Why Stimulus Bills Won't Kickstart the Economy


New member
The economic stimulus package that Australia's new govt put together has been hailed as the best in the developed world. It's the reason why we in OZ didn't get all this recession crapola that is dealing out shyte to the other developed nations.

Stimulus bills do work, and we are living proof of it.

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Well, when robber barons are given all the stimulus as a bonus for raping the country for the previous decade to continue "business" as usual, good things can't be expected. Hardly Obama's fault there eddo.. How about I leave you a mountain of sh t and blame you for not cleaning it up in 2 days? Everything was so great before Obama right? Yep.. your house was overvalued by 75% .. good times.. good times.. Obama ruined it all..

Not only that, but it's wise to understand that government policies don't really show their true colors for decades sometimes.. if ya wanna blame someone, blame Ronnie "big government" Reagan.. this is the result of "trickle down economics" and the deregulation of everything. Senile actors make great prezzes!

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Well, when robber barons are given all the stimulus as a bonus for raping the country for the previous decade to continue "business" as usual, good things can't be expected. Hardly Obama's fault there eddo.. How about I leave you a mountain of sh t and blame you for not cleaning it up in 2 days? Everything was so great before Obama right? Yep.. your house was overvalued by 75% .. good times.. good times.. Obama ruined it all..

Not only that, but it's wise to understand that government policies don't really show their true colors for decades sometimes.. if ya wanna blame someone, blame Ronnie "big government" Reagan.. this is the result of "trickle down economics" and the deregulation of everything. Senile actors make great prezzes!
I guess if eddo wanted to rebut that, he'd come back with that GREAT plan Republicans have for rebounding the economy that we should have followed.
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I guess if eddo wanted to rebut that, he'd come back with that GREAT plan Republicans have for rebounding the economy that we should have followed.
That seems to be beyond the scope of the repugs here, phreakwars.

IWS's spamming of this board with anti-obama shyte is the reason he's mostly left talking to RaE and eddo.

Such a shame, really.

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At some point we need to realize both parties suck instead of arguing which is worse. When Bush ran massive deficits in times of prosperity it meant trillion dollar deficits in times of recession were inevitable. The federal budget should be close to balanced over the budget cycle. Bush grew domestic spending at a rapid rate, created a new massive government agency (Homeland Security) and engaged us in an unneeded war. His expansion of our role as the world's policeman is gonna get us nuked someday. It was his expansion of Medicaid whick allowed Obama to claim his healthcare program is paid for. Obama is now running even more massive deficits and projections estimate trillion dollar deficitsfor years to come. That is unsustainable. The misadventure in healthcare will add costs to businesses at a time when businesses need to be expanding. Basically Obama's agenda is basically GW's squared.

Until the American people demand we stop mortgaging our children's future we are in great peril. The enemy is us. We engage in partisan bickering while both parties are leading us toward a financial disaster. The debt is approaching 100& of GDP. THe parties just aim for 51% of the vote. We need 51% of the voters to demand responsibility.

It is time now to bite the bullet and agree no tax cuts that are not accompanied by cuts in spending and no goodies that ain't paid for.



New member
At some point we need to realize both parties suck instead of arguing which is worse. When Bush ran massive deficits in times of prosperity it meant trillion dollar deficits in times of recession were inevitable. The federal budget should be close to balanced over the budget cycle. Bush grew domestic spending at a rapid rate, created a new massive government agency (Homeland Security) and engaged us in an unneeded war. His expansion of our role as the world's policeman is gonna get us nuked someday. It was his expansion of Medicaid whick allowed Obama to claim his healthcare program is paid for. Obama is now running even more massive deficits and projections estimate trillion dollar deficitsfor years to come. That is unsustainable. The misadventure in healthcare will add costs to businesses at a time when businesses need to be expanding. Basically Obama's agenda is basically GW's squared.

Until the American people demand we stop mortgaging our children's future we are in great peril. The enemy is us. We engage in partisan bickering while both parties are leading us toward a financial disaster. The debt is approaching 100& of GDP. THe parties just aim for 51% of the vote. We need 51% of the voters to demand responsibility.

It is time now to bite the bullet and agree no tax cuts that are not accompanied by cuts in spending and no goodies that ain't paid for.
Whilste I totally agree with you Hugo, what are your thoughts about a possible agenda behind the massive spending? Vis a vis a (gulp) conspiracy to undermine the economy to the point where the country requires a bail-out by the world bank?

It's not a new concept (conspiracy) that I'm proposing.



New member
I guess if eddo wanted to rebut that, he'd come back with that GREAT plan Republicans have for rebounding the economy that we should have followed.
That seems to be beyond the scope of the repugs here, phreakwars.

IWS's spamming of this board with anti-obama shyte is the reason he's mostly left talking to RaE and eddo.

Such a shame, really.
What you can't understand, but Hugo does, is that G.W. Bush isn't the president anymore. I bashed Bush on much of what he did when he was president, much of the same things Hugo outlined. I would add the Patriot Act, expansion of presidential/executive branch powers, etc...

****, back on GF, I used to post political cartoons against Bush all the time.

But I would look quite stupid if I kept posting about those old rehashed complaints. Nothing can be done about the past. Look at Hugo and my complaints about Bush and show me where Obama has improved, not made bigger/worse.

Continued expansion of presidential/executive powers, expansion of Patriot Act powers, increased spending, etc...

Also, you seem to just ignore the topics I start that are supportive of President Obama when I feel he is doing something policy wise that is helpful for our nation, either government (rare), economically (not much), socially (several).

Also as I have explained before, I'm not a Repug or anti-Obama.



New member
Gotta agree with hugo and IWS-

I'm not republican. The republican party of today sucks almost as bad as the democrats. Repubs are closer to my ideals that the dems are, but are still pretty far out there. John McCain would've been just as bad a president in my opinion.

I backed Bush for the first 6 or so years. His last 2 years in office he made some dumb decisions. I will freely admit that.

having said that-

Obama sucks ***. He's been pres for almost 2 years now, and unemployment is worse. the deficit is higher. he has tax cheats running the treasury. He has more "czars" than anyone before him (and this whole concept of appointing czars stinks.) The troops are still in the middle east.

His "Hope and Change" turned out to be "More of the same, just with the race card mixed in"

That's lame.

It's time to stop blaming the past, and start blaming the present.



New member
Nobody ever likes to admit being a Republican, but it's how they always vote. Hilarious.


Kinda like admitting to being a liberal/progressive/liberal/etc...

I have no problem saying that right now I am a registered Republican, but I do not belong to the Republican Party. I do and in the past several elections have voted for people who belong to the Democrat Party. (not just Ben Nelson)

That's why I laughed when Builder tried to get me with some kind of "gotcha" tactic with Tom Tancredo. I said he was a whack job and Builder was like, "oh check again, he's a Republican", yea and he's a dumbass like I said. I don't vote ® or (D). I vote the issues and the candidate.

I am registered Republican now because I was hoping to be able to elect a conservative candidate to the last election to counter the far left Congress, as I think it's bad for the country when the Executive and Legislative branches are too similar in ideology.

For several elections prior, I was a registered Independent.

No shame. Just facts, but as a lib, facts mean little to you. More spin.

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