Win 7 Ult. Pro., How to change user/computer name? I.e. I used a poor OWNER name when...



When I first ran Win 7 I used the name OWNER somewhere, or at least that was the default name that came up and I didn't change it. Now it's embedded everywhere and I'd like to change it without doing a re-install. The user folder was originally named "Owner", I have changed that.
Searching the registry the name "OWNER-PC" comes up all over the place. I have changed the name of the computer, and my user folder name, but the old name "Owner", "OWNER-PC", "Owner-PC", etc. comes up all over the registry. Is there a key value that all subsequent key values get this value from?
Can I just do a search and replace? I'd create a system restore point and system backup via Windows Home Server before editing the registry to this extent beforehand.


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