why i am willing to fight...


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
I was recently asked by my folks why at 17 i am so determined to go to war. This came from me turning down a $20 an hour pipe welding assistant job because it would require me giving up any military future....

So, why would i turn down $20 an hour AND a future with my dad's oil company on north slope Alaska ($100,000 a year starting wages)?

Simple, i can't live with myself if i don't do something i know I'm good at to help others, corny i know, but i saw a video taped by a UAV of unarmed civilian truckers in Iraq being dragged from the cab and shot to death or lit on fire in the cab, the bodies were looted by civilians and kicked and hit with rocks.... And i can't not do something about that.

My mom told me i am a little **** to want to abandon the family for something like that, and a long "**** you bitch" conversation followed.....

So, for anyone who ever wondered why i or other people are willing to give up a fairly comfortable future for mud, dirt, cold, and most likely death, that's why, i cant live with knowing i made the decision to not help.
I guess I only have questions for you then.

Just questions.

Who commands your life ?
What is the cause you are fighting for ?
When should a human die ?
Where is home ?
Why does someone else want you dead ?
How do you want to be forgotten ?
phreakwars said:
I guess I only have questions for you then.

Just questions.

Who commands your life ?
What is the cause you are fighting for ?
When should a human die ?
Where is home ?
Why does someone else want you dead ?
How do you want to be forgotten ?


The freedom of people who wish to make the world a better place to do so. (better place in terms of better for everyone, hitler wanted a better world, but not in the way i'm referring to)

When they die, there is nothing special about us that makes a time right or wrond, when we die we die.

where you feel secure.

becouse i'm a threat.

i don't care.

any more questions?
You don't care ?

It was probably the most important question, and you don't care ??

Do you understand the question ??
phreakwars said:
You don't care ?

It was probably the most important question, and you don't care ??

Do you understand the question ??
i honestly don't care how i'm forgotten, really, what differance does it make?
Msixty said:
i honestly don't care how i'm forgotten, really, what differance does it make?
Any given person would PROBABLY be able to answer the question: "How would you like to be remembered ?"

It is a self serving question. The person who answers it, is forced to give a highlight reel of their worldly achievements. And, they are forced to say why they deserve to be honored.

That is a bogus question to ask someone on many levels.

If I ask you an opposite question like "HOW DO YOU WANT TO BE FORGOTTEN ?"

Your forced to think of yourself in a different light.

Don't tell me you don't care. To say you don't care is the same as to deny your own flaws as your life as a human being on this planet .

So I think you should REALLY consider rethinking your answer.
phreakwars said:
Any given person would PROBABLY be able to answer the question: "How would you like to be remembered ?"

It is a self serving question. The person who answers it, is forced to give a highlight reel of their worldly achievements. And, they are forced to say why they deserve to be honored.

That is a bogus question to ask someone on many levels.

If I ask you an opposite question like "HOW DO YOU WANT TO BE FORGOTTEN ?"

Your forced to think of yourself in a different light.

Don't tell me you don't care. To say you don't care is the same as to deny your own flaws as your life as a human being on this planet .

So I think you should REALLY consider rethinking your answer.
your not forgotten becouse of your flaws, your forgotten becouse time and people put you out of mind. to say a thing like "forgotten becouse of your flaws others know about is an oxymoron, if you are forgotten, you no longer exist, hence your flaws, good deeds bad deeds, it all goes away, so if i am to be forgotten, i don't care how, it won't matter.
I won't despute that, it is more then likely, the definitive truth, but, the idea behind the question is to have you answer, with honesty, by giving out your own personal flaws.

I DON'T CARE is not a ****ing answer, you are not a ****ing Vulcan, an Android, or a machine. You are a human. Surely you can answer the perplexing question.

But don't worry, it's not easy for alot of people to answer.
you went through all that to ask about my personal flaws?

i'm an asshole to people that help me
i have an inflated ego
i look down on many good people for petty reasons
i ignore good advice
i don't pay attention to things i need to
i avoid work
i (not currently) drink, smoke, etc...
i try too ****ing hard to fit in and end up standing out.......

why would that be so hard to admit to? you can live with commiting to such flaws, then you should be ok talking about them.
Msixty said:
I was recently asked by my folks why at 17 i am so determined to go to war. This came from me turning down a $20 an hour pipe welding assistant job because it would require me giving up any military future....

So, why would i turn down $20 an hour AND a future with my dad's oil company on north slope Alaska ($100,000 a year starting wages)?

Simple, i can't live with myself if i don't do something i know I'm good at to help others, corny i know, but i saw a video taped by a UAV of unarmed civilian truckers in Iraq being dragged from the cab and shot to death or lit on fire in the cab, the bodies were looted by civilians and kicked and hit with rocks.... And i can't not do something about that.

My mom told me i am a little **** to want to abandon the family for something like that, and a long "**** you bitch" conversation followed.....

So, for anyone who ever wondered why i or other people are willing to give up a fairly comfortable future for mud, dirt, cold, and most likely death, that's why, i cant live with knowing i made the decision to not help.

I completely respect your decision but why do you feel like you have to choose between service and money? Become a mercenary instead and make the big bucks while serving your country. Enjoy the best of both worlds. ;)
Phantom said:
I completely respect your decision but why do you feel like you have to choose between service and money? Become a mercenary instead and make the big bucks while serving your country. Enjoy the best of both worlds. ;)
Mercenaries are trained in combat. He needs the training. :cool:
Msixty said:
he's got a point.

Another thing I learned today. In that case, think of it as taking steps to serving your country in the hopes of one day making a lot of money. ;)
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Fighting europe's war? I think you need to set your brain ahead 60 years

You are an idiot. Don't comment in the future until you grow a brain.
Children, the boy wants to espouse why he wants to die for a country that
doesn't really give a flying **** about him .

Why should that be a problem?
builder said:
Children, the boy wants to espouse why he wants to die for a country that
doesn't really give a flying **** about him .

Why should that be a problem?

Patton said:
no man ever won a war by dying for his country, he won it by making the other son of a bitch die for his

and i don't want to die for my country, i know you find this a new concept, but i don't give a **** about war over politics, i want to fight to stop **** like civillian truckers being exicuted and looted on city streets, bush, kerry, you, prime minister of such and so, they can all kiss my ass, i won't fight for them, i will fight for the people on the ground who can't fight for themselves. it's not right that the people dragged from the cabs of supply trucks were unarmed and had nobody to help them as they were lit on fire stoned, shot, looted, spat on, there is no ****ing way you can say that's right or not worth fighting.
phreakwars said:
I guess I only have questions for you then.

Just questions.

Who commands your life ?

my conscience..

phreakwars said:
What is the cause you are fighting for ?
White Nationalism

phreakwars said:
When should a human die ?
when they get old... on thier own terms

phreakwars said:
Where is home ?

phreakwars said:
Why does someone else want you dead ?
God wants all white people dead!

phreakwars said:
How do you want to be forgotten ?
Not forgotten... Respected, feared, and always remembered!