Wierd forum effects


New member
Well this is prolly me but when i come on to this forum i put lp on...

does any1 else do this? lol. or am i just to addicted?



New member
pretty sure a lot of ppl do that. I used to all the time. I stopped because I don't want to listen to LP too much lol.


New member
I do this sometimes... but thats usually cuz I just got home from school and come on here, but I was gonna put them on anyway :p

[Hope this makes sense]

I don't. I listen to whatever I feel like listening to at the time, wether it be LP, or another band. Like right now I'm listening to Rob Zombie.


New member
I usually put on itunes which has lots of different stuff......but TONS of Linkin Park....Lately I haven't been listening to music while on the computer though. Wierd.


New member
I always have winamp playing when I'm on the computer, and I have my playlist set to shuffle, so I listen to lots of different stuff. Ocasionally, LP comes on, but I don't listen to just them. There's plenty of variety here :p


New member
I'm usually listening to something, but it's not always LP. It may be, but it just depends what I feel like at the time. I made myself find some other bands I liked too because I thought I would just get sick of LP if I listened to them non-stop.


New member
Sometimes =) My playlist is kinda random, and the majority of it is LP, so the chances of there being an LP song whilst I'm on here is highly possible! I see where you're coming though. It's actually on Pushing me away at the moment as well lol ^.^
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