failed: Client out of memory


Chandra Obulaiah

Dear Sir,/ Madam,
Here i facing problem with below given details are follows

When using Internet Explorer (IE9) to browse the Internet, there may be times when a "Error on Page" message will occur. Experiencing error messages when using IE is common. There are many reasons why "Error on page" will occur. For example, you may experience the "Error on page" message when Internet Explorer is unable to read something that is on the web page that you are trying to gain access to. "Error on Page" can also occur if Internet Explorer needs to be updated.

Webpage error details

Client Information
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; BRI/2; InfoPath.3; BOIE9;ENUSMSE)
CPU Class: x86
Platform: Win32
System Language: en-us
User Language: en-us
CookieEnabled: true
Mime Types:

Exception Details
Date: Tue Sep 13 15:50:53 UTC+0530 2011
Message: failed: Client out of memory
Line: 36

Call Stack

Dump Event
recordset = null
type = error
fromElement = null
toElement = null
altLeft = false
keyCode = 0
repeat = false
reason = 0
data =
behaviorCookie = 0
source = null
contentOverflow = false
behaviorPart = 0
url =
dataTransfer = null
ctrlKey = false
shiftLeft = false
dataFld =
returnValue = undefined
qualifier =
wheelDelta = 0
bookmarks = null
actionURL =
button = 0
srcFilter = null
nextPage =
cancelBubble = false
x = 0
y = 0
buttonID = 0
srcElement = null
screenX = 397
screenY = 289
srcUrn =
origin =
boundElements = [object]
clientX = 168
clientY = 162
propertyName =
shiftKey = false
ctrlLeft = false
offsetX = 0
offsetY = 0
altKey = false
errorMessage = 143abf4577894d22ae34a054a6dce7fe
errorUrl =
errorLine = 36
errorCharacter = 411
errorCode = 0


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