Windows Vista Security Error



Every time I try to download a file from the internet, Windows notfies me

that it has chosen to deny access to this file. I have disabled all

firewalls and security measures, but to no avail. This is clearly a Vista

glitch and I am upset that I cannot even control what I do on my own

computer. Any ideas?

Kind Regards,



Mr. Arnold

"Trapper" <> wrote in message<span style="color:blue">

> Every time I try to download a file from the internet, Windows notfies me

> that it has chosen to deny access to this file. I have disabled all

> firewalls and security measures, but to no avail. This is clearly a Vista

> glitch and I am upset that I cannot even control what I do on my own

> computer. Any ideas?</span>

I would say that it's not a glitch, and you don't know how to tell Vista to

grant permissions to the file as a user. You have a permission issue. What

kind of file is it? Did the file actually download and is sitting on the

hard drive? And yes, Vista will block a file if it's an executable/program

file that is being downloaded from a site, until you unblock it, if it has

made it to the hard drive.

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