Windows Installer Package for Xp when updating a software.



I was trying to update my I tunes the other day and Quick time as well. When i get an error from both of them with out any numbers or what not so I don't know what is wrong with it. but it tells me the software it needs to come up and run this doesn't want to come up and run it.

My father who grew up learning on the old computers where you had to type in all the commands doesn't even know how to fix this problem either.

I did what I tunes page said to do to fix error's and it still doesn't work. So now I have no I tunes what so ever to use and no way of knowing how to fix this what so ever.

Should i force my old computer to update to window's 7 for a bit before I force it back now to Xp to fix this or is there some other way to do it so I can have music again?

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