Windows Explorer's endless "searching for files" and fails to populate navigation and folders...


Car 126

I'm running Win 7 Ultimate, 64 bit on a high end desktop with 4x1 TB hard drives and an LSI MegaRAID SAS 9260-4i controller arranged as a RAID 6 array to create a single 2 TB drive. Approximately 300 GB is free on the array.
The system has performed flawlessly for well over a year until about a month or so ago. I experience intermittent problem with Windows Explorer. Often, after launching Windows Explorer, I see "searching for files" in the task bar and the progressive but never end green band at the top of the window. Details in the navigation pane only include the headings (favorities, libraries, homegroup, and network) without any folders or links beneath. The folders & files pane is mostly empty or may include generic icons.
This problem may continue for the duration of my login, or Windows Explorer may be fine the next time I open it (usualy once I have a problem it stays). After a restart or reboot, Windows Explorer usually starts out working fine.
I've used SFC and verified all files are good. I've run the multiple troubleshooting tools available from Microsoft's answers site. All Windows updates have been installed. I have not tried one suggestion to migrate all content to a new user profile because that would be a big undertaking.
If anyone has other thoughts, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

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