With use of RU-486 on the rise, who will the biblethumping thugsharass and murder now?

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

Private RU-486 Confounds Anti-Abortionists: Who Can We Harass Now?

By Sara Robinson, Group News Blog

Posted on February 14, 2008, Printed on February 14, 2008

Don't look now, but the front lines of the abortion battle are
shifting. Thanks to advances in medical technology and the
introduction of the drug mifepristone (aka RU 486), which gives women
the option of having safe, early abortions in private locations
instead of public clinics, the raving crazies who tape pictures of
bloody fetuses to their bodies, stalk Planned Parenthood and howl
"murder" at anyone who walks through its doors, may suddenly find
themselves all dressed up with nowhere to go -- and no one to

Or, at the very least, if this mob of screeching would-be fetus
rescuers wants to continue its brand of guerrilla warfare -- a decades-
long face-down with abortion providers who have accepted the
possibility that they'd be blown up at their desks or taken out by a
sniper while sitting at their dinner tables as just another part of
the job -- its self-righteous, lunatic members will have to work a lot

It's about time. Because, judging from the religious right's30-year
campaign of violence against U.S. and Canadian medical clinics, I'd
say murder in the name of God hasn't been too difficult. Here's a look
at domestic terrorism by the numbers:

7 murders, including 3 doctors, 2 clinic employees, a security guard,
and an escort

17 attempted murders

383 death threats

153 incidents of assault and battery

3 kidnappings

41 bombings

173 arsons

91 attempted bombings or arsons

619 bomb threats

655 bioterror attacks (all hoaxes), 554 of which were committed by one

1,630 incidents of trespassing

1,264 incidents of vandalism

100 attacks with butyric acid stink bombs

One-third of all abortion clinics in 1981 were gone by 2005.

If Islamic Jihadists had done even a tenth this much damage, every
last Muslim in America would be doing stress-position calisthenics in
a concentration camp somewhere in the Nevada desert right now. But
since this impressive achievement in domestic terrorism was almost
entirely accomplished by white Christian men -- well, y'see, it's Not
Terrorism when we do it -- the public has barely batted an eye.

In fact, while most of the country was looking the other way, that's
when the supply lines for abortion shifted. According to a recent
article in the Washington Post, that change -- RU-486 -- is starting
to make a fundamental difference in the way abortion happens -- and is
talked about -- in this country.

According to the Post's Rob Stein:

At a time when the overall number of abortions has been steadily
declining, a new survey reported that RU-486-induced abortions have
been rising by 22 percent a year and now account for 14 percent of the
total -- and more than 1 in 5 of early abortions performed by the
ninth week of pregnancy.

It's not the actual numbers that are interesting here; it's the
trendline. RU-486 has been available in the United States since 2000,
and its use has been increasing at a slow but steady rate ever since.
What's new is that it's finally approaching critical mass, gaining
acceptance with the vast numbers of doctors who've wanted to offer
their patients the option of a safe early abortion, but simply
couldn't take on the daunting social, financial or physical risks of
performing the operation themselves. Increasingly, year by year,
RU-486 has allowed more and more of these doctors and their patients
to do a complete end-run around the crazies at the clinic door. And
this has gone on long enough now that it's starting to change the way
we approach the whole issue, on several fronts.

First, it's already putting more abortion providers back in service.
For 20 years, the number of doctors and clinics offering abortion was
in free fall: Every year, it seemed, more of them succumbed to anti-
choice harassment and pressure, and closed their doors. Old doctors
retired; young ones were discouraged from learning the procedure;
clinic directors balked at the PR and security problems and the
insurance premiums. But, according to the Guttmacher Institute, the
rate of decline suddenly flattened from 8 percent to 2 percent in
2001, as doctors started adding RU-486 to their practices -- and that
rate has held steady ever since. We're still losing abortion
providers, but most of those losses are being offset by the growing
number of doctors offering drug-induced medical abortion. Even better
news: Those doctors are now everywhere, including states where the
last surgical abortion provider was run out years ago.

Second, it's changing the way women experience abortion. Medical
abortion gives women the dignity of going through the process in the
privacy and comfort of their own homes, rather than having to hunt
down a clinic, get themselves there, and face down the hysterical,
pleading mob massed around the clinic doors both before and after
enduring a painful and invasive surgery. Also: Most late abortions are
necessary only because women are forced to wait too long while they
arrange the funding, access or logistics for an expensive, often too-
far-away surgical abortion. Mifepristone greatly reduces the expense
and hassle -- and, with it, the unnecessary delays that lead to most
later-term abortions.

Third, unlike most drugs, RU-486 is dispensed directly by doctors --
which also cuts out of the loop moralizing pharmacists who see women's
most essential life decisions as a sort of moral gym equipment on
which to freely exercise their underdeveloped consciences and score
some extra Jesus Points in the process. (A lot of these same people
can't be trusted to hand out birth control pills or Plan B, either --
and if the pharmacy profession can't get these people to fulfill the
terms of their licenses, RU-486 is the precedent from which to argue
that we should seriously consider putting these other controversial
items back into the hands of doctors as well).

Fourth: As medical abortion becomes the norm, women aren't such easy
pickings for the religious right any more. You can't just hang out in
front of the clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays and assume everyone
coming up the sidewalk is a slutty, bamboozled, callous-hearted, baby-
killing bitch who just doesn't understand that it's a baaayyybbeee,
that she has options, and that Jesus loves her.

Increasingly, women seeking an abortion are bypassing the clinic
entirely. Instead, they're showing up for regular appointments, on all
days of the week, at doctors' offices all over town. Which makes it
hard on the berzerkers: After all, there's no legitimate way of
knowing which doctors are in the abortion business now, or why any
individual woman is seeing any given doctor on any given day. Our
culture has strong, long-standing customs protecting discussions
between doctors and patients, and as abortion increasingly slips
behind that wall, that decision is finally ending up exactly where
we've always argued it should be -- as a private matter between a
woman and her doctor.

When that happens, the question becomes: Will the anti-choice
terrorists respect that wall -- or will they try to go over it, get
around it or simply blow it up?

What's likely to happen -- because it's what usually happens when
radical groups are driven to the fringes -- is that the moderate
members who make up the bulk of the movement let go and move on,
leaving a much smaller fanatical core to carry on. Without that
moderate influence to provide a constant, tempering reality check, the
craziness level heats up and becomes concentrated. The remaining True
Believers have wrapped up their lives and careers in the fight. For
these professional warriors, losing control of the battlefield -- in
this case, losing control of women, and the presumed male prerogative
to control women's fertility -- may prove to be a fate too shattering
to contemplate.

When this kind of defeat and isolation happens, we're usually wise to
expect trouble. They'll probably never give up on Planned Parenthood
as the all-time all-star Personification of Absolute Evil in their
perfervid little cosmological drama, but when abortion vanishes behind
a wall of privacy, we can expect to see newly focused attempts to
breach the wall of doctor-patient confidentiality, using every means
at hand.

They're already at it, as those who've been following the exploits of
former Kansas attorney general Phill Kline can tell you. (Kline used
his office to harass the state's abortion doctors, requiring them to
give up their case records to state review -- a step that would have
outed tens of thousands of women who'd had abortions). This is a
preview of what doctors will be in for: Escalating attempts to use the
law (or simple spying) to discover their treatment choices, open their
files, and put their patients' data on public record. We'll see
increased use of medical oversight and disciplinary boards to harass
doctors and compile lists of women who've had abortions. To the degree
this succeeds, it will set terrible precedents that will jeopardize
everybody's right to the confidentiality of their own medical records.

And, with those lists in hand, they could -- for the first time --
start going directly after women. In medical abortion, the agent of
termination is not surgical instruments in the hands of the doctor in
an office, but drugs in the hands of the patient at home. That fact
literally puts the event far more directly under women's control -- a
shift that may finally force these fanatics to fully reckon with the
fact that women are ultimately the responsible moral agents in every
abortion decision. And if they do make this leap, we can expect it to
get very nasty indeed as the personal becomes political on a whole new
level. Our increased privacy could be met with overwhelming publicity:
websites, public flyers, picketing in front of our houses, harassing
phone calls to employers and family members. The more private the
choice becomes, the harder they might fight back by trying to make it
as public as possible.

When the frustration builds to the point where violence comes, it
could appear on that same front as well. In the past, anti-abortion
terrorists bombed clinics because "that's where the babies die," and
shot doctors because they were "the real murderers." In the future,
that same logic may lead them to bring the gasoline and bombs to the
new "abortion chambers" -- that is, our own private homes -- and
direct their rage at the new "murderers," now recognized as women

From there, it's easy to step off into truly frightening images culled
from The Handmaid's Tale. That's one possible outcome to be aware of;
but, luckily, it's far from the most likely one. More likely, public
revulsion at these outrageous privacy invasions and violent tactics
will be their undoing -- putting the anti-choice movement in such bad
odor that it will lose all of its credibility and most of its cultural

We'll know we're getting close when the conventional wisdom accepts
that "pro-life" is exactly the equivalent of "pro-snooping-in-your-
family's-business"; that "saving babies" is usually a self-righteous
bully's excuse for harassing and assaulting women; and that "anti-
abortion violence" is, precisely, the modern definition of "domestic

RU-486 is, still slowly, shifting the public conversation about
abortion. As that new discussion opens up and grows louder, it will
also change the ways in which pro- and anti-choice people interact.
And -- if we watch for it -- it may give us our last, best chance to
return the entire subject to the private sphere, where it ought to be,
once and for all.

Sara Robinson is a 20-year veteran of Silicon Valley and is launching
a second career as a strategic foresight analyst. When she's not
studying change theories and reactionary movements, you can find her
singing the alto part over at Orcinus. She lives in Vancouver, B.C.,
with her husband and two teenagers.