Wireless driver broken by Windows 7 Sysprep



I've have had three working Windows 7 images (Lenovo T510, Lenovo X201, and a Fujitsu T900) for several months. Periodically I install MS updates, make other necessary changes, run sysprep, and recapture the images in an effort to keep them current. Recently now during this update process, after running sysprep (using the same sysprep xml answer file that I have been using all along), wireless no longer works after applying the updated image. The wireless driver appears to be installed, but will not detect any wireless networks. If I attempt to create a wireless network profile manually, I receive "an unexpected network error has occured." The wireless device does appear in Device Manager as though it's in tact but if I run diagnostics, the wireless device is not found. Uninstalling, and reinstalling the driver does not fix the problem. I have come up with a workaround, but it is not a true fix, as the workaround prevents me from being able to consolidate the T510 and X201 into one universal Lenovo image as I should be able to do.
The workaround consists of adding the following two lines to my xml file:

This allows the wireless to work again because sysprep no longer strips the wireless driver as it processes. However because the wireless driver remains on the image after sysprep, I lose the ability to consolidate the images. After I Inject the T510 drivers into the X201 image, or vice versa, after then I apply the image, wireless only works on the model that the image was captured on, even though the wireless driver for the other model was injected into the image. The strange thing is that the T510 and X201 have the same wireless chipset.

Lenovo T510 - Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6200 AGN
Lenovo X201 - Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6200 AGN
Fujitsu T900 - Atheros AR928X Wireless Network Adapter

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