With Political Heat On Him Over Iraq Debacle, Bush To Make Speech From Oval Office Today On Global W



Bush Set to Announce Air Pollution Rules

After Supreme Court Ruling, President Bush to Announce New Plans to
Regulate Air Pollution

The Associated Press

By JENNIFER LOVEN Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON May 14, 2007

President Bush responded to a Supreme Court environmental ruling by
settling on regulatory changes that don't need congressional approval,
the White House said Monday.
Bush is announcing the steps he is directing his administration to
take in a Rose Garden appearance later Monday.

Last month, the high court rebuked his administration for its inaction
on global warming. In a 5-4 decision, it declared that carbon dioxide
and other greenhouse gases qualify as air pollutants under the Clean
Air Act and thus can be regulated by the Environmental Protection

The court also said that the "laundry list" of reasons the
administration has given for declining to do so are insufficient, and
that the agency must regulate carbon dioxide, the leading gas linked
to global warming, it finds that it endangers public health.

Bush has said previously that he recognized the serious environmental
problems created by such emissions and other so-called greenhouse
gases. But he has urged against anything other than a voluntary
approach to curbing emissions, saying regulations could undercut
economic activity. The president also says he will accept no global
deal on greenhouse gases without the participation of China, India and
other high-polluting, developing nations.

In his State of the Union address in January, Bush set a goal of
reducing gas consumption by 20 percent over 10 years. Under his plan,
this would be accomplished by increasing the use of alternative fuels
to 35 billion gallons by 2017 and boosting fuel efficiency standards
in new vehicles.

White House press secretary Tony Snow said the president's new
announcement is "his latest effort to ensure that the nation's taking
aggressive steps to reduce gas consumption and to reduce dependence on
foreign energy sources."

"He will ask the administration to start implementing the 20-in-10
program through regulatory action," Snow said. "At the same time, he
will continue to urge Congress to pass legislation to advance the

Democrats who control Congress have been pressuring the administration
to say when it will comply with the high court's ruling and decide
whether to regulate carbon dioxide, the leading gas linked to global
"MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE" <exPresident@au.revoir.gov> wrote in message
> Once again, BOOOSH demonstrates how trivially easy it is to
> out-think, out-last, out-play the LIBs....
> LIBs lose yet ANOTHER ONE to BOOOSH!
> http://nedmartin.org/amused/pics.jpg.base-bush-sign
> ALL YOUR BASE are belong to BOOOSH.

America loses to bush,jr
every day he and his
administration remain in office
> "MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE"
>> Once again, BOOOSH demonstrates how trivially easy it is to
>> out-think, out-last, out-play the LIBs....
>> LIBs lose yet ANOTHER ONE to BOOOSH!
>> http://nedmartin.org/amused/pics.jpg.base-bush-sign
>> ALL YOUR BASE are belong to BOOOSH.

> America loses to bush,jr
> every day he and his
> administration remain in office

VOTE KILLARY. You'll be glad you did (or else).
-- Bill Clinton'07

Only then will LIBs get precisely what they deserve
a world with cities ablaze and bodies littering the streets
where the dead, the dying, the dissenting are haulled away in boxcars
that run night and day to smokestacks that billow without end.

Atrocities according to the LIBs.
"MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE" <exPresident@au.revoir.gov> wrote in message
> "Sid9"
>> "MANFRED the heat seeking OBOE"
>>> Once again, BOOOSH demonstrates how trivially easy it is to
>>> out-think, out-last, out-play the LIBs....
>>> LIBs lose yet ANOTHER ONE to BOOOSH!
>>> http://nedmartin.org/amused/pics.jpg.base-bush-sign
>>> ALL YOUR BASE are belong to BOOOSH.

>> America loses to bush,jr
>> every day he and his
>> administration remain in office

> VOTE KILLARY. You'll be glad you did (or else).
> -- Bill Clinton'07
> Only then will LIBs get precisely what they deserve
> a world with cities ablaze and bodies littering the streets
> where the dead, the dying, the dissenting are haulled away in boxcars
> that run night and day to smokestacks that billow without end.
> http://www.strangecosmos.com/images/content/16815.JPG
> http://www.strangecosmos.com/images/content/100149.jpg
> Atrocities according to the LIBs.

Same **** you warned us about the Vietnam war.

This crap is the Vietnamization of Iraq...the dominos this, and the dominos
that...all bullshit