as Iraq.


So, the unvarnished truth is that we suffered the terror of September 11 because of our support of the criminal policies of Israel. We have let our country be controlled by a foreign lobby that has worked against the best interests of the American people.


Israel has time and again proven it is not really our friend. It has conducted covert terrorist activities against America such as the Lavon affair in Egypt. It has deliberately attacked the USS Liberty with unmarked fighters and torpedo boats causing 174 American casualties in an attempt to blame Egypt and garner American support during the war of 1967. It has spied on us and stolen our greatest secrets, such as in the Jonathan Pollard affair. It has sold secret American technologies to the Communist Chinese. It has stolen nucleur materials from the United States. It has tricked America into bombing other nations such as in the attack on Libya in 1986. I could go on and on about Israel's treachery against the America.


And now, under guidance of the Israel Lobby and the Jewish controlled media, the Zionists are preparing America to strike a massive blow against all of Israel's mortal enemies in a global war :iraq,iran,syria,lebanon. They are already talking about not only bombing, but invading and occupying whole nations such as Libya, Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Such would spawn a huge wave of hatred and retribution against America from all over the planet. The costs of such a war would cost the American people untold billions of dollars and could well cause the deaths of thousands of Americans. Finally, such a war would not end terrorism, but only spawn more acts of terror against us.
Are you that ******** that is always whining about Rachael Corrie?

When was the last time a jew blew himself up to kill other jews?



New member
I love it how so many hate us but who do they ask for help when their cess pool of a country is in trouble...they call us...and we go over spending our money and resources to bail out another incompetent country...

Isn't that funny? They hate us but don't mind taking our help?



New member
I love it how so many hate us but who do they ask for help when their cess pool of a country is in trouble...they call us...and we go over spending our money and resources to bail out another incompetent country...
Isn't that funny? They hate us but don't mind taking our help?
Australia asked for the help of the US in the "liberation" of East Timor.

We were told to go **** ourselves. Funny that. :D

We just wanted their gas. Now the ungrateful ***** want to sell it to us, and the country is sinking into civil war. How stupid are these people? :eek:



New member
What the **** is this drabble? Stop spewing hatemail and start thinking about why it is that muslim extremists should never be allowed to have nuclear technology.
Now that is very funny TH. It was the US CIA that funded and aided the Taliban and Al Quaeda, and printed the Koran in new languages and distributed propaganda videos so those "extremist" fucktards had something to gee them up for war. Then PM of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto warned the US that "You are creating a monster". :rolleyes:

Iran is afraid of being invaded because they know they are full of **** and their nucler profileration will NEVER be acceptable. If they want these technologies the must first remove the mullahs and the ayetollah from power.
Iran has been ****** around with so many times by the US and Brit gov that payback is long overdue. Which part of "payback" is giving you so much trouble?

Until Iran ceases supporting terrorism, they will NEVER be allowed to have nuclear technology of any kind.
So by your own defenition, the US gov should never be allowed to have nukes either?

If thet cannot handle this fact of life, TOO BAD!
Go **** with North Korea (again), or China (again), or Russia (again) because that is who you will be dealing with when shrub's cartel invades Iran. ;)



New member
Australia asked for the help of the US in the "liberation" of East Timor.
We were told to go **** ourselves. Funny that. :D

We just wanted their gas. Now the ungrateful ***** want to sell it to us, and the country is sinking into civil war. How stupid are these people? :eek:
Its nice to hear we can say NO to someone. Austrailia is still part of the Commonwealth, why didn't Britian help you?



New member
Its nice to hear we can say NO to someone. Austrailia is still part of the Commonwealth, why didn't Britian help you?
Britain is broke. The reason why neither nation wanted in on the Timorese gas fields is the fact that both have extensive dealings with Indonesia, who were repressing the Dutch/Portuguese colony of East Timor.

For the same reasons, Australia was vetoed from interfering with the Indos when they annexed half of Papua New Guinea.



New member
Britain is broke. The reason why neither nation wanted in on the Timorese gas fields is the fact that both have extensive dealings with Indonesia, who were repressing the Dutch/Portuguese colony of East Timor.
For the same reasons, Australia was vetoed from interfering with the Indos when they annexed half of Papua New Guinea.
Britain is broke because they insist on letting every rag tag *** hole in under the political assylum bullshit AND then supporting their worthless ***** so they can sit around and stir up trouble, rather then taking care of business that is their responsibility.

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