Wife of Charlie Hebdo attacker condemns deadly strikes: lawyer


World News

The wife of Charlie Hebdo attacker Cherif Kouachi, held for 72 hours after the deadly assault, has condemned her husband's actions and expressed her feelings for the victims, her lawyer told AFP on Sunday. Speaking after she was released from custody on Saturday, Christian Saint-Palais said the young woman had "expressed her indignation and condemnation of violence" to investigators. She had also noted her "thoughts for the victims" and said her response to the attack "was the same reaction as that of the entire nation," Saint-Palais said as he joined hundreds of thousands of people in a march of solidarity for the victims on Sunday. According to the lawyer, Cherif Kouachi's wife Izzana Hamyd said she had never seen any sign in her husband to suggest that he might undertake such terrorist activity, and described herself as "stupefied" by the attack.

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