Win 7 Installation hangs at "Completing Installation."



I recently built a desktop with the following specs:
Intel i7-2600 core
Intel DP67BG motherboard
Nvidia GTX 580
Corsair 850 PSU
2TB Generic Hard Drive(HDD)
120GB SSD(Intel, OS Storage)
I'm having trouble installing Windows, as I started the installation, and then, it got stuck on setup is starting for about 30 minutes, then, it got stuck on expanding files for 8 hours(at night), then now it hangs at completing installation. I am installing a new copy of Windows 7 64Bit Ultimate(purchased from Microsoft Store).
What is the problem here? I also tried using a usb, but the motherboard wouldn't let me boot from USB. I was thinking of reseting everthing and trying again, but I don't know. What should I do?

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