Why are MOST Caucasians AFRAID of a Black President? What is it that you think he will do to Caucasi




No one asked George bush if he would be a president for all the

So why are they asking that of Barack?

No one asked any of the Republicans to leave their preachers, or
friends they admired who made some incredibly hostile, racist, and
violent statements.

So why are they asking Barack to separate from Rev Wright?

How many bombs has Rev Wright ordered to be dropped on Middle Eastern
babies, children, pregnant women, adults and senior citizens?

Which of you hundreds of thousands on these forums can show proof that
Rev Wright is incorrect with ANY of the statements he has made?

White folks analyze Black people all day every day. We deal with it

Why do Whites turn into psychopaths when intelligent Black people
point out the historical and current atrocities for which the
Caucasian ethnic groups is responsible?

Why are you all afraid of a Black President?

Here's The big Picture!

Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop


The GREAT Dr. Francis Cress Welsing-- http://tinyurl.com/3ay7h9

The amazing Dr. Neely Fuller-- http://tinyurl.com/34ybws

The stupefying Rev Jesse Louis Jackson Sr.


The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan-- http://tinyurl.com/2pr8dq

Dr. C.T. Vivian-- http://tinyurl.com/2shh96

Dr. Cornel West-- http://tinyurl.com/3d8fx8

Dr Michael Dyson- http://tinyurl.com/2klt52

Dr. Lani Guinier- http://tinyurl.com/2tagqz

The incomparable Rev Al Sharpton- http://tinyurl.com/3a4drm

Dr Tim "White Man" Wise - http://tinyurl.com/2trkyx

Dr Jane "White Woman" Elliott-- http://tinyurl.com/38939f

Mrs Ida Hakim -- http://tinyurl.com/2p883y

Rachel Maddow-- http://tinyurl.com/3738py





The services offered by this incredible corporation can lessen the effects of racism!


In article <9r8ju3d2h5q1ttr96mnofjg5oh8tjgald0@4ax.com>,
Knowledge <knowledg_e@charter.net> wrote:

> Just reply using "yes"

Yes, yes, yes.

"Knowledge" <knowledg_e@charter.net> wrote in message
> Imhotep,
> No one asked George bush if he would be a president for all the
> people.
> So why are they asking that of Barack?

Because his minister is a racist?
> No one asked any of the Republicans to leave their preachers, or
> friends they admired who made some incredibly hostile, racist, and
> violent statements.

Cause it would be the first story on every CNN, NBC, CBS, and ABC newscast?
> So why are they asking Barack to separate from Rev Wright?

Cause he's a racist with a messiha complex?
> How many bombs has Rev Wright ordered to be dropped on Middle Eastern
> babies, children, pregnant women, adults and senior citizens?

Zero, but he's still a racist.
> Which of you hundreds of thousands on these forums can show proof that
> Rev Wright is incorrect with ANY of the statements he has made?

In short, I don't care that he is black. He is unfit for president because
he's wrong for america.
"Knowledge" <knowledg_e@charter.net> wrote in message
> Just reply using "yes" if you believe that your skin color is superior
> to those who don't have it.
> Altriment usare "No" if you don't believe that your skin color makes
> you superior.

for someone whose name is 'knowledge' you know ****.

Am I better than the entire poputlation of amaricas that are 'unwhite'?

I judge people differently. A black person might be better than me, I
might be better than a individual minority? It's a judgement made person
by person.

> The services offered by this incredible corporation can lessen the
> effects of racism!
> http://tinyurl.com/389k7s

> http://clyde.buildlastingsuccess.com
I'm white, and I live in Harlem, in a black neighborhood. I get along
fine with my neighbors. And I was an Obama supporter until I heard
the tape of his lunatic preacher telling his congregation "G d d amn

This nothing to do with race. If Clinton's or McCain's religious
counsel said something like that, I'd think they were crazy, and
they'd plummet in the polls. If a white candidate follows some idiot
religious leader - Swaggart or Falwell, say - I do not consider him/
her suitable for office. Excuse me for judging Obama the same way.

Rev Wright has been Obama's pastor for many years - he performed his
marriage and baptized his babies. This is not a casual relationship -
Obama listens to this guy. And that scares me. Rev. Wright is not
a cool-headed man you can rely on to give you calm and measured
advice, and a President of the United States needs cool heads when a
crisis erupts.

Obama has some explaining to do. Calling me a racist for this would
be an insult.
Knowledge wrote:
> Just reply using "yes" if you believe that your skin color is superior
> to those who don't have it.
> Altriment usare "No" if you don't believe that your skin color makes
> you superior.

I like to look at the girls in Playboy magazine. The White girls look better than any other color.

The darker the color, the less hotter...

If I was Hugh Heffner, I put whatever was hot, I wouldn't care what color it was just as long
it sells more magazine.

Thanks God I wasn't born an Eskiomre, I'd be in Alaska right now freezing my ass!

The Starmaker

Hey Knowledge, what would happen if you got a DNA test to find out about your
African connections and you discovered you're French?
Its not skin color. Swedish and German sociologists did studies of
minorities I read hoping for a less biased viewpoint. But I saw all
the same familiar statistics: high rates of crime, divorce,
alcoholism, drug abuse, divorce, and low rates of education, income,
and career stability. they also noted how the males have trouble with
authority figures, wear ostentatious wardrobes, and walk with what
we'd call a "barrio swagger".

Only trouble is, they are talking about the Saami and Gypsies, who are
just as white as I am. Skin color has nothing whatever to do with it.
But of all European tribes, only these two were not yeoman farmers,
but hunter/gather/nomads. With a very different attitude twards the
world, which they instinctively feel is all free game. The Gypsie dont
have a problem with his horse eating wheat. the Farmer, who thinks the
wheat is his, does. These attitudes are instinctive , and out of that
a whole host of problems has developed.

New problems, as well as opportunities, have also emerged when there
is breeding between the races. In some cases, you get a more adapted
hybrid with remarkable talents. Other times you get someone who is not
really comfortable in any of the cultures he sees, and internally
conflicted- wanting to express his predatory hunter instincts one day,
but he resource management skills the next.

Over time, the variation affects performace in school and on the job,
where the assumption is that the individual feels the same, and will
respond the same- every day. They dont.

Its too bad the GOP could not persuade General Powel to run. But the
smartest thing McCain could do is to select Powel as VP. That mite
actually give him a chance of winning, saying to let Powel handle
Iraq, since Powel was right about the place all these years.

Or- if Powel decides to run as an INDEPENDENT , he would get my vote,
and support in the postings. But if Obama wanted to bring this nation
together, he should have figured that out long ago, and switched to a
church with a more inclusiive, not exclusive, pastor. I understand his
loyalty to an old friend of the family, but he's not the first not to
make it to the Oval office because he didnt distance himself soon

Another thing Obama should bear in mind is what the Caucasian CIA did
to senator Kennedy's older brothers. Huey P. Long comes to mind as
well, that you cant get too close to the people without getting shot.
You need bigwigs to stand behind in DC. Hillary understands that. She
has such low approval ratings because she has actually done things
in government that pissed people off.
They should be more afraid of a Jewish President than a Black

A Jewish President would automatically lead the U.S into World War

A Black President would keep the U.S. out of the middle east.

Here's my plan to settle Middle East problems:

Stay out of middel east affairs.
Let them blow each other up to the dark ages, and
then we go in and take the oil.

The Starmaker
Knowledge wrote:
> Just reply using "yes" if you believe that your skin color is superior
> to those who don't have it.
> Altriment usare "No" if you don't believe that your skin color makes
> you superior.
> The services offered by this incredible corporation can lessen the
> effects of racism!
> http://tinyurl.com/389k7s
> http://clyde.buildlastingsuccess.com

i don't know about "the caucasians" in general - hardly a monolithic
group... or are they...?
but i know that a lot of "white" gay guys are against sen. obama
simply because they are jealous!
and country!
country, jealous and resentful.
they begruge the obamas the spotlight! (and the prestige).
when rev. wright blames the government for spreading aids to Black
people, a lot of "white" gay guys got all jealous, like "what about
me, we had aids first!"
first they act like they aren't a minority, then they want to be the
only minority.
that's sounds terrible, i'm sorry.
i'll have to break it down at a later date.
suffice to say, some trifling gays have me filled.with.scorn.
Knowledge wrote:

> Why are you all afraid of a Black President?

I'd vote for a black Ron Paul or any strong black libertarian. I vote
libertarian regardless of race in any case.


Pramesh Rutaji

p297tongue6221@newsguy.com - remove tongue to reply
"The Starmaker" <starmaker@ix.netcom.com> wrote in message
> They should be more afraid of a Jewish President than a Black
> President.
> A Jewish President would automatically lead the U.S into World War
> Three.

So, how long have you been a nazi?

> A Black President would keep the U.S. out of the middle east.

errr, Iraq shows that we are already there. And why should we worry
about a region that provides most of our oil.
> Here's my plan to settle Middle East problems:
> Stay out of middel east affairs.

and let the price of oil explode.

> Let them blow each other up to the dark ages, and

First they are already there for the most part and we need their oil.

> then we go in and take the oil.

WOW! A different take from the "we are in Iraq for the oil" argument.
But waiting for some of these countries doom is not going to help america
with the price of oil.

> The Starmaker
HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Knowledge wrote:
> Just reply using "yes" if you believe that your skin color is superior
> to those who don't have it.
> Altriment usare "No" if you don't believe that your skin color makes
> you superior.
> The services offered by this incredible corporation can lessen the
> effects of racism!
> http://tinyurl.com/389k7s
> http://clyde.buildlastingsuccess.com




(1) the ******s SOP is to change the post so it says something
different. Also use ****** meaningless code words like "wtb"
(2) the ****** may alter or edit posts it is replying to, so as
to enable itself to retort more effectively.
(3) ******s will also change the subject, leave the thread, or
willfully misunderstand and forge the white humans who are
humiliating them.
(4) Change the spelling to sound more like the ****** that they
are.(like azz for ass)
(5) ******s will deal with this by claiming that they have won".
(6) pretending to be a whiteslave at work and replying "sir"
to another ******.
(7) Pretend to have retired rich and own many vehicles and
(8) It will try to put a human touch on the ****** parasite
(9) It will claim to have a superior black somewhere???
(10)they will refer to themselves as a "black man" instead of
what they really are (******s)
(11)******s will try to improve the ****** image by saying
it served in the military with honors or was awarded some
hero medal from the naacp
(12) As a first and last retort, there's always the infamous
"MUH DICK" post.



On Mar 25, 6:30 pm, Harold Burton <hal.i.bur...@hotmail.com> wrote:I
am an Idiot!
> In article <9r8ju3d2h5q1ttr96mnofjg5oh8tjga...@4ax.com>,
> Knowledge <knowled...@charter.net> wrote:
> > Just reply using "yes"

> Yes, yes, yes.
> Snicker.

On Tue, 25 Mar 2008 20:28:40 -0700 (PDT), "marybones@verizon.net"
<marybones@rcn.com> wrote:

>I'm white, and I live in Harlem, in a black neighborhood. I get along
>fine with my neighbors. And I was an Obama supporter until I heard
>the tape of his lunatic preacher telling his congregation "G d d amn
>This nothing to do with race. If Clinton's or McCain's religious
>counsel said something like that, I'd think they were crazy, and
>they'd plummet in the polls. If a white candidate follows some idiot
>religious leader - Swaggart or Falwell, say - I do not consider him/
>her suitable for office. Excuse me for judging Obama the same way.
>Rev Wright has been Obama's pastor for many years - he performed his
>marriage and baptized his babies. This is not a casual relationship -
>Obama listens to this guy. And that scares me. Rev. Wright is not
>a cool-headed man you can rely on to give you calm and measured
>advice, and a President of the United States needs cool heads when a
>crisis erupts.
>Obama has some explaining to do. Calling me a racist for this would
>be an insult.


Sorry, maybe you are not a "White Supremacist" but you are terrible
ignorant of what is right and what is wrong.

What about Condoleezza rice, or clarence Thomas? Would you vote for
them if they were running for president?

You and millions of other Caucasians have said absolutely nothing
about all of the hateful things that Trent Lott, Newt Gingrich, Bill
Bennett, Pat robertson, Billy Graham, and hundreds of other Caucasian
people have said about Black folks, and people from south of the

You only raised strident objections when a Black man has a preacher
who tells the truth as it happened.

You want Obama to leave this wonderful man for some Caucasian who
lives in fantasy land as you do pretending that Whites have done
nothing to impede the progress of African americans in the past and
certainly not in the present.

Those are FOOLS notions and only FOOLs believe that.

I have shared enough links below to dispel all of that nonsense you
all are spewing out. Yet nont a one of you has commented on what those
BRILLIANT Black and White people have to say at the links below.

So If I were a gambling man which I am not, I would put ALL of my
money on the point that YES, you have an extremely RACIST mentality as
do 95% of the othe posters here.

Even the brain damaged Indian is sick. Those people are as Black as
the Ace of spades. Yet if you ask them do they have lots of African
genetic makeup in them., they will deny it. They totally believe that
they are Whihte people even though Whites laugh behind their backs
because they know that is a stupid notion. What do you mean you would
support a Black Ron Paul?

Ron Paul has connections to all kinds of White Supremacist hate
groups. He talks a good game, and if he were allowed to do what I have
heard him say publicly, it would be a great thing for the Nation.

It is the unspoken things that he believes, that he would be trying to
implement were he elected that worry me Mr. East indian. :)

You sound likeyour brotha Dinesh DiSouza who is also brain damaged.

Read the information about race and America from the links that I
shared below. Then you can talk intelligently about Rev Wright and
everything else. Otherwise, you are just a bunch of nattering nabobs
of negativism! :)

Here's The big Picture!

Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop


The GREAT Dr. Francis Cress Welsing-- http://tinyurl.com/3ay7h9

The amazing Dr. Neely Fuller-- http://tinyurl.com/34ybws

The stupefying Rev Jesse Louis Jackson Sr.


The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan-- http://tinyurl.com/2pr8dq

Dr. C.T. Vivian-- http://tinyurl.com/2shh96

Dr. Cornel West-- http://tinyurl.com/3d8fx8

Dr Michael Dyson- http://tinyurl.com/2klt52

Dr. Lani Guinier- http://tinyurl.com/2tagqz

The incomparable Rev Al Sharpton- http://tinyurl.com/3a4drm

Dr Tim "White Man" Wise - http://tinyurl.com/2trkyx

Dr Jane "White Woman" Elliott-- http://tinyurl.com/38939f

Mrs Ida Hakim -- http://tinyurl.com/2p883y

Rachel Maddow-- http://tinyurl.com/3738py





The services offered by this incredible corporation can lessen the effects of racism!


On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 05:43:37 -0400, "++LEROY KNEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!"
<leroy@klavern.net> wrote:

>HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Knowledge wrote:
>> Just reply using "yes" if you believe that your skin color is superior
>> to those who don't have it.
>> Altriment usare "No" if you don't believe that your skin color makes
>> you superior.
>> The services offered by this incredible corporation can lessen the
>> effects of racism!
>> http://tinyurl.com/389k7s
>> http://clyde.buildlastingsuccess.com

From the garden variety common responses above, I think the educated
world can now see who is the REAL problem on this planet. it certainly
isn't Reverend Wright, or Senator Obama.
On Mar 26, 1:41 am, Pramesh Rutaji <p297tongue6...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> Knowledge wrote:
> > Why are you all afraid of a Black President?

> I'd vote for a black Ron Paul or any strong black libertarian. I vote
> libertarian regardless of race in any case.

i have suggested in another post a campaign to draft gen Colin Powel.

Experience is not a problem. Have him found the Chimera party, with
the more realistic elements of the other parties to produce a more
logically consistent platform.