why do you think you were chosen to be elite?


New member
I was talking to Rusu on msn,and she asked me that question,and it´s a pretty good one,and I didn´t have an answer for that cuz I really don´t know why Atlien choose me as a LPF Elite Member,but this is what Rusu said about me:

I think it was becasue you always make funny, helpful, useful and thoughtful posts
Thanx u Rusu,so what do u guys think?why do you think you were chosen to be elite?

I want to know your opinions about my question :D .

Oh and by the way,Atlien if u see this thread plz don´t close it,cuz I really wanna know what are their opinions.



New member
Not an idea.

I didn't hide nothing, I post how I feel weather someone likes it or not. Weather it hurts someone feelings, or not. I post how I feel like I said.



Active Members

I think they made us elite because we made an impact on the site in some way...but I didn't do anything so that makes no sense...




New member
i have NO idea at all

but i do make good cookies and be a good teacher;) (other than the fact i turn into hulk when i get mad..)

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