Windows Backup seems to activate a Severe Threat in MSE


Peter J Harrison

Help Please.
I am using Windows 7 with MSE. My last Scheduled Windows backup on Sunday failed to complete and every time I now try to run Windows backup the backup fails to complete and MSE picks up a severe threat - "Exploit:Java/Blacole.EE ".
When MSE tries to "clean" the severe threat status shows "not found" but is then shown in History as "removed" .
The Item detail is:- file:\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy36\Users\Peter\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\56\4da13478-5d2354ac.A2jDD8B6B3015417->fa.class. The only thing that changes at each history removed item is the Shadow Copy number.
Is my computer infected and if so how can I rectify the problem?
Thank You

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