"Why do men have nipples?"


New member
I picked this book up at the library and I now know the answer to this question. I also know why I have an 'innie" belly button and if ***** is nutrtious or fattening (just in case anyone ever needs to know that little fact and it also explains why I have washboard abs ;) )

Anyway, the reason men have nipples is as follows:

Males have nipples because when we are embryo we all start out with a female template until 6 weeks into development, then ,if the baby is a boy, the male characteristics will come into play.

The characteristics of our navel depends on how our unbilical cord is cut,

and ***** is extremely good for you. It stimulates muscle growth and metabolism. The reason? ***** is compiled mainly of protein.

Just thought it was intersting so I figured i'd share.



New member
Can you point me to a place to get that book. I need to show some of the females I am dating the "***** is extremely good for you. It stimulates muscle growth and metabolism. The reason? ***** is compiled mainly of protein" part.


New member
Know wounder my kids are hungry, i thought it they were for feeding. No matter how much i show my wife the sperm protein thing, she still is not going for it.


New member
Can you point me to a place to get that book. I need to show some of the females I am dating the "***** is extremely good for you. It stimulates muscle growth and metabolism. The reason? ***** is compiled mainly of protein" part.
Sure thing, the book is called "Why do Men have Nipples?". The book was written by Mark Leyner and Billy Goldberg, M.D. I got mine from the library but you can probably find it at borders or your local book store.

I've known ***** is good for you for quite a while. The fact it's mostly protein was taught in my high school science classes. Supposedly it also helps keep skin healthy because of the same protein qualities.


New member
I've known ***** is good for you for quite a while. The fact it's mostly protein was taught in my high school science classes. Supposedly it also helps keep skin healthy because of the same protein qualities.
Want some? :p



New member
I've known ***** is good for you for quite a while. The fact it's mostly protein was taught in my high school science classes. Supposedly it also helps keep skin healthy because of the same protein qualities.
So does this mean you drink it and rub it on like lotion?



New member
The protein properties of ***** only work if taken as a supository. At least thats what my uncle Chester used to tell me, before he went to jail.

smutt butt

New member
I picked this book up at the library and I now know the answer to this question. I also know why I have an 'innie" belly button and if ***** is nutrtious or fattening (just in case anyone ever needs to know that little fact and it also explains why I have washboard abs ;) )
Anyway, the reason men have nipples is as follows:

Males have nipples because when we are embryo we all start out with a female template until 6 weeks into development, then ,if the baby is a boy, the male characteristics will come into play.

The characteristics of our navel depends on how our unbilical cord is cut,

and ***** is extremely good for you. It stimulates muscle growth and metabolism. The reason? ***** is compiled mainly of protein.

Just thought it was intersting so I figured i'd share.
those authors were on the Bob and Tom show last year. i bought the book the next day. a great read.



New member
and ***** is extremely good for you. It stimulates muscle growth and metabolism. The reason? ***** is compiled mainly of protein.
I can see it now. A whole new health movement...***** protein shakes.

Know wounder my kids are hungry, i thought it they were for feeding. No matter how much i show my wife the sperm protein thing, she still is not going for it.
Actually, men can breastfeed. There is a pill that you can take that stimulates males to produce milk. It takes three months. Bottom line. You have all the same parts there that a female has, just less fat.

I can see it now. A whole new health movement...***** protein shakes.
Actually, men can breastfeed. There is a pill that you can take that stimulates males to produce milk. It takes three months. Bottom line. You have all the same parts there that a female has, just less fat.

I don't have a ******.....

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