Will it Blend??


New member
Blendtec has these amazing machines called blenders.

Maybe you've heard of them?

But lo! they're not just for making smoothies. Our friend Tom Dickinson illustrates the almighty power of these blenders by bleding objects you would never dream of!!

The latest, being the iPhone!

There are dozens of videos to watch in which he blends:





light bulbs

and many many more!

check it out on Youtube: http://youtube.com/profile_videos?user=Blendtec&p=r&page=2


I just find these videos amusing as all heck!

The guy is a little creepy, but I like him anyway! ^__^

I hope you find them amusing.



Active Members
I always want to cry when I see someone doing something like that to an iPhone or an iPod...

they should better give it to me



New member
I always want to cry when I see someone doing something like that to an iPhone or an iPod...
they should better give it to me

I watched all those videos... I already managed to get annoyed of that clip that is in the beginning of every video. :D ... Or at least the sentence that "Dickson" says.

Anyway, those were kinda boring.

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