Why Muslims suffer in non-Muslim countries?

  • Thread starter simple_language@yahoo.com
  • Start date


source: http://www.islam-watch.org/LeavingIslam/Why-Muslims-suffer-in-non-Muslim-countries.htm

I am XXX and I was a Muslim. One of my friends told me about your site
and exactly after 5 days reading it I quit Islam. Please publish this
letter in your site. Don't ignore it because I have problem with my
English and nobody will help me. I even have an account in FFI by the
name Fox.
I was born in Islamic religion. My qualification is 10th in a local
medium. Yesterday the editors published a letter somebody sent you,
entitled, "Sina Read This". In that letter he said, for a Muslim life
in India is hell. I want to explain why for a Muslim life is hell, not
only in India, but in any non Muslim country.

First of all, for Muslims, religion comes before nation, friends,
family, love, etc. Everything is secondary. For example: recently
police arrested a few terrorists in India. It is not a major news, but
one thing interesting about these terrorists is that all of them are
engineers and software professionals. All of them are Indians who were
plotting to commit terrorist acts in India!.

Why they become terrorists? If you are from India, you would know what
kind of income a software professional makes. A minimum of 30 to 40
thousand rupees per month, That's really huge. So it's clear that
these people did not go after terrorism because they were poor and
hungry. They are not uneducated uncultured dacoits. They are all
university grads. The only reason they become terrorists is because of
RELIGION and precisely ISLAM.

So, why life should be hard for Muslims in a non Muslim country such
as India? It is because India is a secular country. You can find
people of almost every religion here. But till today no religion has
tried to take over this nation by force except ISLAM. Muslims want to
convert everyone into Islam. People do not want to convert and this
hurts Muslims. They resort to terrorism to achieve their goal.

Muslims are not trustworthy. Others notice that and do not trust them.
Let me give you one example: I thought to do my 10+ 2 studies in a
city. But I could not find room to rent. Why? Because I am a Muslim
and people think I might be a terrorist! Finally, I found a room in a
house of a Muslim family. In the first day the landlord came to my
room and started preaching jihad! When I said killing is wrong, he
started shouting at me. When I asked him about honor killing and
stoning, he responded by throwing my luggage out of his house. I can't
go to another city as I do not have enough money to go far places.
This is my personal example. As a Muslims I suffer but whose fault is
it? Can we blame the non-Muslims for distrusting us when all we think
of is how to kill them and how to shove our religion down their

Sometimes ago, when in a game of cricket, Pakistan won the match
against India, Indian Muslims celebrated with fireworks and crackers.
What is the meaning of that? Where does the loyalty of Muslims lie?
This is all because of ISLAM! Now tell me why should non Muslims like
Muslims? Every country is facing the same problem. Muslims have no
loyalty to the country where they live if that country is not

In the past Hinduism had evil teachings such as baal vivaah (marriage
of children), sati sahagaman (burning of widows), etc. Today Hindus
have adopted widow marriage, girl education, etc. In the past the
Church used to burn witches and infidels. Now that practice is
abandoned. What I mean to say is, every religion has changed and the
bad things in them are history. But Islam remains the same and it
cannot change. Stoning, child marriage, wife abuse, polygamy, killing
of apostates, are still there and will remain part of Islam for ever.

That is all I wanted to say Ali Sina. Please publish my letter. You
can correct my English, but please publish it. People should know why
Indian Muslims find it hard to live in India. It is all because of
their belief and not because India treats them badly. Muslims are not
going to be happy in any non-Muslim country, unless that country
becomes Islamic.
simple_language@yahoo.com wrote:
> source: http://www.islam-watch.org/LeavingIslam/Why-Muslims-suffer-in-non-Muslim-countries.htm
> I am XXX and I was a Muslim. One of my friends told me about your site
> and exactly after 5 days reading it I quit Islam. Please publish this
> letter in your site. Don't ignore it because I have problem with my
> English and nobody will help me. I even have an account in FFI by the
> name Fox.
> I was born in Islamic religion. My qualification is 10th in a local
> medium. Yesterday the editors published a letter somebody sent you,
> entitled, "Sina Read This". In that letter he said, for a Muslim life
> in India is hell. I want to explain why for a Muslim life is hell, not
> only in India, but in any non Muslim country.
> First of all, for Muslims, religion comes before nation, friends,
> family, love, etc. Everything is secondary. For example: recently
> police arrested a few terrorists in India. It is not a major news, but
> one thing interesting about these terrorists is that all of them are
> engineers and software professionals. All of them are Indians who were
> plotting to commit terrorist acts in India!.
> Why they become terrorists? If you are from India, you would know what
> kind of income a software professional makes. A minimum of 30 to 40
> thousand rupees per month, That's really huge. So it's clear that
> these people did not go after terrorism because they were poor and
> hungry. They are not uneducated uncultured dacoits. They are all
> university grads. The only reason they become terrorists is because of
> RELIGION and precisely ISLAM.
> So, why life should be hard for Muslims in a non Muslim country such
> as India? It is because India is a secular country. You can find
> people of almost every religion here. But till today no religion has
> tried to take over this nation by force except ISLAM. Muslims want to
> convert everyone into Islam. People do not want to convert and this
> hurts Muslims. They resort to terrorism to achieve their goal.
> Muslims are not trustworthy. Others notice that and do not trust them.
> Let me give you one example: I thought to do my 10+ 2 studies in a
> city. But I could not find room to rent. Why? Because I am a Muslim
> and people think I might be a terrorist! Finally, I found a room in a
> house of a Muslim family. In the first day the landlord came to my
> room and started preaching jihad! When I said killing is wrong, he
> started shouting at me. When I asked him about honor killing and
> stoning, he responded by throwing my luggage out of his house. I can't
> go to another city as I do not have enough money to go far places.
> This is my personal example. As a Muslims I suffer but whose fault is
> it? Can we blame the non-Muslims for distrusting us when all we think
> of is how to kill them and how to shove our religion down their
> throat?
> Sometimes ago, when in a game of cricket, Pakistan won the match
> against India, Indian Muslims celebrated with fireworks and crackers.
> What is the meaning of that? Where does the loyalty of Muslims lie?
> This is all because of ISLAM! Now tell me why should non Muslims like
> Muslims? Every country is facing the same problem. Muslims have no
> loyalty to the country where they live if that country is not
> Islamic.
> In the past Hinduism had evil teachings such as baal vivaah (marriage
> of children), sati sahagaman (burning of widows), etc. Today Hindus
> have adopted widow marriage, girl education, etc. In the past the
> Church used to burn witches and infidels. Now that practice is
> abandoned. What I mean to say is, every religion has changed and the
> bad things in them are history. But Islam remains the same and it
> cannot change. Stoning, child marriage, wife abuse, polygamy, killing
> of apostates, are still there and will remain part of Islam for ever.
> That is all I wanted to say Ali Sina. Please publish my letter. You
> can correct my English, but please publish it. People should know why
> Indian Muslims find it hard to live in India. It is all because of
> their belief and not because India treats them badly. Muslims are not
> going to be happy in any non-Muslim country, unless that country
> becomes Islamic.

Why do they also suffer IN Muslim countries?

Blattus Slafaly ? 3 :) 7/8
In article <c8620ea1-b7cb-4098-9e67-28d01fab5116
@d4g2000prg.googlegroups.com>, simple_language@yahoo.com writes...

> I am XXX and I was a Muslim.


Nothing so bitter as a reformed XXX.
First sentence explains everything that follows.
Same as with:

"Floyd Cochran, former national press secretary for Aryan Nations and
reformed neo-Nazi, visited Drexel March 8 to educate students about the
evils of the organized white supremacist movement.

Cochran, who renounced his racist views in July 1992, began his speech
by apologizing to anyone who had been directly or indirectly affected by
his hateful actions.

"A part of taking responsibility [for my actions] in the last 12 years
has been traveling throughout the United States talking with any
individuals or group of individuals willing to listen to me about the
growth of the white supremacy movement," Cochran said.

"When I walked into my school wearing a white power T-shirt, all of a
sudden people became frightened of me. I associated that with 'being a
man,'" Cochran said.

He went on to say that the new face of hate was no longer the mask of
the Ku Klux Klan, but rather everyday youth from all walks of life.

"We have now begun to see in the last 10 years, here in the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, organized white supremacists coming into communities,
large and small, and showing up in elementary schools, high schools, and
college campuses in an attempt to recruit people," he said.

Cochran also made it a priority to dispel some commonly held myths about
the organized white supremacy movement. He warned that, contrary to
popular belief, these groups are not confined to the South or Pacific

"Ten years ago, Pennsylvania had less than six hate groups operating in
the Commonwealth. Today, the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission has
documented 41 white supremacist organizations operating in this state."

He also made it clear that racism was not simply limited to either the
poor or the uneducated.

"When I was in the racist movement, I met many professional people,"
Cochran said. "I met many people in the racist movement who were
educated and uneducated, those who came from poor backgrounds as well as
wealthy ones. Racism is in every strata of society."

Lastly, he commented on how white supremacists have regularly used both
the law and religion to protect themselves and to win over new converts.

Public rallies, such as those held by the Ku Klux Klan, are protected
under the First Amendment as "the right of the people to peaceably
assemble." The leaders of some of these organized supremacy movements
often run for political office to vie for power.

White supremacists, Cochran observed, often justify their views by
hiding behind a facade of religion and use "God, the Bible and religion
as a way of getting out the message of hate." The Aryan Nations
officially call themselves the Church of Jesus Christ Christians and
preached that anyone who was not white lacked a soul and hence could be

After Cochran finished his presentation, he held a question and answer
session. When asked why he renounced his racist views, Cochran said that
it was a personal experience that hit home.

"One day, the Aryans [leaders] called me in my office and said, 'We
understand that your kid is some sort of reject or born with some sort
of handicap,'" Cochran recalled.

"So I had to explain to them that my oldest son was born with a cleft
palate and a cleft lip and that it was genetic because my grandfather
had it. And that's when I was told that, when the Aryans came to power,
my son would have to be euthanized or exterminated."

Eristic extraordinaire
personal opinion only
The Australian Politics Resource
simple_language@yahoo.com wrote:

> source: http://www.islam-watch.org/LeavingIslam/Why-Muslims-suffer-in-non-Muslim-countries.htm
> I am XXX and I was a Muslim. One of my friends told me about your site
> and exactly after 5 days reading it I quit Islam. Please publish this
> letter in your site. Don't ignore it because I have problem with my
> English and nobody will help me. I even have an account in FFI by the
> name Fox.
> I was born in Islamic religion. My qualification is 10th in a local
> medium. Yesterday the editors published a letter somebody sent you,
> entitled, "Sina Read This". In that letter he said, for a Muslim life
> in India is hell. I want to explain why for a Muslim life is hell, not
> only in India, but in any non Muslim country.
> First of all, for Muslims, religion comes before nation, friends,
> family, love, etc. Everything is secondary. For example: recently
> police arrested a few terrorists in India. It is not a major news, but
> one thing interesting about these terrorists is that all of them are
> engineers and software professionals. All of them are Indians who were
> plotting to commit terrorist acts in India!.
> Why they become terrorists? If you are from India, you would know what
> kind of income a software professional makes. A minimum of 30 to 40
> thousand rupees per month, That's really huge. So it's clear that
> these people did not go after terrorism because they were poor and
> hungry. They are not uneducated uncultured dacoits. They are all
> university grads. The only reason they become terrorists is because of
> RELIGION and precisely ISLAM.
> So, why life should be hard for Muslims in a non Muslim country such
> as India? It is because India is a secular country. You can find
> people of almost every religion here. But till today no religion has
> tried to take over this nation by force except ISLAM. Muslims want to
> convert everyone into Islam. People do not want to convert and this
> hurts Muslims. They resort to terrorism to achieve their goal.
> Muslims are not trustworthy. Others notice that and do not trust them.
> Let me give you one example: I thought to do my 10+ 2 studies in a
> city. But I could not find room to rent. Why? Because I am a Muslim
> and people think I might be a terrorist! Finally, I found a room in a
> house of a Muslim family. In the first day the landlord came to my
> room and started preaching jihad! When I said killing is wrong, he
> started shouting at me. When I asked him about honor killing and
> stoning, he responded by throwing my luggage out of his house. I can't
> go to another city as I do not have enough money to go far places.
> This is my personal example. As a Muslims I suffer but whose fault is
> it? Can we blame the non-Muslims for distrusting us when all we think
> of is how to kill them and how to shove our religion down their
> throat?
> Sometimes ago, when in a game of cricket, Pakistan won the match
> against India, Indian Muslims celebrated with fireworks and crackers.
> What is the meaning of that? Where does the loyalty of Muslims lie?
> This is all because of ISLAM! Now tell me why should non Muslims like
> Muslims? Every country is facing the same problem. Muslims have no
> loyalty to the country where they live if that country is not
> Islamic.
> In the past Hinduism had evil teachings such as baal vivaah (marriage
> of children), sati sahagaman (burning of widows), etc. Today Hindus
> have adopted widow marriage, girl education, etc. In the past the
> Church used to burn witches and infidels. Now that practice is
> abandoned. What I mean to say is, every religion has changed and the
> bad things in them are history. But Islam remains the same and it
> cannot change. Stoning, child marriage, wife abuse, polygamy, killing
> of apostates, are still there and will remain part of Islam for ever.

This is very insightful. Pislam is stuck in a rut from which it can't
or won't remove itself.

> That is all I wanted to say Ali Sina. Please publish my letter. You
> can correct my English, but please publish it. People should know why
> Indian Muslims find it hard to live in India. It is all because of
> their belief and not because India treats them badly. Muslims are not
> going to be happy in any non-Muslim country, unless that country
> becomes Islamic.
Why is Islam so feared and derided today?
Ian Buckley - Shamireaders June 19, 2005

Pound's biographer Professor Hugh Kenner - with whom I had the honour
of corresponding shortly before his death - considered that without
its poets the world would have already have long since succumbed to
total exhaustion.

More practically, perhaps, we can view religion as playing a similar
valuable role in preserving traditional societies, and maintaining
higher values than the almighty dollar. But not all faiths have 'what
it takes' to resist the trend towards a world turned into a counting
house on top of a rubbish dump.

Indeed, both Judaism and the Protestant variant of Christianity are
implicated, more or less, in the rise of capitalism. Additionally,
traditionalist Catholics believe that their Church is now a shadow of
its former state, having virtually self-destructed after Vatican II.
While Eastern Orthodoxy and even Japanese Shinto play their honourable
part in resisting the rush towards a porno-trash non-culture, it is
pre-eminently Islam that is the biggest stumbling block in the way of
the New World Order.

In the first place Islam is a profoundly and genuinely democratic
faith, as opposed to the 'democracy' of fakery and computerised
trickery that characterised the election of Bush and Bliar. Following
on from this, Muslims also hold true to economic democracy in the form
of the prohibition of usury. Though now abandoned, this was also once
a doctrine of the Christian Church. Such a fundamental point is, to
say the least, unappreciated by the false prophets of globalist
capitalism, always on the lookout for fresh lands to reduce to a bland
and hence profitable mass - or mess.

When Muslims, like those 'extremist' Iranians, reject the societies
(perhaps non-societies might be a better term) of Britain and the US,
are they really wrong to do so? Or are they just being sensible in not
wanting a taste of the growing gap between rich and poor, the drug
addiction, the sleaze, the corruption, the social breakdown, the urban
gun crime and trash TV that more and more characterises these two
countries today?

Significantly, terms such as Ummah and Dar-al-Islam are more or less
untranslatable, indicating a degree of cohesion and comradely
brotherhood that those outside the Arabic and Muslim world can barely

Though few of us realise it, we in the West are spoon-fed a bogus view
of reality: the truth only comes out in peripheral areas. Times,
Telegraph and Observer dribble on and on about the wonderful EU
constitution, or how we must 'democratise' Iraq1. However in the
travel sections of such papers you can still read the occasional
comment on the wonderful hospitality to be found in Libya or Syria, in
spite of everything that happened in recent years.

Apparently, tourists there can find themselves being invited, after a
passing acquaintance with a citizen of those 'evil' countries, to stay
and eat in private homes. Just try doing that in New York or London!
As Gavin Maxwell wrote of his stay in pre-Saddam and pre-American
Apocalypse Iraq :

'Throughout our journey I was struck by the boorishness of Western
hospitality by contrast with that of the Arabs. If a stranger rings a
doorbell in Europe, he must produce some very good reason before he
can get into the house at all, much less eat there as a guest; yet in
the lands where there are neither doors nor doorbells the stranger is
not asked the reason for his presence, and to hesitate in setting food
before him would be

As is clear from the Last Sermon of the Last Prophet, true Islam has a
civilised attitude towards woman...:

'O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your
women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have
taken them as your wives only under Allah's trust and with His
permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right
to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be
kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it
is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you
do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste. '...

America today, in line with its stultifying decay, hardly produces any
new contributors to the world of thought. Though scarcely comparable
to Mencken or Brooks Adams, the present-day philosophic duo of Beavis
and Butthead have it right: 'People are STUPID'.

Yes, people are stupid, especially modern Britons or Americans. They
are pleased to accept assessments of one of the world's great
religions from various self-interested parties with an axe to grind -
from tame professors run by the intelligence agencies, to
fundamentalist 'Christian' Zionist nutcases who want to bring on

As for Muslims and Arabs in general, they can take some small comfort
from the words of Beregond, the soldier of Gondor, in Tolkien's Lord
of the Rings: 'We have this honour: ever we bear the brunt of the
chief hatred of the Enemy.'

http://www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com

http://www.thebirdman.org http://www.nsm88.com/
