Wireless Network - Secured WPA - Help



need help setting up a computer on my wireless network.

The network has WPA2 encryption.
The computer has XP SP3.
I have used two wireless USB adapters -
With a Dell adapter, I can't see any options for WPA in the Wireless configuration utility (only WEP and Disabled). If I broadcast my network SSID (which I prefer not to), I can find it, click on it and - get into an endless loop of acquiring network address (it doesn't ask for the "passphrase").
With a Trendnet adapter, I can see the WPA option in the Wireless Configuration tab - but there is no place to enter the passphrase, so same thing happens - I can't connect.
I tried to get the most updated drivers (I can't find the driver CDs, but downloaded drivers from the manufacturer web site).
I don't know if it's a driver problem, or if there are some settings in Windows that I can't find (since there is a WPA option, there must be a place to enter the password - even a Roku device lets me do that !)
Can anyone tell me either how to do this, or that it is impossible and stop trying ?

Thank you !

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