Will the Press Cover Mitt Romney's Lie Like He's a Democrat?.


Harry Hope


Dec 21st 2007

Will the Press Cover Mitt Romney's Lie Like He's a Democrat?


If a Democrat ever lies (most of the time it doesn't even have to be a
lie, as long as the press claims it's a lie), the media goes

They never, ever let it go.

The most obvious example is Clinton saying he did not have sexual
relations with Monica Lewinsky.

They built such a firestorm over that lie about his personal life that
the man was impeached.

But at least that actually was a lie.

The press grilled Al Gore for saying he invented the internet and
personally discovered the Love Canal and that Love Story was based on
his marriage.

Here's the problem -- Al Gore never said any of those things.

You should read this great Vanity Fair article about how the media
concocted these fabrications and hammered Gore's reputation with them
in 2000.

The writer meticulously researches exactly what Gore said and exactly
which members of the press misquoted him and exaggerated his claims.

And how the press mercilessly piled on, when ironically they were the
ones misleading the public.

Now, the question is:

Will Mitt Romney get anywhere near that level of scrutiny for his
blatant lie?

Romney has flip-flopped and weaseled on countless issues (my favorite
is that he had been for gun rights all along because he used to be a
hunter himself -- he claimed he hunted rodents and other "small
varmints;" God, that's embarrassing).

But his lie about seeing his father march with Martin Luther King,
Jr., has been proven to be an absolute fabrication.

His father never marched with Martin Luther King and Mitt Romney
certainly never "saw" that happen.

Now Romney claims he meant it figuratively.

How do you see something figuratively?

Was it a mirage?

Was it in a dream?

Even more importantly, how many other things has Romney meant

Should we not take anything he says literally?

This is a great little scam for any lie you get caught in.

"Honey, did I say I didn't cheat on you? I meant that figuratively.
Literally speaking, yes, I slept with your sister."

Ladies, are you buying it?

Since that was so lame, Romney then argued that it depends on your
definition of "saw."

Remind you of anything?

It might also depend on the definition of "lie."

Well, how is this for a lie:

In 1978 Romney claimed, "My father and I marched with Martin Luther
King Jr. through the streets of Detroit."

Does that depend on the definition of "marched"?

How about the definition of "Martin Luther King"?

Maybe he and his dad walked by a picture of King and thought, "Good

So, will the press treat Romney like he's a Democrat and rip him to

Will they keep repeating the fact that Romney clearly lied about this?
Or will he get a free ride like most Republicans because the press is
deathly afraid of being called liberal if they point out the obvious
lies and hypocrisies of the right?

The number of lies Bush has gotten away with is innumerable.

Just a couple of weeks ago, he claimed he didn't see the NIE on Iran's
weapons program in August
and then had to backtrack
http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/12/05/bush.iran/index.html and send
his spokesperson out to say he had seen it (maybe this too depends on
the definition of "saw").

Anyone still talking about that obvious lie?

No, of course not.

He's a Republican.

It would be biased to point out how often he lies.

Karl Rove avoided prosecution in the Valerie Plame case by admitting
that he had lied about not being involved.

He eventually told the grand jury that he had in fact leaked her name
to several reporters and misled Scott McClellan and the whole country
about it earlier.

Yet, people still take him seriously and he just got a column in
Newsweek to print more of his fabrications.

By the way, Bush and Rove's lies were not about their personal lives
(they had those, too, like Bush covering up his drunk driving record,
but I give him a pass on that because that isn't a matter of national

The Bush administration lies got people killed.

Yet they have never been held to account anywhere near what Clinton
and Gore went through.

Will this double standard ever end?

Maybe this lie by Romney is so obvious that it'll be the beginning of
the end.

I'm so naive that I'm still hopeful about that.

So far, the press coverage on it has been significant, so we can't

Let's see if they hammer him on it all campaign long as you know they
would do to a Democrat.

Or if they just let it go after a couple of days, as they did with his
ridiculous assertions about being a lifelong hunter.

One final small note, while Romney was explaining his lie he used the
example of seeing the Patriots win the World Series.

Come on man, that's your home team.

You were governor of Massachusetts.

You have to know the Patriots play football and not baseball.

This is incredibly minor, but so was when John Kerry called Lambeau
Field, Lambert Filed.

And the press would not stop talking about that for months.

Will they hold Romney to the same standard on the Patriots?

You know and I know that they won't.

They'll never mention it again.

Well, at least we'll do our part.

Here's us making fun of Romney and his ridiculous lie on our show this



Harry Hope <rivrvu@ix.netcom.com> wrote in

> http://news.aol.com/newsbloggers/2007/12/21/will-the-press-cover-mitt-rom
> enys-lie-like-hes-a-democrat/
> Dec 21st 2007
> Will the Press Cover Mitt Romney's Lie Like He's a Democrat?
> Cenk-Uygur
> If a Democrat ever lies (most of the time it doesn't even have to be a
> lie, as long as the press claims it's a lie), the media goes
> ballistic.
> They never, ever let it go.
> The most obvious example is Clinton saying he did not have sexual
> relations with Monica Lewinsky.
> They built such a firestorm over that lie about his personal life that
> the man was impeached.
> But at least that actually was a lie.
> The press grilled Al Gore for saying he invented the internet and
> personally discovered the Love Canal and that Love Story was based on
> his marriage.
> Here's the problem -- Al Gore never said any of those things.
> You should read this great Vanity Fair article about how the media
> concocted these fabrications and hammered Gore's reputation with them
> in 2000.
> http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2007/10/gore200710
> The writer meticulously researches exactly what Gore said and exactly
> which members of the press misquoted him and exaggerated his claims.
> And how the press mercilessly piled on, when ironically they were the
> ones misleading the public.
> Now, the question is:
> Will Mitt Romney get anywhere near that level of scrutiny for his
> blatant lie?
> Romney has flip-flopped and weaseled on countless issues (my favorite
> is that he had been for gun rights all along because he used to be a
> hunter himself -- he claimed he hunted rodents and other "small
> varmints;" God, that's embarrassing).
> http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2007/04/07/romney_defends_lack
> _of_hunting_license/
> But his lie about seeing his father march with Martin Luther King,
> Jr., has been proven to be an absolute fabrication.
> http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2007/12/21/romney_never_saw_fa
> ther_on_king_march/?page=1
> His father never marched with Martin Luther King and Mitt Romney
> certainly never "saw" that happen.
> Now Romney claims he meant it figuratively.
> How do you see something figuratively?
> Was it a mirage?
> Was it in a dream?
> Even more importantly, how many other things has Romney meant
> figuratively?
> Should we not take anything he says literally?
> This is a great little scam for any lie you get caught in.
> "Honey, did I say I didn't cheat on you? I meant that figuratively.
> Literally speaking, yes, I slept with your sister."
> Ladies, are you buying it?
> Since that was so lame, Romney then argued that it depends on your
> definition of "saw."
> Remind you of anything?
> It might also depend on the definition of "lie."
> Well, how is this for a lie:
> In 1978 Romney claimed, "My father and I marched with Martin Luther
> King Jr. through the streets of Detroit."
> Does that depend on the definition of "marched"?
> How about the definition of "Martin Luther King"?
> Maybe he and his dad walked by a picture of King and thought, "Good
> enough."
> So, will the press treat Romney like he's a Democrat and rip him to
> shreds?
> Will they keep repeating the fact that Romney clearly lied about this?
> Or will he get a free ride like most Republicans because the press is
> deathly afraid of being called liberal if they point out the obvious
> lies and hypocrisies of the right?
> The number of lies Bush has gotten away with is innumerable.
> Just a couple of weeks ago, he claimed he didn't see the NIE on Iran's
> weapons program in August
> http://news.aol.com/newsbloggers/2007/12/05/yet-another-outrageous-bush-l
> ie/14 and then had to backtrack
> http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/12/05/bush.iran/index.html and send
> his spokesperson out to say he had seen it (maybe this too depends on
> the definition of "saw").
> Anyone still talking about that obvious lie?

Can you imagine the "liberal" media reaction if a
Democrat said that he saw coverage of the first plane
hitting the WTC?

"I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff -- well, first
of all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this
plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on..."
George Bush, Jan 5, 2002. In fact there was no coverage of
the first plane hitting the WTC because no one expected it.

Or that capturing the biggest mass murderer in US
history was "not a priority"

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and
I really don't care. It's not that important. It's not
our priority."
George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

Or that he was conducting warrantless wiretaps at the
very time he was stating he would never do that?

"Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States
government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap
requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way.
When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're
talking about getting a court order before we do so."
-George W. Bush, April 20, 2004. His administration was
already conducting warrantless wiretaps at the time.

Or claims that he never said "stay the course" when multiple
televised speeches show him saying just that?

If the problem were just Mitt Romney's lies, it be a great story. But in
reality, every republican lies to get elected. He lies about abortion,
tax cuts, balancing the budget etc. Every single republican is a
habitual liar - he has to be.

But the problem isn't necessarily the republican politician per se, but
instead the demagogues who keep the party faithful in line. These
demagogues are on the radio, TV and print every day spewing endless lies
about tax cuts, the war on terror, WMD, Whitewater and everything in
between. The party faithful then bow down on bended knee at the alter of
the lie and claim it to be absolute truth.

How can a decent or informed republican run for election, much less
govern responsibly when the party is filled with idiots?

We didn't get to $9.1 trillion of debt because republicans told the
truth about tax cuts. We got there because they spent the last 30 years
lying about tax cuts and no on in the media has the balls to call them
on it.

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