Women Who Set Men Up!


Oct 10, 2005
About three months ago my good friend Robert got locked up in jail. The reason why is because his ex girl friend put a restraining order on him. Because he left an angry message on her cell phone about her keeping a bunch of stuff that belonged to him. But he was never served with it. He ended up going to her house to pick up some things that he left behind, just a week later and the bitch called the police on him. That's when he not noing he has this order stayed there, when she said she was calling the cops. So now he has to do a month in jail, two years probation and one year of DV classes.
Dude, I could go on a million page rant on how much guys get ****ed over by women (face it, women aren't always innocent), but pretty much everyone knows what I have to say. I'll just lie in wait for a totally irrational comment or a myth to drive by.
Honestly, I think there's more to the story then this one instance for him to have gotten jail time. My exhusband broke almost every bone in my body and the night he got served a restraining order, he broke my jaw and left me in the road for dead. I called the police. He told them he didn't know how I got my face bashed in and they didn't arrest him even though he went against the restraining order. It takes ALOT more than just one instance to get a guy in jail.
Here in Florida, I got a restraining order against my husband (who is now my ex), I was told by the Judge that signed it that he had to be served with it before he was bound by the restraining order.
They said I could go and see where he was and grab a cop and the cop was duty bound to serve the papers on the spot.
He had been served with the r/o. That's why he was so pissed. Because I let his little secret out of the bag. I just think we need more from the orginal poster than the one incident, because generally speaking, women don't file a restraining order in the first act of violence. Not to say it doesn't happen, just not generally.
manicmonday said:
Honestly, I think there's more to the story then this one instance for him to have gotten jail time. My exhusband broke almost every bone in my body and the night he got served a restraining order, he broke my jaw and left me in the road for dead. I called the police. He told them he didn't know how I got my face bashed in and they didn't arrest him even though he went against the restraining order. It takes ALOT more than just one instance to get a guy in jail.
For your info. The woman was never injured. He never layed a finger on her.
Well then I would say she was in the bitch catogory. Maybe he can meet a hit man in jail and have her well..........you know!!!!!!!! ;)
Apprehended Domestic Violence orders are not as easy to get in OZ lately.

There was a time when a local magistrate could hand one out on the say-so of the other party. No evidence, no doctor's report, no corroboration from other parties, no witness statements.

The "offending" party was simply served the orders, and if they disagreed, they had to come up with the evidence. That is, guilty until proven innocent.

I abhor domestic violence of any kind, but I also abhor people who lie to get what they want from the courts.

One of my sisters, a serial monogamist with four kids to three fathers, decided she was going to screw over her latest man in the courts.

Her affidavit named all of my other sisters, and myself, as having been threatened with violence from her ex.

Trouble was, we all knew the guy to be a complete softy, a good father, an excellent provider, and not at all violent. Sis just wanted him out of her life, as long as he kept paying maintenance.

Let's call the ex, "Bro" for the rest of the story.

Bro called me, and all of my other sisters, and asked about the accusations written in the affidavit. We asked for a copy, and our collective jaws hit the floor at the absolute bullshit kid sis had written on our behalf.

We all submitted affidavits of our own, refuting the garbage that was written about us, without our knowledge or consent.

Kid sis fronts court, expecting an uncontested victory, only to be soundly thrashed by the Judge. Kid sis did an "LA Law" act, ranting parsimoniously, and was promptly removed from the court.

Bro now has regular access to his darling twin daughters, pays his child support, and has contact with me on a regular basis.

He ain't no Mike Brady (thank ****), but he is an excellent father, a good provider, and his girls love him. I visit them regularly.

In our family, the kids are the first cabs off the rank.

Kid sis had a hissy fit, of course, but is now back in the fold.
There are more ways to commit injury than by fist alone. Still, there are people who do not understand the consequences of childish revenge.

I will also say that my ex's BEST friends and family had no clue what he did to me behind closed doors, until I ran out of clean clothes and had to wear a short sleeved tee. We were both very good at hiding it for very different reasons. Just something to think about
I hear you Tizz.

My point is, not all blokes are guilty. There are plenty of arseholes out there. god must love arseholes; he made so many of them.

Domestic issues are such a suck.

Even for close friends, but when I see an injustice that I can actually turn around to a good thing, then I make the stretch in energy expenditure.
Builder, that was a good point. I was astonished when I was able to get a restraining order only on my word. I had a friend who told me she had been able to do so or I would never have thought it was so easy.

I do think it makes sense to require the person requesting the restraining present some kind of evidence such as photographs of previous injury or medical records or someone who can testify to that persons violent behavoir.

I know where I used to live a woman didn't have to press charges if someone was abusing her, the police who observed the after math could press charges but here in Florida I don't think thats the case so I think alot of woman are affraid to press charges.
I don't believe the "once you go black you never go back" theory. I'm black, had a few girls in my past, and they drift off to another guy, usually of a different race. Probably because I wasn't "black" enough. So much emphasis on such a stupid concept.
builder said:
I hear you Tizz.

My point is, not all blokes are guilty. There are plenty of arseholes out there. god must love arseholes; he made so many of them.

Domestic issues are such a suck.

Even for close friends, but when I see an injustice that I can actually turn around to a good thing, then I make the stretch in energy expenditure.
What the hell are arseholes dude?
What the hell are arseholes dude?

There are many ways to be an arsehole. I believe we were discussing domestic brand arseholes who beat on their women.
manicmonday said:
Honestly, I think there's more to the story then this one instance for him to have gotten jail time. It takes ALOT more than just one instance to get a guy in jail.

I know that in my area of Nebraska, the Judges pretty much hand out Protection Orders like candy. It is then up to the restricted party to ask for a hearing to explain to the Judge why the order shouldn't be in place. While a Domestic Abuse Protection Order (DAPO) is in place Law Enforcement has no choice whether to arrest on a violation regardless of the situation the offender goes to jail and doesn't pass go.

I also know of many women who use these orders to **** over guys. I have seen several cases where the women gets a DAPO then gets back together with the guy and as soon as she gets pissed at him for whatever reason she has him put in jail for violating the order.

I know one guy who went to jail 3 times in two weeks like this.

The DAPO is a usefull tool to help with alot of Domestic Violence (DV) situations but just like welfare, the few who are abusing them will make it hard for the people who really need them.