WHY EVOLUTION GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER... Man as Old as Coal -- Thanks, Lin Liangtai

  • Thread starter copernicus123@hotmail.com
  • Start date


This is the late Ed Conrad, now copernicus123, after Verizon
shitcanned my account -- and this is the abbreviated version of
"Yes, Virginia, Evolution is Sheer Bullshit."
As you should know by know, I've long been accusing the world's
physical anthropologists and paelontologists of FAILING to play by
rules -- TOTAL HONESTY -- in the matter of my incredible discovery of
petrified human bones, teeth and even soft organs between coal veins.
Obviously, it means the Darwinian theory of evolution goes up in
and they lack the courage to face up to reality and the physical
I've been quoted as calling these so-called "prestigious" scientists
phonier than a $4 bill which, of course, they are.
But out of the depths of deceit, deception, collusion and conspiracy
has come a courageous, honest scholar/scientist named Lin Liangtai of
Taipei, Taiwan.
Over the past many months, he has done exhaustive testing on some of
my key specimens and has documented that the scientific community has
given you and me -- AND TRUTH -- a roay screwing for nearly 27 years.
Since this is the abbreviated version of Lin Liangtai's extensive Web
we'll only deal here with the calvarium.
A calvarium is a petrified human skull with the eye sockets broken
off and it was found in Carboniferous strata (a minimum of 280
million years old), since the age of anthracite is one of the golden
rules of geology.
First of all, the late Wilton M. Krogman, acclaimed for decades as
of the world's foremost experts on the human anatomy and author of
book "The Human Skeleton in Forensic Medicine," examined and measured
it personally and declared it to be "the oldest human skull ever

HIS FULL REPORT (with photos galore) can be found at
The author (Lin Liangtai) has examined through microscopes more than
20 thin sections cut from "rocks" that Mr. Ed Conrad discovered
and sent to the author.
Without exception, they are all found to be fossils, including the
subject "calvarium fossil" .
The object is a Carboniferous human calvarium fossil for the
(1) It contains numerous fossilized red blood cells in each thin
section that has been made from it;
(2) It contains fossilized dendrites and somas of brain cells;
(3) No other animal has an organ or body part that matches its inner/
outer shape and size;
(4) Its inner cavity has a capacity of at least 1,025 cc.;
(5) It was found between coal veins near Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania
(U.S.A.) where geological structure has been dated to be around 300
million years old.
The fossil's blood vessels have turned into coal, suggesting it once
existed in a coal region. Even if it did not come from the
Carboniferous age, the fact that it is fossilized and coalified would
still make it the oldest human skull cap ever found in the world.
A calvarium is a skull without the lower jaw/the facial parts,
a cranium refers to skull bones that enclose the brain (Ref. 1). A
calvarium could possibly contain a part of brain remains/fossil. The
specimens used in this evaluation came from the interior of the
Material A:
On the author's request, the owner of the "fossil" cut a small
specimen from the interior of the object, took pictures of the spot
from which the specimen was cut and sent the specimen to the author
The specimen arrived in the following conditions:
1. A chunk of "fossil" about 1.5 cm long, 1 cm wide, and 0.5 cm
2. Three small fragments that crumbled out of the above chunk when
author took up the chunk to look at it for the first time. The three
fragments measure about 0.5 cm x 0.5 cm x 0.2 cm each.
3. Dozens of small grains, each measuring less than 0.2cm in any
dimension. These grains had gone loose from the chunk during its
transport by post and its handling by the author.
Above three kinds of specimens were taken to the geology department
National Taiwan University to be made into thin sections 1, 2 and
respectively in the following methods. The methods involved no
artificial staining of colors.
1. Thin section 1 (Fig. 2): Specimen 1 was cut for transverse and
longitudinal sections, which were then ground and mounted onto a
slide, namely thin section 1. One third of Specimen 1 was left from
the process of making the thin section (Fig. 2-1).
2. Thin section 2 (Fig. 2-2): Fragments of Specimen 2 were cut,
and mounted onto a glass slide. As this thin section was made too
thick for light to penetrate, it was not much used in this study.
3. Thin section 3 (fig. 2-3) : Small grains from Specimen 3 were
placed in a mold that glued them firmly together, ground to a
thickness of about 0.03 mm, and then mounted to a glass slide, namely
thin section 3.
Thin section 1 and 3 were viewed through a microscope in transmitted
light and photographed with a camera (Canon model EOS 350D).
< Material B: The "calvarium fossil"
The author asked the owner of the "fossil" to measure the object and
got the following data:
Outer dimensions of the object: 22.8 cm (maximum length) by 17.8 cm
(maximum width) by 13.3 cm (maximum height)
The owner advised the author that on the top side of the object,
seems to be a 6-mm-thick coating of foreign substance. To be on the
safe side, the author subtracts twice that thickness-6mm x 2-from the
above outer length , outer width, and subtracts 6 mm from its
maximum height. Hence, the following figures are obtained and used
for calculating its cranial capacity:
Outer dimensions: 21.6 cm (Length) by 16.6 cm (Width) by 12.7 cm
Inner cavity dimensions: 15.9 cm (maximum length) by 10.8 cm (maximum
width) by 11.4 cm (maximum depth/height)
Based on the above data, the author calculated the cranial capacity
the object as follows:
1. Lee Pearson Formula, given by Williams et al (1995) and Manjunath
(2002b) (ref. 2).
For males: 0.000337 x (L-11) x (W-11) x (H-11) + 406.01
As the above length, width, and height are all expressed in
millimeter, the following calculation is done:
0.000337 x (216-11) x (166-11) x (127-11) + 406.01=1,648 cc
For females:
0.0004 x (L-11) x (W-11) x (H-11) + 206.60
Hence, the following calculation is done:
0.0004 x (216-11) x (166-11) x (127-11) + 206.60 =1,681 cc
Mean cranial capacity: (1648+1681) divided by 2 makes 1,665 cc.
As the gender of the "cranium" is unknown, only the mean figure is
considered here for convenience.
2. Spheroid Formula, given by Manjunath (2002b, ref. 3)
0.5238 x length x width x height(depth)= cranial capacity
Above length, width, and depth are measurements of the crania
cavity and expressed in centimeter.
Hence the calculation 0.5238x15.9x10.8x11.4=1,025 cc.
A. The estimated cranial capacity of the "calvarium" ranges from
cc to 1,665 cc as calculated in the above paragraph.
B. In thin sections 1 and 3, many fossilized red blood cells were
found (Figure 3). Some of them are round-shaped. Others are oval,
possibly because they have changed their round shape into oval shape
in order to pass through small capillaries.
C. In thin section 3, near the center is a small grain showing
fossilized dendrites of brain cells (figure 4) as well as the above-
mentioned red blood cells. In other spots in thin section 3, there
also a few micro-structures looking like somas of fossilized brain
cells (figure 4-6).
D. Specimen 1 is found to have at least five black areas. One black
area is shiny black under naked eyes and microscopes. Microscopic
pictures reveal that the shiny black area contains carbonized blood
vessels and erythrocytes (Fig. 6-2).
1. Is it a fossil?
My answer is yes. No rocks or plants contain so many fossilized red
blood cells (Fig. 3), some of which are still in blood vessels. They
are found in randomly-chosen, freshly-cut thin sections, not from
re-worked/contaminated tissues. Their colors are not artificially
2. Is it a calvarium fossil?
My answer is yes. No other animal organs or body parts have inner/
outer sizes and shapes similar to this fossil's shapes and sizes
1). The existence of the degraded/fossilized dendrites and somas of
brain cells in Fig. 4 points to a calvarium fossil that once
contained brain cells.
3. Is it a human calvarium fossil?
My answer is yes. Its cranial capacity of at least 1,025 cc is
surpassed only by cetaceans, walrus, elephants, and/or dinosaurs
4). However, those four kinds of animal have no crania/organs that
match the subject fossil in cranial shape and size. As each order of
animal has a different shaped skull (ref. 5), the subject calvarium
can be easily identified to be a human calvarium fossil by forensic
experts on human skulls.
One such expert is the late Wilton Krogman... His broad smile in the
photo says to me that he confirmed it was a human calvarium fossil.
The calvarium fossil matches humans' cranial size, cranial capacity
and cranial shape in the following ways:
3-1 Cranial size (outer dimensions):
Neanderthal: 24.1cm (length) x 14.6 cm (width) x 17.8 cm (height)
(ref. 6)
Subject fossil: 21.6 cm (length) x 16.6 cm (width) x 12.7 cm (height)
3-2 Cranial capacity:
Neanderthal: 1,750 cc (ref. 7)
Modern Human: 1,350-1,400 cc (ref. 8)
Java man: 940 cc (Homo Erectus, Trinil 2, Pithecanthropus I, ref. 9)
Subject fossil: at least 1,025 cc (by Spheroid Formula)
By the Lee Pearson Formula, the subject fossil has a cranial capacity
of 1,665 cc. The vast difference between 1,665 cc and 1,025 cc may be
due to the following factors:
A. The width of the inner cavity is only 60% of the fossil's outer
width, as the fossil possibly retains fossilized brain matter on one
side of the inner cavity (See the bottom view of the fossil in Fig.
B. The calvarium was broken in the facial part;
C. It has thick skull bones;
D. It could possibly have a 6-mm-thick coating of foreign substances
on its exterior;
3-3 Cranial shape:
Human: well-rounded cranium (ref. 10)
Java man: flat, very thick cranium (Homo Erectus, Trinil 2,
Pithecanthropus I) (Fig. 5 & ref. 9)
Subject fossil: More rounded than the above Java man (fig. 1 vs. fig.
The above analysis shows the subject fossil matches human skull caps
in cranial size, capacity, and shape.
4. Is it a Carboniferous human calvarium fossil?
My judgment says yes.
This fossil causes many questions to current theories about human
origins. If we avoid them, we are only fooling ourselves. If we face
them, they will bring us new horizon and new direction for human
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South Wales Argus (Newport)
South Wales Evening Post
South West News
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China Times
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China Newspapers
Beijing Daily
Beijing Evening News
The Beijing News (Beijing)
China.com.cn [En, Sp, Fr, Ge, Ar, Es & Ru avaliable]
China Daily (Beijing) [In English]
Chinanews [In English]
China News Digest
China Online (United States) [In English]
China Youth Daily
The Economic Observer [In English]
Fa Zhi Ri Bao
Guangming Daily
Guangzhou Morning Post
Hua Sheng Bao
Hua Xia Wen Zhai
Hua Xia Wen Zhai
Inside China Today [In English]
Jie Fang Jun Bao
Jie Fang Ri Bao
Jin Rong Shi Bao
Jinan Times
Ming Pao Electronic News
Nong Min Ri Bao
People's Daily
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Shanghai Star
Sing Tao Electronic Daily
South China Morning Post [In English]
Xin Jiang Ri Bao
Xin Min Evening (Shanghai)
Yangtse Evening Post
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Japan Newspapers
The Akita Sakigake Shimpo (Tohoku)
The Akita Sakigake Sports (Tohoku)
The Asahi Shimbun (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Asahi Shimbun (Osaka)
Boucho Shimbun (Chugoku)
Chiba Nippo (Kanto)
Chugoku Shimbun (Chugoku)
Chunichi Shimbun
Daily Sports (Kinki)
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Ehime Shimbun (Shikoku)
Evening Fuji
Fukui Shimbun (Hokuriku)
Fukushima Mimpo (Tohoku)
Fukushima Minyu (Tohoku)
Gifu Shimbun (Chubu)
Higashi-Aichi Shimbun (Chubu)
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The Hokkaido Shimbun Press (Hokkaido)
Hokkoku Shimbun (Hokuriku)
The Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun (Hokuriku)
Hokuu Shimpo (Tohoku)
Houchi Shimbun
The Ibaraki Shimbun (Kanto)
International Herald Tribune [In English]
Jornal International Press Japan [Spanish & Portuguese avalaible]
Jornal Tudo Bem [Portuguese]
Ise Shimbun (Kinki)
Iwate Nichi-Nichi Shimbun (Tohoku)
The Iwate Nippo (Tohoku)
The Japan Industrial Journal (Tokyo)
The Japan Maritime Daily (Tokyo)
The Japan News Review (Sweden) [In English]
Japan Times (Tokyo) [In English]
Japan Today [In English]
Japan Update (Okinawa) [In English]
Jomo Shimbun (Kanto)
Jornal Tudo Bem [Portuguese]
The Kagoshima Shinpo (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Kahoku Shimpo (Tohoku)
Kanagawa Shimbun (Kanto)
Kii Minpo (Kinki)
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Kitanippon Shimbun (Hokuriku)
Kobe Shimbun (Kinki)
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Kumamoto Nichi-Nichi Shimbun (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Kushiro Shimbun (Hokkaido)
Kyodo News (Tokyo)
Kyodo News [In English]
The Kyoto Shimbun (Kinki)
Mainichi Interactive
Mainichi Shimbun (Osaka, Tokyo, Kyushu & Okinawa)
The Mid-Japan Economist (Chubu)
Minami Shinshu Shimbun (Chubu)
Minami-Nippon Shimbun (Kyushu & Okinaw)
Miyako Mainichi Shimbun (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Miyazaki Daily News (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Muroran Mimpo (Hokkaido)
Nagano Nippo (Chubu)
Nankai Nichi-Nichi Shimbun (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Nara Shimbun (Kinki)
Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Osaka & Tokyo)
Nihon Nogyo Shimbun (Tokyo)
Nihonkai Shimbun (Chugoku)
The Niigata Nippo (Hokuriku)
Nikkan Gendai
Nikkan Kenmin Fukui (Hokuriku)
Nikkan Kogyo (Tokyo)
Nikkan Sports
Nikkan Sports (Hokkaido)
Nikkan Sports (Osaka)
The Nikkan Sports News (Tokyo)
Nikkan Ube Jiho (Chugoku)
Nishi-Nippon Shimbun (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Oita Godo Shimbun (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Okayama Nichi-Nichi Shimbun (Chugoku)
The Okinawa Times [In English]
The Okinawa Times (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Osaka Nichi-Nichi Shimbun (Osaka)
Osaka Shimbun
Pacific Stars & Stripes [In English]
Pak Japan News (Toyko) [In Urdu]
The Ryukyu Shimpo (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Ryukyu Shimpo Internet Weekly News (Kyushu & Okinawa} [English
Saga Shimbun (Kyushu & Okinawa)
The Saitama Shimbun (Kanto)
San-In Chuo Shimpo (Chugoku)
Sankei Shimbun (Osaka & Tokyo)
Sankei Sports (Tokyo)
Sanyo Shimbun (Chugoku)
The Shikoku Shimbun (Shikoku)
The Shimin Times (Chubu)
Shimotsuke Shimbun (Kanto)
Shinano Mainichi Shimbun (Chubu)
Shipping & Trade News (Tokyo)
Shizuoka Shimbun (Chubu)
Silangan Shimbun
Sports Nippon (Osaka)
Sports Nippon (Tokyo)
To-o Nippo (Tohoku)
Tokachi Mainichi Shimbun (Hokkaido)
The Tokushima Shimbun (Shikoku)
The Tokyo Shimbun (Tokyo)
Tokyo Sports (Tokyo)
Tomakomai Mimpo (Hokkaido)
Yaeyama Mainichi Shimbun (Kyushu & Okinawa)
Yamagata Shimbun (Tohoku)
Yamaguchi Shimbun (Chugoku)
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Yomiuri [In Kanji & English available]
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Yomiuri Shimbun (Osaka)
Yukan Fuji (Tokyo)
The Yukan Mie Shimbun (Kinki)
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