Why is a network printer a security hole?




Our network security guy scanned our network with a vulnerability scanner
and stated that our HP Plotter has security vulnerabilities, namely, SNMP
and anonymous FTP were enabled. Can someone give me a good reason why a
network printer could be a security hole? I just can't wrap my head around

Security is a relative thing. I think he is saying that someone
can impact the HP Plotter due to these, whereas you seem to
be thinking he is saying your network infrastructure is at risk
due to weaknesses on a printer.

"Spin" <Spin@spin.com> wrote in message
news:640gouF29mjvjU1@mid.individual.net...<span style="color:blue">
> Gurus,
> Our network security guy scanned our network with a vulnerability scanner
> and stated that our HP Plotter has security vulnerabilities, namely, SNMP
> and anonymous FTP were enabled. Can someone give me a good reason why a
> network printer could be a security hole? I just can't wrap my head
> around that.
> --
> Spin </span>
Spin wrote:<span style="color:blue">
> Gurus,
> Our network security guy scanned our network with a vulnerability
> scanner and stated that our HP Plotter has security vulnerabilities,
> namely, SNMP and anonymous FTP were enabled. Can someone give me a good
> reason why a network printer could be a security hole? I just can't
> wrap my head around that.
> </span>

You can turn off ftp and snmp on the printers web interface if you're