Windows 7 Installation With Two Solid State Drives



Greetings Forum,
I shall install Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit on a system with 2 SSDs. Before I do I'd like to ask a few things about this.

With two SATA II HDDs, I'd generally install as such;
C:\ - Operating system and applications
D:\ - User data, some user settings and other user folders, pagefile, user temp folder, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome cookie and caching.
I'd do this in order to separate the system and data, and to enhance performance.

With two SSDs is it necessary to move the page file and user temp folder to another disc? Asking this from a perfomance and work load (for the drive) perspective.
Is it true that SSDs do not require defragging?
Is it true that SSDs can read and write data continuously for 40 years?
Is it best NOT to use a SSD for backing up? Or can one do this safely?

If all sounds good I will rebuilt my PC with SSDs.

Thanks and regards,

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