****** Wife Murderer OJ Screwed: 3rd Co-Defendent Flips, FBI Knew in Advance!


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FBI Knew of O.J. Simpson Plan in Advance

Friday, November 2, 2007

LOS ANGELES -- Federal agents learned three weeks in advance that O.J.
Simpson and a memorabilia dealer planned an operation to retrieve personal
items Simpson said were stolen from him, according to FBI reports obtained
Friday by The Associated Press.

Dealer Thomas Riccio said he reported to the FBI on Aug. 21 that a collector
claimed to have belongings taken from Simpson, and that Simpson wanted to
videotape the confrontation with the person peddling thousands of pieces of
his memorabilia.

Riccio told AP that he raised the subject while talking with the FBI about
an unrelated subject: a video of Anna Nicole Smith. But he said agents
dismissed his report, telling him "they didn't want to be involved in
another weird celebrity case."

"The guy flat-out told me he had items stolen from O.J.'s house," Riccio
told the AP. "I have a legitimate business."

FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said Riccio did not indicate a crime would be

Riccio was advised to contact a lawyer before taking any action and was told
that alerting the FBI would not absolve him of any potential crime, agent
Linda Kline wrote of the meeting, which occurred in Los Angeles.

He was not clear how the operation would unfold. There was no mention in the
report of any plans to use guns.

"I went along with O.J.'s plan," Riccio said. "It was a self-organized sting
operation. Except for the final result, with him bringing people who had
guns. I knew nothing about that."

Simpson, 60, and five other men were arrested after they allegedly stormed a
Las Vegas hotel room with guns drawn Sept. 13 to seize items that were
believed to include family photos and the suit Simpson wore the day he was
acquitted of murdering his ex-wife and her friend.

Las Vegas police said the FBI did not alert them before the confrontation
between Simpson and collectors Alfred Beardsley and Bruce Fromong.

"They contacted us afterward and provided us with the documentation," said
Las Vegas Police Detective Andy Caldwell, the investigator handling the

Caldwell said he had no information about any FBI investigation into the

Riccio, who had previously sold Anna Nicole Smith's diary, said he spoke for
an hour with FBI agents about a video a doctor shot of Smith's breast
implant surgery. At the end of the conversation agents gave him about 15
minutes to discuss Simpson.

After they expressed little interest, Riccio said he contacted the Los
Angeles Police Department, where he said he was switched from department to
department before finally being told to file a civil complaint.

"No one seemed to be concerned about it," Riccio said.

An LAPD spokesman declined to comment on Riccio's account.

Simpson is charged with an assortment of felonies including armed robbery
and kidnapping. Three of his co-defendants have since pleaded guilty to
lesser charges and said they would testify against Simpson. A preliminary
hearing is scheduled next week in Las Vegas.

The FBI reports, written Aug. 21 and Sept. 19, said Riccio told agents he
had been approached by Beardsley, who wanted to sell thousands of Simpson

The documents said Riccio described Beardsley as a fanatic and said Riccio
contacted Simpson about the items. Simpson said his belongings were stolen
from his Florida house by his former agent, Mike Gilbert, and others who had
worked for him.

"Riccio and Simpson want to do a television broadcast confronting Beardsley
regarding the items that were stolen," one report said. "Simpson wanted
Riccio's assistance in setting up the operation and helping obtain
interviews for Simpson through various media outlets after the fact."

Beardsley told police he had been robbed by Simpson and a group of men
wielding guns. Simpson has denied there were any guns involved. He said
Riccio set up the meeting and he planned to surprise Beardsley and retrieve
his property.

Simpson told the AP he went to the hotel room after being alerted by Riccio
that Beardsley and another collectibles dealer, Fromong, were trying to sell
his possessions. Simpson knew both dealers.

Riccio has released a tape recording he made of the incident and been
granted immunity by prosecutors.