Why Canadian Homosexual Pedophile Ross John Lambourn Is Silent On The Recent Mall Shootings In Utah


John Gray

The recent slaughter in Utah of American citizens is just one more mass murder
committed in the USA's Bush loving Red States.

Canada's Ross John "Clay Northwood" / "Clint Hunter" / "anonymous@dizum" /
"Centurion" Lambourn is a noted seditious America hating traitor who has
continually called for the suspension of the US Constitution and the
cancellation of American civil liberties. Lambourn is consumed with hate and
bitterness and expresses it by posting incoherent screeds based on his
distorted and delusional view of the world.

Most know him for his early morning, booze fuelled rants which rarely make
sense and serve no other purpose than to feed his perverse cravings for public

Though he frequently misuses the term Socialist, Lambourn is one himself. He
is a retired career civil servant who resides in Canada sucking from the social
safety net and living off a tax payer funded pension. It's no end of irony that
he sees himself as a capitalist. He frequently uses the above pseudonyms to
fake support for the gibberish he posts on Usenet.